Wed 26 May, 2004 02:20 pm
Quote:Al-Qaida is determined to launch a U.S. attack in the next few months that could be linked to a major event such as the upcoming international economic summit or the summer political conventions, Attorney General John Ashcroft said Wednesday, citing "credible intelligence from multiple sources."
Ashcroft noted that following the March 11 train bombings in Madrid an al-Qaida spokesman said the terrorist organization's plans for an attack on America were 90 percent complete. That, coupled with a steady stream of intelligence about al-Qaida gathered before and after the Spain bombings, "suggest that it's almost ready to attack the United States," he said at a Justice Department news conference with FBI Director Robert Mueller.
I think that it is now up to all of us to be very vigilant. The authorities cannot be everywhere. It is up to each of us to do our part.
Memorize the faces on the poster that comes with the article. If you see anything that looks suspicious, report it.
Here's the gruesom seven. Make copies, send to all your family and friends. We must all participate to protect ourselves.
That's odd...
Four of them don't fit my stereotype of what a "Muslim man in his 20s" looks like.
Are we going to have to add people who look Hispanic and African-Americans to our list of people for fear and hate.
(P.S. I feel a strange urge to vote for Bush...)
Here's a couple more. The real Mr Bigs behind A-Q, they helped fund and train them into the fighting force they are today:
Ron Al'Raighan and:
Mr 'X'
Is anyone else looking forward to the timely re-release of "The Manchurian Candidate"?
I guess that means that if we're attacked again, we—as citizens—are not diligent enough. Our troops should be in this country defending it rather than dissipating their energy in iraq. In my opinion, a another major attack on the U.S. means a total failure of the Bush administration; this time he has no excuse. These warnings, which are nothing but a means for the administration to duck responsibility and cover their sorry asses, do nothing but scare us
I heard one pundit say that should the U.S. suffer one large attack, that would help Bush in the election, but a number of small attacks would indicate that the administration is out of control. If we are attacked again, look for Bush to try use it to retroactively justify his aggressive war against Iraq.
Certain revelations indicate that Chalabi was working on behalf of Iran to get the U.S. go to war against Iraq, destroy an old enemy, and keep the U.S. busy and out of Iran's hair . Maybe Iran was really in control of our foreign policy and, in reality, had Bush dancing on strings.
I am waiting for them to release follow-up information about the individuals pictured. All too often they get you scared of certain individuals and then slip in an, oh, they weren't guilty of anything afterall.
coluber, More Americans will begin to realize what you already understand; hopefully sooner than later. Interesting poll in California on Bush; 61 against and 39 for.
Further proof nothing will ever make the left happy.
The left complained that the 19 hijackers were known, but nothing was done to identify them to the public. Now you guys are complaing because they are releasing pictures of suspected terrorists.
The left complained nothing was done to prevent 9-11 from happening. Now you complain about the Patriot act.
The list goes on and on and on... It's really tiring.
If nothing can be done to make you satisfied, why not complete your nihilistic lives and end it?
McGentrix wrote:If nothing can be done to make you satisfied, why not complete your nihilistic lives and end it?
You mean, we all should start a suicide happening and you are the director?
Very interesting, btw, in the original AP quotation:
Quote:citing "credible intelligence from multiple sources."
Hear, hear!
Interesting from today's news as well that
Quote:American President George Walker Bush's so-called war against international terrorism has undermined global justice system and made the world a more dangerous place to live in, Amnesty International has warned in its annual report released here on Wednesday.
What proof is there that "the world (is) a more dangerous place to live in"?
They were almost ready on 9-10 as well. That doesn't mean that the world is less safe now.
IMO, the world is LOTS less safe. In the last decade, the al Queda has gotten stronger, and less centralized. From what I have read, individual cells have the ability to work on their own. Over the decade, the terrorists caused some havoc, but it was small potatoes compared to the impact of 9/11.
9/11 gave the terrorists a big boost, when they realized that they could cause a lot of mayhem without resorting to sophisticated equipment.
Wouldn't that just be saying that we are as safe as we were at worst? I disagree though. I think we are at less risk now than we were before 9/11 as now we are on the edge. We have more security, more people are keeping an eye open and more is being done behind the scenes than before 9/11.
The white guy didn't look Hispanic to me---if you can LOOK Hispanic.
I thought your comment was really reaching, ebrown.
If we have pictures of suspected terrorists, it would be completely incompetant not to publicise them. This wasn't racial, or religion-focused. It is pictures--and the white guy looks like a white guy.
McGentrix- Yes, we are more alert to danger, so in that sense, we ARE safer. I think though, that the terrorists have become more sophisticated and emboldened. Before 9/11, I think that people never thought that anything like that could happen in America. Right after, people were very vigilant. As time passed, the threat seemed more amorphous, and people had a tendency to go into a state of denial about things that are difficult to cope with.
The only way to REMAIN safe, is to keep the pressure on the terrorists. One sign of weakness, one sign of waffling, and KABOOM!
What does "waffling" mean in this context?
soz- In this context, I am using the word "waffling" to depict the opposite of "intransigence". The terrorists need to know that we are hell bent in rooting terrorism out, and destroying it. There cannot be any retreating from that goal, or, IMO, we have lost.