Scrat wrote: The media and shrill demagogues among the left are certainly doing their best to make a tempest in this teapot. I suspect it will blow over--if not up in their faces--very soon, but a lot depends on the willingness of John Q. Public to pay attention and really understand what is going on.
how silly of me, here we are 4 years hence from $70 million tax dollars spent on stalking the mighty arkansas clenis, and only now, with it clear that the busheviks cooked the books on US intelligence reports, and lied about the facts on going to war, a war costing the US an estimated $100 BILLION that we have "media and shrill demagogues" creating a tempest in a tea pot.
bush carries his "bidnessman" attitude and culture right to the oval office. unfortunately, his style resembles most likely that of a used car salesman, or that joe isuzu character from bygone years.
BTW what is really going on is that the US economy is in the tubes, with relief nowhere insight (and greenspan channeling the ghost of hoover with his "prosperity is just around the corner" crap) and half a trillion dollar yearly deficits expected for the next decade. what the bush economic policies (or lack thereof) has done to the long term health of this nation IS treasonous. bush is a bus driver, besotten and drunk at the wheel and about to crash the bus with us in it.