The Day Ferguson Cops Were Caught in a Bloody Lie

bobsal u1553115
Reply Thu 17 Sep, 2015 06:26 am
3 prison officials arrested for using prisoners to make their christian products for free
Three Nashville jail employees — two current and one former — are accused of pocketing money from the sale of inmate-made products through a personal business they marketed as a "Christian-based organization."

Robert Hill, Stephen Binkley and Roy Napper were arrested Tuesday on charges of official misconduct and inmate labor violation, according to The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation.

Former inmates Larry Stephney and Charles Brew say they spent their days at the Metro-Davidson County Detention Facility building bean-bag games, plaques shaped like footballs, birdhouses and dog beds for the trio. They say they worked for no pay in the jail's building trades department where they were supposed to be serving as tutors to other students.

Hill, Binkley and Napper are accused of selling the inmate-made products through their business, Stand Firm Designs, between December 2014 and June 2015.

The Stand Firm Designs website alludes to the company name with a Bible quote on the home page, "Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong." The company's logo is its initials inside a Christian fish symbol.

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Reply Thu 17 Sep, 2015 09:14 am
It only took 2 days for Obama to get involved. I wonder how long it took for him to comment on the death of police officers due to his support for BLM. If it's race based, Obama is all over this **** with major support. Cops die, he's silent...

Obama was not silent, that is just another typical myth started by fox news and taken up by folks such as yourself to deflect from the very real unfair treatment blacks receive from the justice system.


“On behalf of the American people, I offered Mrs. Goforth my condolences, and told her that Michelle and I would keep her and her family in our prayers. I also promised that I would continue to highlight the uncommon bravery that police officers show in our communities every single day. They put their lives on the line for our safety. Targeting police officers is completely unacceptable — an affront to civilized society….So we must offer [Mrs. Goforth] our comfort — and continue to stand up for the safety of police officers wherever they serve.”

Reply Thu 17 Sep, 2015 09:29 am
revelette2 wrote:
the very real unfair treatment blacks receive from the justice system.

As if it was unfair to prosecute people when they murder police officers.
Reply Thu 17 Sep, 2015 09:53 am
oralloy wrote:

revelette2 wrote:
the very real unfair treatment blacks receive from the justice system.

As if it was unfair to prosecute people when they murder police officers.

As if it was unfair to lynch black people if they were accused of whistling at a white woman.
Reply Thu 17 Sep, 2015 10:23 am
parados wrote:
oralloy wrote:
revelette2 wrote:
the very real unfair treatment blacks receive from the justice system.

As if it was unfair to prosecute people when they murder police officers.

As if it was unfair to lynch black people if they were accused of whistling at a white woman.

Do you know of any examples of the justice system trying to do that recently?
Reply Thu 17 Sep, 2015 10:50 am
Yeah, I am personally getting tired of hearing about black "victims", regardless of Obama's input one way or the other. We have a lot of everything in America. We have racists, rapists, thieves, murderers, and so on. It is absolutely ridiculous to try to blame an entire organization on the actions of a few individuals. Especially when that organization is the one that protects victims and is in charge of bringing justice. It isn't just a fox news thing either, as I tried to point out to you before. It is not hard to find the videos of rioting, attacking police, and all the other racist comments made by BLM activists without fox. If we are so worried about victims than why is there no outcry for any other of the thousands of people who got murdered this year? Why be worried about the small numbers of police who pulled the trigger when they had to instead of the huge numbers of homicides in general? BLM is no where to found when anyone who isn't a cop commits a cold blood kill, but as soon as an officer defends himself all hell breaks loose. It's just an ignorant, hypocritical, stupid message telling people to rise against police, which is what causes the problem in the first place.
Reply Thu 17 Sep, 2015 11:49 am
As if it was unfair to lynch black people if they were accused of whistling at a white woman.

An if memory serve me correctly that happen right after world war one,. at least in the most famous case.
Reply Fri 18 Sep, 2015 03:46 pm
This stuff has been long over, and some people like to act like we are going through the same struggle as our ancestors were. We are not. Personally I wasn't even alive for slavery or separate but equal or any of that racist stuff.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Sep, 2015 07:47 pm
Anecdotes keep rolling in...

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bobsal u1553115
Reply Sun 20 Sep, 2015 07:50 am
Boston cop arresting black woman holsters weapon after witnesses beg him ‘drop the gun’

Tom Boggioni
19 Sep 2015 at 15:44 ET


Boston cop arresting woman on bus - screenshot/YouTube
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A tense situation in Boston came to a peaceful resolution when a Boston police officer holstered his service weapon during a struggle with a black woman on a bus after he listened to bystanders pleading with him to “drop the gun.”

In a video posted on YouTube Friday night, the officer can be seen struggling with the woman near the end of the bus –reportedly over a petty theft charge — and quickly drawing his gun as bystanders scrambled to get out of the way.

With multiple witnesses filming the altercation on their cell phones, bystanders can be heard yelling “drop the gun,” “officer, please put down the gun” as the cop can be seen looking back at them and seeing he is being recorded.

After holstering his weapon, the officer continues to attempt to control the woman who flails at him while climbing up on bus seats in an attempt to get away.

Witnesses can heard pleading with her “sister, chill out” and “relax,” saying “we’re here for you.”

Another officer enters the bus and — after initially reaching for his weapon causing more calls to “put down the gun” — takes control of the woman who continues to attempt to twist away as bystanders continue to tell her to stop resisting, saying they have filmed the whole altercation.

Watch the video below, uploaded to YouTube by BoomNation Station:

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bobsal u1553115
Reply Sun 20 Sep, 2015 08:02 am
I am personally getting tired of hearing about black "victims"

Texas man busted for falsely accusing #BlackLivesMatter supporters of vandalizing his truck

Arturo Garcia
18 Sep 2015 at 20:43 ET

A Texas man who raised almost $6,000 in funds online to repair his truck was arrested on Friday after authorities determined that he vandalized the vehicle himself and tried to blame supporters of the Black Lives Matter movement for the damage, KDFW-TV reported.

Police charged 45-year-old Scott Lattin with making a false report after arresting him at his home in Whitney, Texas. While the suspect denied the accusation during a brief on-camera interview, his arrest warrant stated that he admitted to damaging the truck for “insurance reasons.”

Lattin organized the fundraiser after claiming last week that vandals spray-painted “Black Lives Matter” across his truck as well as “F*ck the police” because he had decorated the vehicle with the phrase “Police Lives Matter” in support of Harris County Deputy Darren Goforth, who was shot and killed at a gas station last month. Both authorities and conservatives have attempted to connect Goforth’s death with the movement, seemingly without any evidence.

Whitney Police Chief Chris Bentley told KDFW that when his department took Lattin’s initial statement, there was no damage to the inside of the truck. But footage aired on the station showed that the suspect then claimed that the vehicle’s seats were slashed and its glove compartment ripped open.

“We have so many groups that have participated and come to Whitney, Texas of all places to help these people,” Bentley said. “And for them to have been deceived? It’s just wrong.”

The chief said that he is working with local prosecutors to see how to return the money Lattin raised to the donors.

Watch KDFW’s report, as aired on Friday, below.

I'm tired of hearing about your victimhood, TonyRM.
bobsal u1553115
Reply Sun 20 Sep, 2015 08:15 am
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Sep, 2015 08:20 am
@bobsal u1553115,
Too bad that all such claims of misbehaviors are as untrue instead of all too true.



A rash of instances of property destruction, vandalism, and petty crimes have cascaded across the country unleashed by the “Black Lives Matter” movement as families grieve those killed by a lone gunman in a South Carolina church.

The mood was set on Sunday as “Black Lives Matter” protesters gathered to burn the US flag and hoist a black nationalist flag in Charleston, South Carolina on Saturday. A photo of the flag burning was posted to Twitter by professional race agitator DeRay McKesson.

By Tuesday statues and monuments from Maryland and the Carolina Coast down to Texas had been defaced by criminals leaving “Black Lives Matter” messages spray painted upon them.

Charleston, South Carolina itself had at least two monuments defaced. In the first case, Saturday night the Confederate Defenders of Charleston monument in White Point Garden park was defaced with a “Black Lives Matter” message.

In a second incident, on Tuesday a statue dedicated to famed legislator and seventh Vice President of the United States John C. Calhoun was defaced in Charleston’s Marion Square.

The vandalism continued elsewhere. On Monday a statue dedicated to fallen Confederate soldiers was vandalized in Baltimore, Maryland’s Bolton Hill neighborhood.

Another statue, this one in Asheville, North Carolina, was defaced on Tuesday. A monument dedicated to Civil War governor Zebulon Vance, built in 1896, was also desecrated with the “Black Lives Matter” message.

The destruction continued westward where a statue dedicated to former Confederate president Jefferson Davis was vandalized at the University of Texas at Austin.

Follow Warner Todd Huston on Twitter @warnerthuston or email the author at [email protected]

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bobsal u1553115
Reply Sun 20 Sep, 2015 08:29 am
Reply Sun 20 Sep, 2015 09:18 am
@bobsal u1553115,
Of course we will not wait to see if he is in fact guilty of the charge of rape or not as being charge is as good as being guilty.

bobsal u1553115
Reply Sun 20 Sep, 2015 10:11 am
Breitbart, TonyRM, Breitbart???????????????????????????????????


Stop it. You're killing me!!!!
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Sun 20 Sep, 2015 10:13 am
Why should we, TonyRM, the cops don't wait before shooting unarmed civilians on tape.



Former Memphis police officer found guilty of raping college student
Posted 1:26 pm, July 12, 2014, by Ashley Forest, Updated at 02:21pm, July 12, 2014


Aaron Reinsberg

MEMPHIS, Tenn. – Former Memphis Police Officer Aaron Reinsberg has been convicted of two counts of rape involving a student from Rhodes College early Saturday afternoon.

He was also charged with three counts of assault and four counts of official misconduct.

Aaron Reinsberg sentencing will begin next month.

Ex-Oregon cop found guilty of raping 5-year-old girl
By Associated Press and KOMO Staff Published: Nov 2, 2014 at 12:36 PM PDT

Ex-Oregon cop found guilty of raping 5-year-old girl
Christopher R. Warren.

VANCOUVER, Wash. - A Clark County jury has found former Beaverton, Oregon, police officer guilty of raping a 5-year-old girl with a pencil at his central Vancouver home last year.

The Columbian reports 34-year-old Christopher Warren showed no emotion Friday during the reading of the verdict on a charge of first-degree rape.

Afterward, Superior Court Judge Barbara Johnson sent him to the Clark County Jail. A corrections officer escorted Warren out of the courthouse.

The jurors reached the unanimous verdict after about 6 1/2 hours of deliberation. Testimony started early Tuesday and concluded Thursday.

Jurors declined to comment on their decision as they filed out of the courtroom.

A hearing to sentence Warren has not yet been scheduled.

Jury finds veteran Cleveland police officer guilty of 2012 rape
Rachel Dissell, The Plain Dealer By Rachel Dissell, The Plain Dealer
Email the author | Follow on Twitter
on April 02, 2014 at 5:46 PM, updated April 02, 2014 at 7:27 PM

Veteran Cleveland Police officer found guilty of rape.
Cory Shaffer, Northeast Ohio Media Group

CLEVELAND, Ohio -- A jury today found veteran Cleveland police officer Gregory Jones guilty of raping and kidnapping a woman in 2012.

Jones, 49, faced multiple charges of rape, kidnapping and gross sexual imposition involving two separate women.

After trial that lasted more than a week in Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Judge Steven Gall's courtroom, a jury deliberated for about two days before reaching a verdict.

They found Jones not guilty of a rape reported by a separate woman in 2008.

Gall ordered Jones taken into custody and set his sentencing for April 30.

"The jury saw Greg Jones for what he is – a predator who victimized a helpless, vulnerable woman," Assistant Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Jesse Canonico said after in an email after the verdict was announced. "He was a rapist masquerading as a police officer, but this jury saw through the disguise and held him accountable for what he did."

An officer of more than 20 years, Jones maintained his innocence and testified that he had had consensual sex with the women, one whom he was introduced to by a friend and another he had casual sexual relationship with.

Jones' attorneys, Steven Bradely and Mark Marein, pointedly attacked the credibility of both women. They could not be reached for comment after the verdict.

In a closing statement, attorney Steven Bradley called one of the women a "chronic 20-plus-year crack user" who admitted to being high and drunk the night she said Jones attacked her. He also said she had sometimes worked as a prostitute.

She reported to police that Jones attacked her after seeing a news report about him being accused of a 2012 rape. Bradley said there was no evidence other than her report.

"Who here would be willing to rely on her," Bradley asked jurors.

The other woman, who made the first report against Jones in July 2012 when she was 34, willingly went to Jones' home and wasn't honest with the jury about having an interest in Jones, Bradley said.

He said witnesses described the Chicago woman as a conniving and manipulative liar.

Assistant County Prosecutor Melissa Riley, however, called attention to what she called Jones' "Penthouse forum" description of the encounters.

Jones' recollection didn't make sense with the reaction or injuries of the woman he met through friends at a card game.

Riley said witnesses described how upset she was after she said Jones raped her and that medical records backed up that she had physical injuries consistent with what she told police.

Riley also said the woman's doctors described several injuries she had and a recently surgery that made Jones' descriptions of her actions that night unlikely.

Riley also asked the jury to question why – if the allegations were false – did a man that knew Jones call the 2012 victim and offer her money to drop the complaint.

Jones has been suspended from the department without pay since August 2012.

Public Safety Director Michael McGrath will hold an administrative hearing soon to determine the fate of Jones' employment with the city, spokeswoman Maureen Harper said Wednesday.

Former Indian American Cop Found Guilty of Rape; Denies Charges

WORCESTER, Mass. — A former Indian American police officer here charged in 2014 with sexually assaulting a woman two years ago while on duty was convicted June 4 in Worcester Superior Court, according to a report on telegram.com.

A jury of nine women and three men deliberated for a little over five hours before finding Rajat Sharda, 33, guilty of rape, open and gross lewdness, witness intimidation and larceny under $250. According to the report, Sharda showed no signs of emotion as the verdicts were read.
Deleon - Branding - 300x250

The former policeman was scheduled to be sentenced June 8 by Judge David Ricciardone, who also revoked Sharda's $7,500 cash bail and ordered that he remain in custody without bail until the sentencing. Sharda’s lawyer, Peter L. Ettenberg, as well as his victim declined to comment on the verdicts.

Members of the defendant's family reportedly wept loudly outside the courtroom after Sharda was taken into custody by court officers.

According to a report on masslive.com, authorities said Sharda found a man and woman having sex in a parked sport-utility-vehicle at Bancroft Tower in the morning hours of Aug. 6, 2013.

The woman, from Connecticut and now 29, testified that the officer sexually assaulted her after handcuffing her boyfriend, ordering her from the vehicle and asking if she was willing to have sex with a police officer in order to avoid being arrested.

Testifying in his own defense, according to telegram.com, Sharda acknowledged encountering the couple on the morning in question, but denied any wrongdoing. His employment with the city ended in September 2014, shortly after he was indicted on charges of rape, witness intimidation, open and gross lewdness and larceny.

The investigation that led to the charges began after the woman ran into a police officer she knew on Oct. 29, 2013, and told him what had happened to her. Although the woman told Officer Nathan Lafleche she did not wish to pursue charges, he reported it to a superior, and a formal investigation was launched.

Sharda’s attorney told the jury in his closing that his client loved his job, was extremely proud to be the city's first Indian American police officer, and would not have thrown it all away by doing the things he was accused of doing.

The defense lawyer said the case was a matter of "she said, he said, and you decide" and criticized police for not doing a more thorough investigation, adding that there were a number of inconsistencies presented at the trial by both the victim and her boyfriend, Michael Betancourt.

According to masslive.com, Sharda was part of a police recruit class that was laid off in 2008. He worked for Arlington Police for two years before returning to Worcester.

Wendel Palmer, former D.C. officer, found guilty of rape

By Thursday, November 14th 2013
Photo: MPD
A former MPD officer and church youth choir director has been found guilty of sexually abusing an 11-year-old girl.{}

For years, prosecutors{}say 45-year-old Wendel Palmer raped the girl, who sang in the youth choir at the Bethel Temple Church of Christ in Southeast Washington.

Officials say the{}abuse occurred at Palmer's Maryland home, at the church during breaks in choir rehearsals, and at other locations in the District and in Maryland.{}

"We were on break," the victim testified in October. "He sent the kids to the store. He told me to go to the back because he had to talk to me in the preacher's office. He closed the door. He started touching me and kissing me."{}

The victim reported the abuse in 2012, after she turned 18.{}

Sentencing is set for January 31, 2014.

'Predator with a badge' found guilty of rape, indecent assault


BRYAN EATON/Staff photo Suspended Lawrence police officer Kevin Sledge is placed in handcuffs after being convicted of rape in Newburyport Superior Court yesterday afternoon. He will be placed in protective custody in jail while he awaits sentencing next week.

Posted: Saturday, January 29, 2011 12:20 am

By Jill Harmacinski
[email protected]

LAWRENCE — Suspended Lawrence police officer Kevin Sledge was found guilty yesterday of rape and three counts of indecent assault and battery involving an inebriated woman while he was on duty in 2008.

Sledge's girlfriend erupted into an emotional tirade as the verdicts were read in Newburyport Superior Court, and a man in the audience yelled at the jurors that they are racist.

Jurors deliberated for nearly two straight days in the retrial against the 17-year police veteran. His first trial, last September, ended in a hung jury.

As the guilty findings on all four counts were read by the jury foreman, Bernice Aguirre sobbed and started screaming, "No, he's not! No, he's not!"

"He's not guilty," Aguirre yelled, as a half-dozen court officers raced to quiet her and remove her from the courtroom. "What am I going to tell my children?" she screamed as the officers dragged her from the High Street courthouse.

Then, a man Sledge previously said was his older brother, looked to the jury and said, "You're racists."

Afterward, the man refused to identify himself or explain why he made the statement.

Meanwhile, the now 26-year-old victim, who Sledge was convicted of raping and repeatedly assaulting behind the police station on Sept. 26, 2008, also broke down.

Ex-Police Sgt. Guilty of Mutiple Rapes



June 18, 2008

A jury found a former Bloomington police sergeant guilty Wednesday of brutally raping four women and stalking a fifth after a trial in which he was described as both driven by pornography-fueled fantasies and a man arrested on flimsy evidence.

Jurors deliberated over parts of three days in Bloomington before convicting Jeff Pelo on 35 counts, including 25 of aggravated sexual assault.

The six men and six women reached their decision despite a lack of DNA or similar forensic evidence linking Pelo directly to the rapes, said prosecutor Mark Messman, who added he was pleased for the victims.

"There was no smoking gun; (but) there were several very strong pieces of evidence," he said.

Messman said he would expect jurors had varying reasons for finding Pelo guilty.

"I wouldn't be surprised if you polled the jurors...if you got 12 different responses, or three or four different responses," he said.

Defense attorney Michael Rosenblat said he likely would appeal. He plans to file motions arguing Circuit Judge Robert Freitag shouldn't have let jurors view pornographic images found on Pelo's home computer, and should have let Rosenblat call an expert witness to testify about the reliability of eyewitness identification of suspects.

"I believed before opening statements and I believe today that Jeff is not guilty," Rosenblat said.

Pelo, 43, pleaded not guilty to all 37 counts originally facing him; two charges were dropped during trial.

He has been jailed since his June 2006 arrest, unable to afford the $100,000 he'd have to pay to make his $1 million bail.

Pelo was charged in the rapes of four women between 2002 and 2005 and the stalking of a fifth woman.

The case was long delayed, in part by Pelo's attorneys. His first withdrew from the trial because of health problems, and the two who took his place withdrew after several months because Pelo couldn't afford them.

At trial, prosecutor Mark Messman portrayed Pelo as a man driven on the one hand to rape by violent, pornography-fueled fantasies, and on the other by a desire to be his victims' boyfriend. At least one of the women described her attacker as gentle and polite.

Investigators found numerous images of violent pornography -- some depicting forced sex at gunpoint -- on Pelo's home computer.

"He has some fantasy, as messed up as it sounds, that they're going to like him," Messman told jurors during his closing arguments.

Rosenblat countered that whatever taste Pelo might have for pornography was irrelevant.

The defense attorney seized on discrepancies offered by the victims, particularly one woman's description of an attacker as young as his early 20s.

"The descriptions of these attacks vary widely," the attorney told jurors. "They differ because different people committed these attacks."

Pelo is scheduled to be sentenced August 12.

(Copyright 2008 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)

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bobsal u1553115
Reply Sun 20 Sep, 2015 10:28 am
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Sun 20 Sep, 2015 10:29 am
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Reply Sun 20 Sep, 2015 10:41 am
@bobsal u1553115,
Your missing my point. If a cop decides that it's cool to go raping a college student than I hope, just as much as you probably do, that he goes to jail for a long long time. The cop is than a thug in my book, and goes in the same book as every other piece of **** who likes to rob, steal, rape, etc. That is just one cop though. Just because that cop is a thug does not mean all cops are thugs, or that we have a racist justice system, or cops take pleasure in raping college kids. The only thing your story tells me is that one more thug needs to be swept off the street. Because he is a thug that happens to be a cop, we are probably on the same page on this one. Blame the guy though, not the entire force.

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