sweetcomplication wrote:yes, but McG, but he was only selected by one vote: Clarence Thomas'
lol Are you sure it wasn't O'Connor's? Or Reinquist's? Or Scalia's? Or Kennedy's?
thanks, fishin', for the question; my response was taking into consideration the tremendous power of the African-American vote; however, in reality of course, any 1 of those 5 scumbags could have put Shrub in the WHITE House
You could fill, and then some, the hole at "ground zero" with the multitudes who committed one infraction or another (of local election laws, of federal laws, and on and on) to get Bush into the White House. In fact, come to that, why don't we? We don't need some glitzy new buildings there; we need a final resting place for those who are trying to destroy democracy from inside. What better memorial.
Tartar, I believe they are having or already had requested suggestions for that area. You really must submit that quickly as it certainly would be the best suggestion they'll ever see!
It's "those poor Americans" you can leave out the "stupid" until after the 2004 election. If Bush wins.....which Heaven help us if he does, then we can add "stupid" to all those who vote for him.
You mean that they weren't stupid to elect him to begin with?
I mean that they didn't elect him to begin with. Those who voted for him, I'll give a small benefit of the doubt. And I wouldn't necessarily call it stupidity. Ignorance plays a big part. Non professionals and non addicts (ex or not) may not be as aware of the symtoms of addiction. Bush has major problems, well known to many. Known very well by those who have had personal dealings with him or his family.
I wish I could disagree with you more, but there is some truth to your statement. At least about problems...
Sometimes people say things that are so revealing that you wonder whether they're listening to themselves. Today on local radio, a substitute for Limbaugh opined (not quite verbatim), "Liberals are grim. They have no sense of the joys of life. My wife and I were visiting West Berlin back in the '80's and we decided to take a look at East Berlin. Now East Berlin... that's a LIBERAL place. Unbelievable. No joy whatsoever. When we went back into West Berlin and saw that everybody had a Mercedes and wore mink coats, we realized, WOW, THAT'S JOY! That's LIVING!"
Here is a chance to roll back the FCC's rulings!
Next week the Senate will take up S 1046 to reverse most of the corporate give-aways of June 2nd. If you're one of those who opposed (and fought agains) those rulings, here's you chance -- it'll take you about 30 seconds. Just type in your zipcode and then (click!) fax your Senators urging them to vote for S1046.
Tartar, you beat me to the punch. After reading your post re FCC, I checked my e-mail and, sure enough, there was my message from Common Cause. Just wanted to let you know that my reps just recd an earful, although I doubt our 3 democratic women need much persuading. I love California!
does anyone have a zip code I could borrow for a minute?
heh heh, Blatham, you can use mine: 93401; but, hopefully someone with more reactionary bozos in office could provide one which might make a difference rather than simply another pile-on to our moderate-to-liberal ladies in power; oops, just got an update; perhaps Colorado needs you . . .
I tried to type it without an accent.
Blatham, You are soooooo naughty! I love this about you. Have I told you lately?
blatham wrote:I tried to type it without an accent.
Oh, no, Blatham, you didn't type "about", did you?
No...but I may have blown it by writing Bush and telling him to 'get the **** oot of my continent!'