Thu 18 Sep, 2014 03:51 pm
Me and this girl that i met at another highschool were talking about dating for a solid 2 months before she decided she wanted to just be friends. She claims thar she knows what love is and knows what it is like to be loved. She also says i do not love her. I have tried for days to tel her that i do. And the truth is, i really do. She is the most beautiful and kind girl ive ever met, and thats not a lie. She is amazing. But she told me the other day that she really likes me, but she doesnt think i love her and when i ask her if she will just trust me, she says idk... I asked her if i could meet her somewhere afterschool and talk to her and i told her to let me show her i love her. That was 3 hours ago and she tweeted 10 minuts ago about something but still has not responded to my text. But every time she breaks up with a guy, if they give her a necklace, she throws it away but i saw a picture of her today with the necklace i gave her for her birthday around her neck. So what do you think is going on? Is there something i can do to fix this with her? Or am i screwed at this point? I dont wanma lose her because she really loved me and i loved her too. I dont want her to walk away thinking i dont love her. And yes, ive told her that. So what should i do at this point?
Why don't you cut back on the "love" talk and just start a relationship?
You are just talking right now and have not even spent time together.
Perhaps you are suffocating her or come off as too needy or too fast.
Slow down, spend time with her and see what happens.
OP, why in the **** is the same exact thing you posted already and it was recently made?
You troll.
Well we use to hang out all the time. But i will give it a go!
@One Eyed Mind,
Cause your stupid ass just talks **** to other people