These 2 kids, Younglady 15, Youngman 13. Their step granddad, Bob, has paid all of their parents, Donna and Rod, bills since they were born. They run up high bills, 900!
The reason grandparents paid all of Rod's and Donna's bills is because they didn't want to take the children into their home. CPS was never an option.
Youngman is violent. He hit me in the head, tried to hurt me with a tennis ball several times, humiliated me, and tried to shove me under water while Younglady tried to call him down. But is a sweetheart otherwise
15 years later, their house is hit by a tornado. Bob buys them a nice trailer, put it on land, paid for sewer installation, etc.. Rod totals only vehicle, again.
Rod won't work so family can't stay in trailer. Instead, they live with "friends" and do not contribute other than food stamps, or very little.
Donna is completely depressed, and trying to get away from the family. She spent the whole summer with people she knew in another state, leaving her teens with their dad in a woman's and her 3 young sons house. Now home, she continues to say that she needs to get away, and insinuates that she no longer wants to live.
Younglady is depressed all of the time, and has spoken about suicide herself.
Other than the constant marijuana, drinking, pill popping, partying, and bringing strange men around their children (of which there was an attempted rape accusation by Younglady), they are affectionate to their children.
Several of their family members, including my mother and I have all contemplated calling CPS. Don't know if it's the right thing to do. Any insight would be appreciated.