The Day Ferguson Cops Were Caught in a Bloody Lie

Reply Sat 20 Dec, 2014 09:36 am
It's one thing to make a mistake while trying to argue a point but you take it to a whole new level...that of an idiot. So dont insult our intelligence with your bullshit.
You owe this group an apology.

Your elementary school child misspelling is an insult to the entire police department. You have free time to improve it, so do a favor to everybody, go back to school.
Reply Sat 20 Dec, 2014 09:51 am
If it werent for citizens who called the police with info on crime we would be MUCH less affective than we are. I have conducted numerous neighborhood watch meetings. And while I couldnt officially sanction the carrying of firearmes I personally have no problem with legally armed citizens. I would be hypocritical indeed if I thought only I had the right to protect my life when confronted by criminals hell bent on my demise.

If we had more legally armed citizens who took an active interest in their community and the scum knew it, we'd have alot more violent crime.

Remember the lesson of Morton Grove Ill. vs. Kennesaw Ga.

You know the second constitutional amendment about the right of individuals to keep and bear arms.

The reason of this constitutional amendment is not for self defense against robbery, or to kill the beasts of the forest but to prevent tyranny in the US.

In California, it was a point that was include in the ballot vote, where Californians will decide the approval or disapproval of same gender marriage.

The Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, who has the authority and influence to stop that issue in the voting ballot, he practically ignore it or gave green light to such a vote.

The majority of the people in California voted NO to same gender marriage.

In front of this vote, which was unexpected by many, the Governor of California went against the will of the people, and he declared invalid such a vote arguing that was unconstitutional.

The people of California, had all the opportunity to bear arms, go to the government building and pull out the tyrant.

Knowing that the people of California has the right to keep and bear arms and that they can use them to put the tyrant out of office by force, with the 100% back up of the US Constitution, question:

Will you stop the right of the people of California... or you will defend the tyrant instead?

bobsal u1553115
Reply Sat 20 Dec, 2014 10:03 am
Good answer.
bobsal u1553115
Reply Sat 20 Dec, 2014 10:11 am
Even cops know cops have more mental issues than the general public

2012 Police Suicides: the NSOPS Study

A Study of Police Suicide in 2008-2012
The Disabled Police Officer
The Police Memorial - Where's the Rest of It?
2012 Police Suicides: the NSOPS Study
Police Stress vs Trauma--a difference?
Does PTSD Cause Violence? from the Badge of Life
Compiling Police Suicide Data in a Complex Age
Police Suicide Stats and Chicken Little
Cumulative PTSD - a Silent Killer
A New Police Suicide Prevention Program for the 21st Century
Police Suicide, Just a Bad Choice?
Law Enforcement Alcoholics Anonymous
Aamodt & Stalnaker, Police Suicides and Cats in a Tree
Police Killings and Mental Health

NSOPS Police Suicide Study

A study of Police Suicide Statistics


Ron Clark, RN, MS, Connecticut State Police (ret.)

Andy O’Hara, California Highway Patrol (ret.)

A Badge of Life Police Mental Health Foundation article

January 4, 2013

Badge of Life has completed its annual survey of police suicides. Known as NSOPS (National Study of Police Suicides), this is our third in a series of studies that began in 2008.

Badge of Life
Badge of Life

It will take us several months to review our data and profiles of cases, but one thing is already clear: police suicides took a noticeable drop in 2012. We are the first group to track police suicides on a scientific basis and this is the first reduction we have seen since we began monitoring them in 2008. This is encouraging news that we tentatively attribute to the increased number of departments adopting peer support programs and the increased willingness of officers, many of them younger, to seek professional assistance—not only when they have a problem, but before problems develop (through things like annual "mental health checks"). Other factors may be involved, as well, and we will keep you advised through our newsletters, website and, of course, the final published study. Our studies show the following:

2008 police suicides: 141
2009 police suicides: 143
2012 police suicides: 126

Profile of suicide cases:
Average age, 2012: 42
Average yrs on job: 16

Some additional data from the study that might be of interest to you includes:

91 percent of suicides were by males.

Ages 40 – 44 were most at risk.

Time on the job: 15 – 19 years were most at risk.

63 percent of suicide victims were single.

11 percent of suicides were veterans.

This national study of police suicides (NSOPS) was a massive undertaking, requiring the review of almost 50,000 emails, the monitoring of news and websites and the voluntary contributions from many of you in the field. In spite of this encouraging news, the fact is that police suicides continue at a rate much higher than the number of police officers killed by felons. This alone reminds us of the need to redouble our efforts, not only at suicide intervention, but on the maintenance of mental health in law enforcement. We cannot lose sight of the fact that the officer whose mind is on other problems, be they at home or at work, is a danger to himself and other officers who are relying on him. Much remains to be done.

For more on this, go to http://www.badgeoflife.com/

Police Suicide Study NSOPS

Police suicide is not a popular topic in the law enforcement culture. As we learn more through research and study, however, it becomes obvious that suicide is merely “the tip of the iceberg” in comparison to the more important issue of mental health in law enforcement.

It may well prove impossible to develop a program that can identify and prevent 150 suicides in a force of almost a million police officers. It is clear, however, that when efforts are focused on mental health, instead of the narrower “suicide prevention,” there can be be benefits that include not only suicide prevention, but fewer:

officer deaths from shootings and accidents



sick leave


Substance abuse

Criminal/other behaviors

On and off-job injuries




NSOPS 2012 represents a turning point in efforts to save police lives and bring career quality and improved personal lifestyles to the men and women working America’s streets in uniform. If you have any questions regarding the study or would like additional information regarding mental health training programs for law enforcement, contact Badge of Life at [email protected]


0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Sat 20 Dec, 2014 10:12 am
Ashamed you're a cop? Good.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Sat 20 Dec, 2014 10:14 am
@Frank Apisa,
Frank, he's admitted to spending three years as an MP in Germany. He's a cop, or a wannabe cop.
Reply Sat 20 Dec, 2014 11:43 am
The reason of this constitutional amendment is not for self defense against robbery, or to kill the beasts of the forest but to prevent tyranny in the US.

Sorry not completely true as a large element of the time is the right of communities to mount self defenses against armed Indian tribes.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 20 Dec, 2014 03:05 pm
@Frank Apisa,
And if you are a cop and do not mind all sorts of people roaming around with guns...and don't mind the vigilante mindset of some...

The only ones I worry about are the ones armed ILLEGALLY

And a vigilante is someone who denies another of due process...and I never condoned that in my discourse. A vigilante is not a legally armed citizen acting within the scope of codified law, and rights guaranteed under the constituion.
Reply Sat 20 Dec, 2014 03:09 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Either I hate cops or I'm calling them all the night when things go bump.Pick one and stick with it,

Oh, no BOOB, you miss the point...you can and probably do BOTH quite well. I'm confident of that.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 20 Dec, 2014 03:22 pm
Your elementary school child misspelling is an insult to the entire police department. You have free time to improve it, so do a favor to everybody, go back to school.

I will gladly admit to some spelling errors, mostly typos, as I "hunt and peck" rather than type. But you have some ******* nerve my friend to pick nits with me when the following is rife with all mannor of gramatical errors.


You know the second constitutional amendment about the right of individuals to keep and bear arms.

The reason of this constitutional amendment is not for self defense against robbery, or to kill the beasts of the forest but to prevent tyranny in the US.

In California, it was a point that was include in the ballot vote, where Californians will decide the approval or disapproval of same gender marriage.

The Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, who has the authority and influence to stop that issue in the voting ballot, he practically ignore it or gave green light to such a vote.

The majority of the people in California voted NO to same gender marriage.

In front of this vote, which was unexpected by many, the Governor of California went against the will of the people, and he declared invalid such a vote arguing that was unconstitutional.

The people of California, had all the opportunity to bear arms, go to the government building and pull out the tyrant.

Knowing that the people of California has the right to keep and bear arms and that they can use them to put the tyrant out of office by force, with the 100% back up of the US Constitution, question:

Will you stop the right of the people of California... or you will defend the tyrant instead?

And for the record you couldnt be more wrong about the second amendment. It was not only to provide the people the ability to fight tyranny, it was also to insure that the people did not have to rely on government to provide them with protection from things such as robbery.
BTW, the Court has established that the police are not responsible to provide protection for any one individual...thats why you would have no standing in a suit against the police for failing to protect you from robbery.

Reply Sat 20 Dec, 2014 03:28 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Good answer.

Yeah...for an idiot.
Reply Sat 20 Dec, 2014 03:35 pm
Two police officers were shot Saturday in Brooklyn, officials said.
Two officers were in a vehicle when someone approached and shot them both, said City Councilman Robert Cornegy.
The two officers were in very critical condition at Woodhull Medical Center, an NYPD spokesman said. They were both on-duty when they were shot.
A suspect was also dead, possibly from a self-inflicted gunshot wound, the spokesman said.
The shooting took place Saturday afternoon in the area near Myrtle Avenue and Tompkins Avenue in Bedford-Stuyvesant.


This is exactly what we dont need right now.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 20 Dec, 2014 03:35 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Frank, he's admitted to spending three years as an MP in Germany. He's a cop, or a wannabe cop.

It gets worse, I also spent 3 years as an MP in the states...and of course we all know that if you were an MP you couldnt possibly be a civilian cop after that...just a "wanna be".

Your logic suits your idiotic nature BOOB.
Reply Sat 20 Dec, 2014 04:06 pm
'Racial' Cop Stories That Didn't Make the Cut
By Larry Elder - December 18, 2014

In 2012, according to the CDC, 140 blacks were killed by police. That same year 386 whites were killed by police. Over the 13-year period from 1999 to 2011, the CDC reports that 2,151 whites were killed by cops -- and 1,130 blacks were killed by cops.

Police shootings, nationwide, are down dramatically from what they were 20 or 30 years ago. The CDC reported that in 1968, shootings by law enforcement -- called "legal intervention" by the CDC -- was the cause of death for 8.6 out of every million blacks. For whites the rate was was .9 deaths per million.

By 2011, law enforcement shootings caused 2.74 deaths for every million blacks, and 1.28 deaths for every million whites. While the death-by-cop rate for whites has held pretty steady over these last 45 years, hovering just above or below the one-in-a-million level, the rate for blacks has fallen. In 1981, black deaths by cop stood at four in a million, but since 2000 has remained just above or below two in a million.

So what's driving this notion that there is now an "epidemic" of white cops shooting blacks when in the last several decades the numbers of blacks killed by cops are down nearly 75 percent?

Where's the evidence suggesting race had anything to do with the death of 12-year-old Tamir Rice in Cleveland, who was pointing a pellet gun at bystanders before being shot and killed by police?

What's the racial nexus to the death of Eric Gardner, the large, obese man who died after being taken down by several NYPD cops?

While the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman case became another racial thermometer of America, the jury found Zimmerman not guilty, and several jurors later said that during jury deliberations "race never came up."

The Ferguson, Missouri, shooting of Michael Brown by officer Darren Wilson is yet another case where there is absolutely no evidence that whatever happened occurred because of Michael Brown's race. Did officer Wilson display racial animus? Does anyone know if this officer Wilson had some racist background? With the desire by media for a scalp, such information would have long ago been made public by somebody.

This white-cop-out-to-get-black-civilian narrative advances the interest of many. The media loves what Tom Wolfe called the "Great White Defendant" -- a bad white guy everybody can agree to dislike. For the Democrats, it furthers their assertion that race remains a major problem in America, that Republicans/tea partiers/black conservatives are out to get them, and you must vote for us. For "activists" like the Revs. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, and local wannabes, it gives them continued relevance.

That this "epidemic" is imaginary can be demonstrated by the recent stories that never became national news.

In Mobile, Alabama, a black cop shot and killed an unarmed white teenager. As with Michael Brown, the Alabama teen was later found to have been under the influence of marijuana at the time of the shooting. The teen had also recently taken a hallucinogen, and was so stoned he thought he was on fire -- and literally took his clothes off. Nude -- and obviously unarmed -- he was still later shot by the cop. Despite public pressure, a Mobile grand jury decided not to indict the black police officer, believing he acted in self-defense. Not national news.

In Salt Lake City, Utah, just two days after Brown was shot and killed in Ferguson, a "not white" cop shot and killed an unarmed 20-year-old man whose race has been described as Hispanic. The family of the dead man believes that the cop is a murderer. Not national news.

In Pennsylvania, a state trooper named Kelly Cruz was accused in 2009 of stomping on the head of a handcuffed suspect laying on the ground, resulting in facial fractures, a broken nose and damaged teeth. The trooper, at the time, was attached to a local drug task force and was part of a raid on a suspected meth lab. One of the men inside escaped during the raid, and the victim -- who, according to another officer, was seen running from the scene and found five houses away -- was thought to be the meth lab escapee. Turns out the victim was not a meth lab escapee. The local grand jury decided not to indict the trooper. The feds, however, filed civil rights charges against the cop. He was found not guilty by the federal jury.

It is rare for a cop to shoot and kill any civilian. Excluding practice on the gun range, 95 percent of officers never discharge their firearm while in the line of duty, including those who work for big-city departments. The first time -- and only time -- officer Darren Wilson used his firearm while on duty was in the Michael Brown case. The facts do not support the narrative that there is an epidemic of white cops shooting unarmed blacks.

We are being manipulated.



0 Replies
Reply Sat 20 Dec, 2014 05:00 pm
The only ones I worry about are the ones armed ILLEGALLY

When I am carrying I find myself going way out of my way to avoid any possibility of having a conflict with someone that might escalation into violence.

Of course, I never go looking for trouble but when I am armed my trouble antenna is working overtime for like most legally armed citizen I am not looking to find myself needing to used that firearm.
bobsal u1553115
Reply Sat 20 Dec, 2014 05:26 pm
As you're an idiot and a damn good one, I'd generally defer to your expertise, but just this once you're wrong about who the idiot is.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Sat 20 Dec, 2014 05:29 pm
Finally. You're being forthcoming. Six years as a military cop. A major oxymoron - military justice. And you're a major moron. Thank goodness noone will mate with you, your kids'd be raised by a sociopath.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Sat 20 Dec, 2014 05:32 pm
Spiegel quote: It is mostly white men who shoot young African Americans in the service of the state.
I wrote the following article at Daily Kos recently. This article was so overran with xenophobic racist trolls, that it was thread-jacked and trolled right off the recommended list.

Though the Daily Kos community is a great bastion of progressive supporters, in recent times it has become substantially overrun by xenophobic racist trolls who seem to, especially after the Michael Brown incident seem to have come out of the woodwork at DKOS. Here's the intro paragraph from that DKOS article which received 128 recommends before being trolled off the recommended list. (If you also have a DKOS account, please consider recommending this diary)

Spiegel quote: It is mostly white men who shoot young African Americans in the service of the state.
(Written by a Caucasian, American expat living in Germany).

The German magazine Der Spiegel's English language edition is the equivalent of TIME magazine. As I'm a professional librarian and an American expat living in Germany, I've been asked by librarians often to review articles and I am pleased to do so. What emerges out of this Spiegel magazine series is the ugly history of Ferguson, Missouri and indeed America's past of chattel slavery and sanctioned militarized police state violence against African American males under color of law.

Link to article: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/12/13/1350195/-Spiegel-quote-It-is-mostly-white-men-who-shoot-young-African-Americans-in-the-service-of-the-state

Although it should be noted this article (above) was part 2 of a 2-part diary series, wherein part 1 is made available at the link below, whereupon it should be said that part 1 was written before the Michael Brown verdict. Therefore part 1 wasn't as heavily trolled, it received 360 reader recommends.

(Part 1) The German Spiegel publishes the truth about history of slavery & bigotry in Ferguson, MO.

Link to article: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/09/20/1331119/-The-German-Spiegel-publishes-the-truth-about-history-of-slavery-bigotry-in-Ferguson-MO

PS: Finally please note the following, after having received 360 reader recommends, this article on the day of its publication was rated as the #1 diary at Daily Kos out of all diaries published on the jotter's list DKOS rating guide. Yet the DKOS administration for whatever reason took the decision not to promote this diary on its Facebook page. Therefore this article only received in excess of 1,000 Facebook shares to date. Therefore your support is asked to please consider sharing part 1 and part 2 of this series.

Additionally I would like to note my personal disappointment in the DKOS management for not supporting my two part series on racism in America today from the perspective of an American expat reporting from Germany, in a librarian's review of mainstream European media sources as a work in professional journalism. The American progressive community is well served to consider the diversity of the international community on matters of the crisis in Ferguson. The world is speaking to America, shouldn't we extend ourselves to listen in a way that makes sense and adds value to our discourse on the issue of contemporary and historic American racism, which seems to be overwhelmingly supported by hate radio and right wing rabid trolls, who seem to haunt and stalk progressive bloggers with little or no protection from the administration of various blog sites.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Sat 20 Dec, 2014 05:34 pm
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Sat 20 Dec, 2014 05:36 pm
0 Replies

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