Your dates are confusing. Do you mean that July 15th was the date of your last period, or August 15th? If it's August, then it's early to be getting another period. If it's July, and you ended on the 1st of August, then that's a helluva long time to be getting a period (albeit not impossible).
I am going to go with it being 6 weeks since the start of your last period, but 29 days since the end of your last period. Is that correct?
Usually, the over the counter pregnancy kits tell you to not test until you've been 2 weeks late, but check the label or ask the pharmacist. And I would not worry about talking to a pharmacist; they've heard it all before. If you're in a small town and don't want to be pregnant, and don't want anyone to know, then recognize that pharmacists aren't really held to the kind of confidentiality standard that doctors are. They really aren't supposed to be blabbing everyone's business all over town but this is not at the same level of discretion. If this is a matter that you need to be secret, then be choosy about who you talk to.
I would also say, if this is something you don't want, then I hope that you are not pregnant, and that you learn from the experience. Pregnancy scares are a good way to get people to start protecting themselves when they have sex. Not just in terms of preventing pregnancy, but also in terms of using condoms and preventing the spread of disease. Yes, that seemingly nice fellow, even he can have a venereal disease.
If you do want to be pregnant, I hope you've got support. And I mean the real kind, as in someone with a steady job who will step up and take emotional, financial, and parenting responsibility. Don't just lay this all at your parents' feet.
Finally, if it turns out that you are pregnant and don't want to be, I hope you'll consider an abortion. They are legal for a reason, and this is one of them.
/hops off soap box/
Wishing you good health, no matter what.