Yeah, The irony of all that happened in Florida is that if Gore had asked for the full state recount, he would have won. Bush asked for the full state recount. If that happened, he would have lost
mm, he didn't get what he asked for - it was stopped by SCOTUS and Republican hooligans (which BTW, included judges and imported misfits)
Once and for all,STOP WHINING ABOUT IT. If you dont want to take my word for it (after all,I am a conservative) may I suggest you go here... see the timeline for yourself.See who actually filed what,see who actually whined first.Stop crying about it and accept it.
No whining wimp - facts!!!!!!!!!
Go to the site I linked to and see for yourself,dont take my word for it. I provided you with the timeline as to exactly what happened when,if you refuse to see it I cant help that.
It was stopped by SCOTUS and Republican hooligans - fact, never to go away. Period, if you don't know that, I can not remove your blinders ------ sorry, live in your Limbaugh world.......
BTW, my last post on this subject today, can't help you see the way of your faults anymore, sorry..........
Water under the bridge...still....although Isabel showed us what water damage can do. Wind (trees down) can do just as impressive a damage, and that is what I liken to all of the out of the box efforts of late.
Beware wind.
This may be a stupid question,but whats a Limbaugh?
nimh, you're forgetting the punch card ballots which excluded large numbers of votes and minorities who were turned away from the polls in Florida, and other significant irregularities. But for the sake of argument, let's leave out the election. There's enough to look at the story behind the Clinton impeachment and before to make my case. We'll see if Bush can be "re-elected" again without dirty tricks.
And Fishin, if you'll be more specific, I'd like to know of which Democratic dirty tricks that you can identify. The courts? Can you tell me more? Redistricting in Texas?
PDiddle, what do you know about Fishin's claim here re redistricting? I thought the current districts were drawn based on the census. Is that not the case?
I'll agree that good politics are played on the boundary of what is fair and what is cheating. As in an aggressive game of racquetball, a player must give her opponent a direct shot to the front wall. But if the player stands very close to the direct path to the front wall, it intimidates her opponent and the returned shot may not be delivered with enough precision to prevent the player from ending the rally with a winning shot. It's a matter of inches between good, fair play and cheating. But the actions of the extreme right wing of the Republican party have been so far over the line in the last 10 years or so, that they cannot be thought of as simply good politics. They cheat and call it "fighting a righteous war." I think as we move into this election year, we should keep the names of those cheaters clearly in our minds. It would be foolish to assume that these same little elves are not still busily at work.
If Lola reads difficult articles on psychology and psychoanalysis( am I am sure that she does with good understanding) then she will have no trouble reading the Article in the New York Times on November 12, 2001.
"A comprehensive review of the uncounted Florida ballots from last year's presidential election reveals that George W. Bush would have won even if the United States Supreme Court had allowed the statewide manuel recount of the votes that the Florida Supreme Court had ordered to go forward."
also for CI
"An approach Mr. Gore and his lawyers REJECTED AS IMPRACTICAL--a statewide recount--could have produced enough votes to tilt the election his way"
Note- CI, the NY Times says that Gore and his lawyers rejected the statewide recount as impractical. If you need some more information as to why they thought it was impractical I can give it to you, but for now, think "safe harbor"
For access to the New York Times article- try
Oh, hell- try and put in
NY Times- November 12, 2001- Study of Disputed Florida Ballots
Italgato, I know about the Gore lawyer's reject of the whole state recount. That's what made it an irony.
Look at this:
Quote:"We are talking about Christianizing America.
We are talking about simply spreading the gospel in a political context."
Republican Strategist Paul Weyrich, 1980
"The Christian Coalition is certain to make 1992 much more interesting and disturbing than the conventional wisdom is ready to believe. Believe." So investigative journalist Frederick Clarkson warned us after attending one of the first Christian Coalition "Road to Victory" gatherings in 1991.
Clarkson was talking about the 1992 elections. Just two years later, the Christian Coalition gave the Republican Party majorities in both Houses of Congress for the first time in forty years. Four years after that, a sitting President was impeached for a sexual indiscretion. Is the conventional wisdom ready to believe that the Religious Right could gain control over all three branches of the federal government? Is it conceivable that the United States could become a fundamentalist Christian theocracy? The facts speak for themselves.
"The apathy of other Americans can become a blessing and advantage to Christians," wrote Mark Belisle and Stephen McDowell in 1989, in America's Providential History a popular textbook for Christian schools and the Christian homeschool movement. "If just 10% of all Christians in America today woke up and realized how easy it is, got involved consistently for the long haul, it would not take long to reform America completely."
For the authors, the term "Christian" refers to a very narrow group of people. The word "reform" is key. It means reforming the United Sates so that it becomes a "Christian" nation, or theocracy. The Texas Republican Party Platform, 2002, supports the same goal: "The Republican Party of Texas affirms that the United States is a Christian nation."
"How long?" continue Belisle and McDowell. "Believe it or not, it could be done within ten years
every godly representative in the state legislatures and the Congress could ... work with a godly president. New judicial appointments would begin radically changing ... the
courts ... One thing of great importance is for you to fulfill your Biblical duty to choose a godly representative by getting involved in local party politics for the rest of your life."
And here's a little more:
Quote:If the Religious Right has declared war, they also see themselves as victims of war. Church and State reported, April, 2003, "House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas) is helping a controversial Religious Right group raise money to defeat a so-called 'war on Christianity' in America and preserve the nation's alleged "Christian heritage."
DeLay has endorsed a campaign by the Rev. Lou Sheldon's Traditional Values Coalition (TVC), which claims in a recent fund-raising letter that it will raise $12.6 million to "stop the all-out assault on Christians being waged by our government, by America's educational institutions, by the media and throughout popular culture."
Authors Mark Beliles and Stephen McDowell have written an influential textbook for Christian schools titled America's Providential History. "The Puritans are prime representatives of this "spirit of dominion," they explain, holding out the Puritans as examples of good government. "They recognized the scriptural mandates requiring Godly rule, and zealously set out to establish that in all aspects of society." Dominion is described by former president of the Family Research Council, Kenneth L. Conner, as a society that "reflects, in the final analysis, the sovereignty of the Lord over all aspects of our daily life."
The term dominion means control over, in this case control over all the democratic institutions in this country. The Republican Party has been the key vehicle in the drive for control. Now that the Religious Right dominates both houses of Congress and the presidency, they are highly focused on the one remaining branch of government: the courts."Judges are the basis of the land's righteousness," said David Barton, a "Christian nation" activist and vice chair of the Texas state GOP. Barton is dedicated to ending the separation of church and state and was speaking about the 2002 elections. "We have a Senate election here in Texas. The only issue that should matter is judges."
David Barton was speaking at Worldview Weekend in April 2002, an event designed to teach fundamentalists how to gain political influence and bring government under religious control. Another speaker at that event was the House Majority Leader, Tom DeLay, but it was Barton's speech that captured the spirit of the 2002 elections: "The only issue that should matter is judges." The following link is an article by Rob Boston of American's United for Separation of Church and State in response to David Barton. Click Here
In his speech Barton was urging the audience to vote for any Republican senator, even moderates. Since Republican leadership is firmly in the hands of the Religious Right, the strategy was to ensure a Republican majority in both houses.
DeLay is dangerous. The far right in Colorado is in the midst of trying to force an affirmative action bill for conservative faculty members in arts sciences programs in our colleges. They want to return to the common narrative embraced in the comments about the pilgrims in your post. Truly sad.
Dyslexia has been posting some very disturbing tidbits from CO politics over the last few months.
it's being pushed through by Littleton (go figure!) senator John Andrews. I had a thread here, before it was hijacked.
Thread on the Colorado plan
I've visited that thread. Why the go figure for littleton? Because of littleton, MA's historic ties to the fight for freedom? Or is that where the shooting was?
Littleton is the bastion of upper middle class white protestant kick all the "beaners," and "blacks" out praise Jaya-zuz Harry potter is evil mentality in the Denver metro area.
littlek, yes Littleton is the home of Columbine. also the final resting place of Alfred Packer, the canibal sentenced for eating every Democrat in Hinsdale County Colorado.