Wilso wrote:Maybe you'd prefer them not to be able to be afford to eat? Why would a lowly janitor need a luxuries like food and shelter?
This is ridiculous.
There is a sliding scale of pay for jobs based on skill, education, and raises for time on the job. People begin in lower paying jobs, and move up based on their drive, seniority and skills acquired.
Unions pervert these scales by forcing mgmt to pay people much more than their skills, education... are worth. These incredibly inflated gouges HURT the industries that employ people in my country, and the result is the indutries pack up and move and EVERYONE is out of a job.
Wilso, I fought against a union that was trying to get a foothold in the company I worked for--and at the time, I held one of the lowest paying positions. I don't make my decisions on what is best for me--or someone else in the SHORT TERM-- but what is best for me, others and my nation's economy in the LONG TERM.
Fair wages for the work performed is the best way to handle it, IMO. As I said--human rights at work regarding safety issues is the perview of the OccupationalHealth and Safety Department. That is what OSHA is for. I don't know if there's an org like that in Australia. You really should take a minute and think before posting such nonsense. My career was focused on helping people, who were poor, and seeing that their rights were upheld. Its a cheap insult to insinuate I don't care about the poor, just because I think unions are bad for the overall economy.
Actually, the poor are hurt worse by manufacturing and textile industries leaving this country DUE to unions. There's not one answer to everything.
And organized crime is thickly intertwined in US unions.
Like AA, there was a need for unions back in the early days. I believe their effectiveness has ended.