Sat 16 Aug, 2014 04:43 am
Hi guys, Im new to this. Well this is about a girl i like obviously. It starts a night out with friends. Outside the club me and three other friends meets two other girls. My friends know them cuse they used to go in the same class in highschool. We all says hi to them and so on. I find one of the girls very attractive. In the club we hook up kinda fast but we bearly spooke to eachother. The moment after we made out she went to one of her friends she met inside. After a while I started to look for her and found her talking to one of her friends. I wanted to talk to her but her friend says "We are having a girltalk" I was like okay, then I tried agian and the same thing happened, But the friend she came with pushed me to go talk to her agian, I tried same **** happened. so i said **** it out loud, they heard chocked I guess, so I went to eat with my friend. But outside the mc donalds we see them, my "crush" and her two friends, the one who blocked me and the one who pushed me. We all started to talk , my "crush" asked me some questions and so on so I guess I didnt **** it up after all but then from nowhere she start dissing me abit when I ask her questions, I dont know why, anyways we say goodbye and part ways. the day after I added her on FB we talked abit, and then got her snapchat. I did that beacuse I know I wont se her that often out in clubs. On snapchat she has been very on and off, sometimes she responds, sometimes no. But at that moment when I think like "**** this ive lost this ****" she sends me a snap of a random thing... Im so confused and I like this girl alot but I dont know what the hell she is doing and what I can do to find out if shes into me or not.... Thx for reading this.. I really need help!
Ask her out, and you'll know for sure.
Is that the only way to find out if she likes me or not?
Well, I guess you could pull out your ouija board, or at least magic 8 ball.
I mean maybe ive got the awnser right infornt of me heh...
She sounds like someone who likes to play games that are awkward for others. I'd write her off, there will be other girls.
How do you know if you like her if you haven't really talked to her much in person?
How does she know if she likes you if you haven't talked much in person?
Ask to meet her in person - go for a walk, have a coffee or soda - talk to her.
If you like her, ask her out again.
If she says yes, it is possible she is interested in you.