Why, it would appear that the next president is going to have to deal with a REPUBLICAN CONTROLLED HOUSE AND A REPUBLICAN CONTROLLED SENATE.
Says who?
Says the very left wing "consortium news.com
"While the Democrats may still have a real shot at beating Bush, their prospects appear
much dimmer
in Congress with both the House and Senate
likely out of the Democrats's reach."
"The Democrats must defend more seats than the Republicans in the Senate with 19 Democratic Seats up against 15 for the Republicans. On top of that, 10 of these seats are in states-Nevada-North Dakota-Arkansas-Louisiana-Georgia-Florida-South Carolina- North Carolina and Indiana- Bush won in the 2000 campaign.
In Georgia(Miller) and possibly Florida. North Carolina( Edwards) and South Carolina( Hollings), Democratic encumbents may not run for another term leaving open seats in hard-to-win states for Democrats.
By contrast, there are only two vulnerable Republican seats. Illinois and Alaska.
Other than these two seats, the pickings appear slim for Democratic challengers. Barring any surprises bewteen now and election day, the only seats that are even worth mentioning are Kit Bond's seat in Missouri( though the Democrats are having a terrible time finding a candidate, Jim Bunning's seat in Kentucky( where Democratic Gov. Paul Patton's sex scandal appears to have spared Bunning a serious reelection fight) and Arlen Spector's seat in Pennsylvania( only worth mentioning because of a primary challenge from conservative Rep. Pat Toomey.
As for the House, it is too early to say where the national electorate will be, but REDISTRICTING HAS MADE ALL BUT A HANDFUL OF SEATS SAFE FOR ONE PARTY OR THE OTHER, leaving only betwen 25 or 30 seats up for grabs depending on what the national campaign looks like. THE DEMOCRATS MAY HAVE A CHANCE OF GAINING SEATS. THOUGHT LIKELY NOT ENOUGH TO TAKE BACK THE HOUSE>'
end of quote.
Now,punditgs like Krugman, Safire and the like may spin their philosophical columns but the hard headed in the field- the bean counters- know what the demographics are.