Looking for basic info about Sharpton's candidacy, and this gem popped up. Its pretty rough, but is some of what is out there.
Interested in comments.
Sharpton could decide the 2004 presidential election, not for himself, but for President George W. Bush. He's made two unsuccessful runs for political office -- for mayor of New York City and for the Senate seat now occupied by Hillary Rodham Clinton. But winning the White House -- which might have to undergo a name change if not a paint job should Sharpton win -- isn't what his candidacy would be about. Like Jackson, Sharpton wants to pull the Democratic Party back to its leftist roots. He would use black votes he wins as bargaining chips for his issues and for himself. Republicans would run campaign commercials quoting Sharpton and demand that Democrats disassociate themselves from Sharpton and his remarks. Either way, Democrats would be politically damned.
Sharpton could be the next Willie Horton, symbolizing what many people dislike most about liberals. From the phony Taw-ana Brawley rape case in the 1980s to his constant race-baiting, Sharpton will make an inviting political target.
Democrats will have the same trouble with Sharpton they had with Jackson. Both men are proven vote-getters. They also have proven they can drive away swing voters, which both parties need. In last year's campaign, vice presidential candidate Joe Lieberman had to tiptoe around Louis Farrakhan, giving the Nation of Islam leader credibility instead of denouncing him as an anti-Semite and black supremacist. Democratic candidates also trekked up to Harlem to meet with Sharpton.
Sharpton would not just bring baggage to a presidential campaign, he would bring an entire baggage car. He once called a white businessman an "interloper" for opening a clothing store in Harlem. One of Sharpton's supporters said of the owner, "We're going to see that this cracker suffers." Days later, when the man's store was set on fire, killing seven employees and a black man police said had set the blaze, Sharpton denied any responsibility for the act.
The rest of the article.
Be prepared for some slur-ish comments. And, no, I didn't like them, either.