Fri 3 Jan, 2003 03:57 pm
I got a silly 2003 horoscope in the email recently. One of the major things it said was that I would have to deal with my pride issues in the coming year. In talking about this with a friend, I admitted to pride issues and he said that was no surprise. So, I guess my pride is an issue. I always thought pride was a good thing.
So, where's the line? When is pride a hinderance instead of a boon?
Hmm. When you can't admit that you're wrong?
When you cease to be fully aware of people around you?
hmmmm, as in ego-centric?
Sure. Are pride and self-absorption different things, or different points on a continuum?
maybe two branches of the same tree? Or kids of he same couple?
Got me. I've never been very adept at parsing these things. Rationality comes a lot more easily.
It's one thing to have pride - pride in yourself - and to know it and bask in it.
It is quite another to display it for others to see, preening and reminding them of these things you are proud of. There is only so much that others are interested in hearing. Go over that line of interest and they may get fed up with you.
Of course parents can never hear enough good stuff about their kids - so rap to the Mom and Dad when you want to bask in the glory.
I am always delighted when someone else notices an achievement of mine and makes any sort of a deal about it and I have, at times, told friends or family about something 'smart' I did in order to feel their 'good for you' or 'well done' vibes, but I usually attach some self-effacing joke to it because I guess that's the personality I have. I wonder sometimes what my friends see in me (I can be a strange one) and wonder if I'm guilty of blowing my own horn a bit. I'd ask them but they are scared shitless of me and so will probably not be completely honest.
Hmmm.. Well... I don't much buy into horoscopes but.. I guess when pride inhibits you in any way it could be a bad thing. Maybe there are other things to. Depends how you look at it I guess. If pride is preventing someone from accepting the reality of a given situation that could be bad.
Heeven - scared of you!?!? Some friends.
good ones fishin - it's not so much about the horoscope as it is about pride - the scope just got me thinking.
i knew this lion once that had a huge pride, he seemed pretty happy.
I have a forceful personality - I tend to say exactly what I mean - and I wonder if any of my friends are perhaps a little intimidated to be completely honest with me, even if it were to tell me to shut up about a subject, or if I was acting big-headed.
You know how most people want to be liked and hate the thought of anyone not liking them - why oh why? Well I sometimes think to myself that I'm not sure I would be friends with me (I could kick my own ass sometimes) and wonder why my friends never point out failings that I have.
Coz I KNOW I'm not perfect (close ... but not quite)! LOL
Pride can get in the way of asking for help, too. (God, do I know about this one.)
Heeven, that's interesting. I guess they wouldn't be your friends if you intimidated them that badly.
I'm a very proud person I try to fight in in two specific areas:
Pride can be abrasive and your social life will suffer. Nobody like arrogance. I try my best to keep my arrogance under check.
Pride can skew logic. Overconfidence can make for bad predictions, choices etc.
If my pride hurts me in those two areas I try to fight it.
The asking for help thing is huge for me. Hate it hate it hate it. Will PROVIDE help happily, but ask for it... <shiver>
That's gotten me into a scrape or two or 18,324...
Here's a funny quote re pride:
"I've only been wrong once. I'd thought I was wrong but I wasn't."
Seems "pride" has a fuzzy sort of definition, and is interpreted differently by different people and in different circumstances. The pride of "Pride goeth before a fall" is not the same pride as "Take pride in your work."
Wonder what the OED has to say...
Hmmm. The spleen of a deer does not strike me as very relevant to this conversation.