OK bro the lying part. Lying through omission of facts. I got divorced about two years ago my ex-wife is extremely smart and extremely wicked. My ex girlfriend is a sweet girl she’s just young and I’m a lot older. Both are masters at lying through omission of facts.
First of all they’re gonna make you tense/nervous because they are. You’re gonna smell the BS but you’re not gonna want to believe it. That’s the “you” problem and the primary problem. But their primary problem constructing this lie is how much detail do I add and how much do I leave out ex. “My dog ate the homework” “honey we don’t have a dog”
Remember this is very important to them and they’re going to be dealing with stress so the construction of the lie is gonna be a little bit weird. Most likely they pulled the same stunt on someone before it’s just now for whatever reason they’re pulling in on you. So you’re already way behind in this game. The lie that I’m referencing was a urinary tract infection. This is where they show how smart and determined they are. (They are thinking how much superfluous additional information do I add sothe story seems plausible). This is where they screw up. And that’s where you catch them every time. Women can be very creative with adding information that you are not going to be aware of necessarily. Female health issues etc. you will hit your Google search and start seeking out this information and now you’re going to be chasing her lie and deception and now that’s gonna make you feel guilty.
Now if you really wanna get tricky just take a mental note but don’t confront him or her initially about these lies of omission. And if you really really want to get tricky you first start talking about when is her mothers birthday or you talk about something pleasant that you’ve already discussed. And listen very closely at how quickly or slowly they’re speaking at that moment. When you confront her with the lie they will automatically break into that rehearsed story and their voice will speed up and most likely they’re going to add even more detail versus the original story. This part takes skill.
If you just be cool and not confront them guilt is going to start to work on them. But it’s important to let the other person know that you know somethings not right about that story. I was outraged I threatened her with leaving and then I told her I would not leave if she only told me the truth. But now I was lying to her. She knew that I knew but she wasn’t certain what I would do if she told me the truth.
She did tell me that she cheated on me but it was with an old high school boyfriend she was very drunk and it didn’t mean anything. Now read that last sentence very carefully. Now she was not omitting information necessarily but she was adding information to somehow justify her deed. When she said “old boyfriend and I was drunk and he didn’t mean anything”. See that’s too much information. What most likely happened was she was smashed on two bottles of wine and she had sex with some random dude. That was about a week later and then I left. And by the way this technique that I found worked for me only work because they didn’t know I was aware of all the stuff and they were just normal liars.