Lola wrote:I'll repeat myself. I didn't bring up the Texas redistricting problem for the purpose of arguing who did what to whom as much as who is using it now, as other states other thises and thats are being used by a minority of highly organized fanatically religious people to gain control of the federal government.
There's a slight problem with that kind of argument. I'm not saying you are necessarily wrong on the "masterplan" thing, though I tend to vaguely suspect a WH/administration hand in it, rather than specifically the Christian Coalition's - and probably more focused on some short-term gains than on a fully blown take-over of government. You
could be right, broadly speaking.
But as it stands, the argument that there is a devious "big plan" going on, around the country, to "take over power", rests on the hypothesis that a number of recent happenstances are indeed all manifestations of said big plan. That they cannot be just something else. Gore Vs Bush, Texas Redistricting, Recall Election, Colorado - must be a masterplan. But if it turns out that in Texas, for example, there were also strong local (and not necessarily unjustified) incentives for the redistricting, doesnt that mean it
could just be something else, after all? And if the same can be said for a number of other counts on the list, what does that do for the argument that what we are
really seeing here, is a central takeover masterplan?
I mean, a hypothesis rests on pieces of evidence. Its never irrelevant to scrutinize each of those pieces of evidence, for if they fall through, you can keep saying, "well, I'm not interested in those details, I'm just interested in the bigger picture" - but the bigger picture is
compiled of such details - change 'em, and the bigger picture changes too.
Like ... if I'm saying, "My husband is cheating on me! He must be! because A) I saw him walking hand in hand with a woman, B) there was lipstick on his collar and, C) Someone called and immediately hung up the phone" ... but then it is explained that, the woman was his blind cousin, the lipstick was from his crossdressing stint at the local cabaret, and the local priest was just arrested for making harassing anonymous phonecalls, then ... well, he
could still be cheating on me, of course ... but my case that that's the case just has fallen through.