snood wrote:trespassers will wrote:Tartarin wrote:As I posted elsewhere, Bush has already accumulated $250,000,000 purse for the 2004 campaign.
First, do you have a source for this number? Too many "facts" get tossed around here that turn out to be complete garbage. Second, I take it that you think that's a bad thing. Why? And third, are you equally uncomfortable with the huge sums of money Democrats raise, or is it only bad in your view when the people support Republican candidates?
I understand wanting verification of the numbers, but where do you get all the rest of this from, about Tartarin not liking it, etc.?
A completely valid question. Let me look back at his comments in context and see whether I think I had reason to reach that conclusion or just jumped because of my own bias...
Okay, here's what Tartarin shared in another discussion...
Quote:Bush is not officially allowing discussion of the 2004 campaign, though a committee exists within the White House. They have already raised (sit down, grab a strong drink, think of Howard Dean, imagine school funding, medicare...) $250,000,000
Now, first, you'll note he does not tell us where he got the information, hence my request for same. Second, I took what he wrote as an indication that he thinks it is bad that Bush has such a strong backing for his campaign.
So I guess I brought my conception of his point of view over from the other discussion where he first shared this information, though as it stands in this discussion your question is valid. It does look like I'm inferring a lot here. I tend to think I'm not, and Tartarin's response does seem to bear my reading out.
Lastly, it seems both Tartarin and you read something contentious into my response to him. Nothing like that was intended. I asked questions I thought appropriate given the issues I felt had been raised. I wondered why it seems that he thinks it is bad if Bush has garnered a lot of support for his reelection. I wondered whether he thought large sums of money raised by any candidate were a bad thing, or just didn't like that Bush has (if this is true) such a large war chest. I considered these pertinent, valuable questions to ask, and while I didn't waste a lot of time worrying about whether they sounded friendly enough, I assume we're all big boys and girls and come here to share our opinions and answer questions when those opinions are probed.
But again, Snood, I do think your question is completely valid as asked, and I'm glad you challenged me to check my actions here. I could have worded my questions better, but very often I haven't the time to do more than read, respond, and run. I hope that everyone here tends to assume we all have an interest in discussion, not in sniping or fighting, and will respond with courtesy even if the other person hasn't earned it.