Is this remedy applied when case loads become excessive?
Why>? You considering the cure? <g>
Ya ever wanna get a lot of excitement goin', aim one of those higher-powered laser pointers from an upper-storey window through the windshield of a cop car driving along below you some night.
Again. Lola and Blatham display their ignorance.
They blithely speak of "The Moral Majority"
Both of them appear to be unaware that the "Moral Majority" was an PAC founded by Jerry Falwell. They do not appear to know that it was DISSOLVED in 1989.
Lola and Blatham are very good at throwing around "facts" which are really "fictions". They really don't seem to read very much.
"Moral Majority" as everyone knows has become a generic term bandied about by all people on both sides of the political and religious spectrum........... except the anal retentive of course. :wink:
It is clear to me that some of Italgato's posts confuse argument with argumentiveness, opinion for perjoration, and logical decuction for unfounded speculation.
By the evidence it would appear to me Italgato intends to convey other than the informed, rational, civil discourse he repeatedly purports to favor. If one is to take his assertions of his own wisdom, learning, and forensic skill at face value, one is forced to the conclusion he does so out of malice, not ignorance, and therefore merits the designation "Troll".
He appears to be a master of the practice known as "Baiting". I think perhaps Italgato needs more fiber in his diet.
We had the police knock on our door one fine spring evening. My ex, an American girl as it happens was in town visiting and had brought our daughter a lazer-pointer. For fun and games, they'd been lazering pedestrians, cars, and neighboring high rises. An evening of light and giggles was the way she billed it to the officers, eyelashes aflutter.
But you know, I think there's something in here of great potential value. In the same communal-defense spirit of the Brits under Churchill, I think the President ought to supply every American with these as part of the promising star wars umbrella thingey.
Well, pointing with lasers at persons, can be punished as criminal assault here in Germany :wink:
You Germans are sooooo kooky
Actually, Blatham, that was quite serious, since a couple of persons had to stay in hospital.
I know. I just hadn't had an opportunity to slander a European country yet today.
When did I use the term "The Moral Majority?"
Two days without a single post here? Everyone get weary?
Arnold and Rush are clogging up the headlines. I don't think much of anything has happened in the Dem contender's strata...
...and blatham farted.
Did you hear it or smell it? LOL
Not much buzz about the crumbling of the Graham Cracker ... I imagine that in itself says something about The Democratic Party. Something like "Who cares?"
timberlandko wrote:Not much buzz about the crumbling of the Graham Cracker ... I imagine that in itself says something about The Democratic Party. Something like "Who cares?"
I imagine only Republicans hear it saying that.
Congratulations on your dartboard victory, but it might not have been close if you hadn't had so much to drink... :wink:
Bush should hope that Senator Graham stays in the race a while longer, because should he return to the Capitol and start focusing on things like the 28 redacted pages in the 9/11 report, it could get a bit more uncomfortable.
Meanwhile, Wesley Clark
makes a point:
Quote:"Nothing could be a more serious violation of public trust than to consciously make a case for war based on false claims," he said in remarks prepared for delivery to a group of military reporters and editors. "We need to know if we were intentionally deceived."
"This administration is trying to do something that ought to be politically impossible to do in a democracy, and that is to govern against the will of the majority," he said. "That requires twisted facts, silence, secrecy, and very poor lighting. That's why you need night-vision goggles to see what's going on over there."
Thanks all for the congrats on our victory. Hey, PDiddie, it wouldn't have been nearly as much fun if we didn't avail ourselves of the ammeneties of the tavern ... that's the point ... the competition lends dignity and purpose to what otherwise would be a mere boozefest
how do you feel this morning Timber? Oh, I know, you're drinking your Alka Seltzer. You told me on another thread. See, the wages of sin................