timberlandko wrote: In this regard, I've not been proven wrong; I just haven't yet been proven right.
This is a truly pathetic parsing of words, timber (just like you're doing with 'just around the corner').
Bush and Co. feel exactly the same way, though, don't they?
(BTW, while researching the above I also found nimh's post which contained another
fifteen examples of your 'smoking gun' theories of WMD about to be discovered. It's
here,if anyone besides you needs convincing of your relentless Chicken Little impersonation. Gee, though; no "just around the corner" phrase, though, just like you said. Technically you were right, right?

What your contention really highlights is the line of demarcation as it relates to this 'just war/unprovoked invasion'. It is precisely where conservatives and progressives part company. This is where (from my POV, of course) the parallel universe conservatives inhabit intersects the real world, but carries with it the Alice-in-Wonderland-like qualities of black being white, up being down and so forth.
How, for example, do you rationalize the Bushies' contention, pre-war, that we were in
imminent danger of attack? You
don't think it was lie or even an exaggeration (you and I have previously tillled that ground) and you obviously don't feel bad about the fact that hundreds of American soldiers and thousands of Iraqi civilians died because of 'it'.
This is exactly what
millions of people across the world protested against, before the bombing and shooting started. They were all wrong too, right?
It does not seem to rationally follow--with the Bush cabal and their loyal supporters--that no matter what we are able to
ever find in Iraq, we were not in any
imminent danger of being attacked with it. The whole house of cards of justification for invasion falls apart as a result, but conservatives just don't go there. They just fall back to 'mass graves', or something else that sounds good.
Bush said we could not give the inspectors more time; that we had to go in
right now.
That's the 'lie' part of it, in case you're still not clear. Oh, excuse me; 'PR blunder'.
A 'PR blunder'?
With thousands dead as a result?
No, sir. Something much, much graver, I'm afraid.
And BTW, IMO you won't
ever be right about the WMD.
Sorry about that, too.