Thu 27 May, 2004 02:24 am
So it is now 3:19 a.m. CDT, in Dallas, TX. I woke up at about 12:30 a.m. CDT and could not get back to sleep so I thought I would A2k a bit.
The problem is now what to do. I was wide awake and now I feel bit tired and maybe I could sleep but if I go back to bed will I still be able to get up at 6:00 a.m., no!
I have a busy day tomorrow had have to be awake and alert. Should I try for the nap or put on the coffee?
Does this ever happen to you and if it does how do you handles it?
I used to worry about my daytime alertness until I discovered cafe latte. Get one from the canteen as soon as I get to work and ZING.
Ah ha, the caffine fix. Well I laid down for about an hour, no sleep but some rest and now I will have to run through the day on will power and perhaps take time out for a latte.
I toss and turn until the dawn.
I refuse to go to bed until I'm sure I can sleep. I think my body was designed to run on a 30 hour day. 24 just don't get it done. If the sun comes up before I go down, I just stay up and start the mismatched schedule over. I do that about every fourth day or so. Cappuccino will clear any cobwebs, and I've been doing it so regularly for so long now that once I'm out I forget that I didn't sleep. My mom suffered insomnia and it really bothered her. I don't bother being bothered... I just use the time.
I count, very slowly, in French. Why? 'Cause I know French, but not very well. By reciting each number s-l-o-w-l-y I bore myself to sleep!
I generally come here.

Eventually I get tired and go to sleep, I think because I'm doing something that clears my mind of the day to day anxieties. It's pretty much anxiety that wakes me up in the middle of the night, so I say "Hey, there is nothing you can do about it right now, so just do something to take your mind off of it." A2K is fun in the wee hours.
I'm in a sleep-a-lot cycle right now -- I seem to switch every couple of years from having no trouble sleeping to not sleeping much at all. In the bits when I'm not sleeping much, I tend to do what OC-bill does -- stay up until I'm dead tired, then I crash. I can't do all-nighters like I used to, though. When I was 20, I stayed up once for 72 hours, then slept for about 18. Couldn't do it now.
Big orgasm. Does the trick everytime. Stop to think about it, that's pretty much a cure all.
To get to sleep, if you're having problems, try either a glass of Ovaltine or a glass of ice cold beer.
Miller wrote:To get to sleep, if you're having problems, try either a glass of Ovaltine or a glass of ice cold beer.
Wish I could do that again, regarding the beer. It works, but I'm not certain it's the best solution for insomnia.
I hardly ever can sleep; but, if I am half-awake and half-asleep, I use something called a 'pre-dream' to fall back into the REM cycle. Basically, I give my head an idea of something to dream about, and then shut off... I don't know how it works, but it usually does.. unless there's noise; I can't sleep through noise..
A pre dream now what would that be drugs or imiganation?
dròm_et_rêve wrote:I hardly ever can sleep; but, if I am half-awake and half-asleep, I use something called a 'pre-dream' to fall back into the REM cycle. Basically, I give my head an idea of something to dream about, and then shut off... I don't know how it works, but it usually does.. unless there's noise; I can't sleep through noise..
I also use the "pre-dream' method, it usually works everytime!! Most people I talk to about it have no idea what or how I mean. Glad to see i'm not the only one out there!!
If I'm lying awake, I tell myself that if I'm not asleep in 5 minutes, I'm going to get up and ________ . I fill in the blank with a chore that I truly don't want to do. Scrub the bathtub or mop the floors or clean out the closet. Works every time! I almost never stay awake more than five minutes after contemplating a hated chore.
But I can usually read myself to sleep with no problems.
what i usually do is drink a glass of wine... then read. if that doesn't work and my head is still thinking too much I count one and visualise the number's shape as I count. or this grat visualization I know where you think of laying on a hammock??--sp--- in the sun and you tense up the muscles in your feet and work your way up until you are totally relaxed... I have a bit of insomnia that is why I have so many ways of getting to sleep. if all else fails tylenol pm works wonders.
I always have a book nearby and it always works. But, the catch is, I have to have a little light on, otherwise, shutting the light off could wake me up again. The books work as a kind of pre-dream thing, I think...
When I used to run labs, or have big architectural projects going on deadlines, the anxiety could be tremendous and I often had that lack of sleep feeling the next day when I least needed it, aack. The much lower level of anxiety in my life now really helps a lot.
Watch any woman's sport. Knocks you right out.
I hate it when you have all of that stuff running over and over in your head... that makes me crazy... you know like worry about stuff that you shouldn't worry about. I have been getting better at not thinking about problems before bed... watching infomertials works for getting to sleep too.
I have changed position. Like lie with my head at the foot of the bed. Sometimes having a different perspective helps. Also, I put on TV. Nothing puts me to sleep like TV.