It's an absolute necessity for the Democrats to drop the silly notion of the 2002 mid-term elections; that they will be able to set aside national security in favor of preferred Democratic domestic issues if they vote with Bush on foreign policy. Once again, they failed to appreciate that the Republicans will portray their opponents in whatever way suits their game plan regardless of their actual record or personal history or even factual accuracy. There is no margin in trying to appease them because they will only move the goalposts or lie outright if that's what it takes to stay on message.
Bush has a formidable advantage going into 2004 and it's not just because of incumbency and money but because many in this country are drawn to the nostalgic spirit of God and Country that is being marketed and sold by the Republicans like it was Classic Coke. Patriotic symbols of strength and superiority make them feel secure at a time when the world seems confusing and chaotic. Questioning authority is deemed unsafe for any number of reasons, not the least of which is the resulting harsh criticism by those in power.
George W. Bush will be marketed as a visionary foreign policy genius and battle-hardened commander who is the only man in the race seasoned and experienced enough to win the war on terror. He will be wrapped tightly in the flag with brass bands and yellow ribbons and allusions to the great victories of WWII. He will speak of high hopes and serious challenges and he will wield his great personal defeat of Saddam as a weapon against any little pissant who has the balls to suggest they should replace him before he's even begun to smite evil once and for all. (Oh yes, and we need more religion and tax cuts too. Cue "I'm Proud To Be An American.")
The media, having already learned that patriotism sells, will be signing on to the campaign not so much because of explicit political bias but because the image the Republicans are selling is an image that Americans want to buy. Mostly, that comes down to Good America, Strong America.
I believe that Democrats should give no ground on this. IMHO they represent real American values and have every right to use traditional language and symbols of patriotism to express it. They are the ones who stand for the Constitution and the American system of justice, which we should all hold so dear that even in times of war we do not waver. Democrats are the ones who believe in the values of liberty, equality, and opportunity and Democrats are the ones who work to ensure that every American, not just the privileged, share in them. Democrats are the ones who have faith that America is strong enough to survive any challenge without sacrificing those values. The flag and Sousa and apple pie and love of country are not the exclusive property of the Republican Party; they belong to all Americans. Democrats should take them back.
I believe that the best person to make the argument that Democrats are Americans too is someone who defies the phony liberal stereotype manufactured by GOP Inc. I think that many Americans could have their eyes opened to the true patriotism of the Democratic Party if that case were made by someone who spent more than 35 years maintaining American security. If that someone was so excellent that he began this career by graduating first in his class at West Point and ended it as the Supreme Allied Commander of NATO, the Democrats would have the perfect symbol of patriotic leadership as well as someone who has the demonstrated ability to maneuver the political shoals of the Pentagon and Washington without the taint of partisan politics.
I want the Democrats to nominate the candidate who can beat George W. Bush. Standard stump speeches and stale rhetoric cannot compete with the spotlight conferred upon the flag-draped Commander-In-Chief who will be marketed as the Man Who Saved The World. That 200-million-dollar juggernaut will not be defeated with predictable Washington faces or, most sad to say, unknown iconoclasts without national security credentials.
This election is not business as usual.
I believe that Democrats can beat the Republicans at their own game if they can take back rightful ownership of patriotic symbolism and nominate someone who embodies those All-American virtues.
General Wesley Clark is as qualified to be President today as was Colin Powell in 1996 when he was seriously courted by the Republicans as the most serious threat to Clinton's re-election. He is far more qualified to be President than George W. Bush ever will be. He is a Democrat.
I sincerely hope that he throws his hat into the ring and if he does, I will support him.
To read more about General Clark, please visit the
Draft Clark website.
Sign the petition even if you are not entirely persuaded but think that he could make a contribution to the primaries. Having a General on the stump would be helpful to the Democrats and he could very well be an attractive VP candidate if someone else emerges as a clear winner.
Democrats need him in the race.