Quote:See slavery (justified by selected Bible verses).
There is no Bible verse that
justifies slavery. There are mentions of slaves in the Old Testament, because there were slaves at that time. I realize that some people may have
tried to use the Bible to justify slavery (and perhaps that is what you mean), but that is a very different thing, and they are wrong to do so.
damn i hate it when you do that C.I. it just confuses me.
dys, Don't blame the messenger.
Careful now, maybe this is the time to start a new thread on this topic.
The whole stew in that article of CI's about how Christianity and slavery both started in this nation at about the same time, how Jesus never condemned slavery, how the "founding fathers" railed about liberty while owning slaves; all that is very thought-provoking. It ain't like I've never had occasion to think about it before, being of color and all, but it's always fascinating to me the semantic acrobatics that transpire out of these facts.
Christians who don't have the intelligence to discern between some of the left over passages in the Old Testament (it has been edited many times, dropping many of the really ridiculous dogma) and what Jesus advocated abound today. What would one expect in the late 18th Century?
back to the topic, my current preferences are
1. Dean
2. Edwards
3. Kerry
Here's Howard Dean's web link. Looks like my kind of president.
Mapleleaf, Early polls taken now have very little or no meaning, because things will change during the next year. IMHO, I think polls taken this early is a waste of time. However, I did note that the only candidate that shows an increase is Howard Dean, while all the others show a decrease. I hope that's the only meaningful aspect of this poll.

Gephardt is showing surprising strength, and Kerry's poor third to Lieberman is unexpected. Still, it is early in the pre-race, fer chrissakes. Clearly, Kerry, Ghephardt, and Lieberman are the current leading contenders, however they rank among one another. I see no chance for any of the others, with the possible, but not likely, exception of Dean. Dean's tie ranking with Sharpton, beneath Mosely-Braun, is not encouraging for his prospects.
on the News Hour tonite they posted a poll from today showing Dean has risen to the number 2 spot
Not surprised at all, Dys, are you?
nope, pushing for the number 1
Thank you for making my point.