2 things (there are more, but let's start with 2).
1) Use spell check. Seriously.
Usefull (for example) is spelled incorrectly. There may be other misspellings but that one leaped out immediately.
2) Your essay is rather obviously padded. Sentences like "Therefore it is my first reason." are a clear indicator to pretty much every teacher out there that you're stuffing words into an essay, probably to make some minimal word count, without really saying anything.
I'll let others come along and mention subject/verb agreement, adding a space after a period, adding a blank row (hard carriage return) at the end of a paragraph, word choice and definition, etc. Plus you might want to look at your reasoning. I recognize that the purpose of this essay is more to see whether you understand the language versus your reasoning skills, but the reasoning being offered here is not up to collegiate level for most (if any) schools.