The Day Ferguson Cops Were Caught in a Bloody Lie

Reply Sat 5 Sep, 2015 01:58 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
RACISM is another good example problem. It's not police racism, or Republican racism, liberal racism, or A2K racism. The problem is the INDIVIDUAL RACISTS. Do you understand what I am saying?
Reply Sat 5 Sep, 2015 07:05 pm
tony5732 wrote:

RACISM is another good example problem. It's not police racism, or Republican racism, liberal racism, or A2K racism. The problem is the INDIVIDUAL RACISTS. Do you understand what I am saying?

No, quite the contrary. The problem is institutional racism.
bobsal u1553115
Reply Sat 5 Sep, 2015 07:20 pm
Thanks for getting that one for me. It is amazing how nuanced a racist's breakdown of racism can get.

Its the racism that is the down side of racism. Its that simple.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Sep, 2015 07:41 pm
Let me try to give you an example of the kind of institutional racism that is at the crux of the problem.
In the town of Ferguson, a comprehensive study was done by the department of justice into the traffic stop practices of Ferguson police. I can get the precise figures if need be, but the findings were glaringly clear.

Black people were being stopped more that whites and ticketed for the same infractions more often than whites. They also found that the fines they were levying against blacks were higher and more frequent than those given whites. They found that the Ferguson police over-fining and over-charging blacks had come to be the chief form of municipal funding.

The damn town was paying it's way almost totally on the backs of poor blacks who were being charged with bogus traffic stops, then having fines piling up when they had trouble paying the initial fine.

It had been happening for so long it had become business as usual, or institutional. When discrimination and injustice because of race become so commonplace that it's almost traditional, that becomes part of the culture, or in other words institutional.
That's a huge problem. And there are near countless examples of it across America. Do you get it now?
bobsal u1553115
Reply Sat 5 Sep, 2015 07:44 pm

This is Not a Joke: Black Man Pulled Over For Air Freshener (VIDEO)
Petty cop pullovers reach a new low.
By Adam Johnson / AlterNet
September 4, 2015

We've seen a lot of absurd excuses for police to harass African-Americans while driving but this may be the lamest so far: a Rhode Island man, Dana Harris Jr., recorded himself being pulled over because, as police insisted, the air fresher was obstructing his view of the road.

The video, uploaded almost two weeks ago, has recently gone viral. The combination of the driver's humorous indignation and the cop knowing he's full of it makes for an interesting watch.

"What's the problem big dude?" the driver starts out. "What's the problem?" After repeated attempts to figure out why he was pulled over, the police officer finally tells him his air freshener is obstructing his view. The police later told reporters the pullover was justified because they were looking for Mr. Harris' cousin who had a warrant for his arrest.

Watch the clip below:

h/t Raw Story

Adam Johnson is an associate editor at AlterNet. Follow him on Twitter at @adamjohnsonnyc.
Reply Sat 5 Sep, 2015 07:48 pm
The damn town was paying it's way almost totally on the backs of poor blacks who were being charged with bogus traffic stops, then having fines piling up when they had trouble paying the initial fine.

I investigated this last year, the city was paying for over 1/3 the cost of running the police department off of fines and forfeits, which was high. A lot of cities do this, and it has nothing to do with race. My town has very few blacks but we have a ton of red light cameras. their purpose is to collect money to put into the city bank accounts just as Ferguson was doing. Blacks always assume that anything done negatively to them is caused by racism. Only sometimes are they correct.

So far as abusive government goes racism is largely a diversion, looking at this problem through the lens of race clouds the issue, and it gets in the way of solving the issue.

The best thing BLM could no is change their name to ALM, and then come to get the rest of us to take up the cause of bad government.
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Sat 5 Sep, 2015 08:07 pm
Officers Threaten to Shoot College Students Over a Telescope

Source: CBS News, via Ring of Fire

Two college students from North Dakota State University had a gun pulled on them when Fargo police officers mistook their telescope for a weapon, reported CBS News. Considering the telescope looks nothing a gun, this is another case of trigger-happy cops nearly killing someone.

The officers, who failed to identify themselves, came upon Levi Joraanstad and Colin Waldera as they were setting up the telescope on the night of August, 24. The pair was blinded by a spotlight and told to stop moving. Thinking it was a prank, the students didn’t immediately comply with the orders to stop, and the officers threatened to shoot if they did not obey.

“I was kind of fumbling around with my stuff and my roommate and I were kind of talking, we were kind of wondering, what the heck’s going on?” said Joraanstad. “This is pretty dumb that these guys are doing this. And then they started shouting to quit moving or we could be shot. And so at that moment we kind of look at each other and we’re thinking we better take this seriously.”

Joraanstad was wearing a black sweatshirt with white lettering that the officer stupidly mistook for a tactical vest. He called for backup and it was eventually determined that the “weapon” was actually the students’ telescope. The officers said the pair was never in any danger, which is probably a lie.

Read more: http://ringoffireradio.com/2015/09/savage-officers-threaten-to-shoot-college-students-over-a-telescope/
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Sat 5 Sep, 2015 08:32 pm
Officer Of The Year Gets Prison Sentence For Sexually Assaulting Male Immigrants

Posted on: June 29th, 2015 No Comments

Tagged with:florida police, law abuse, police assault, police brutality on immigrants, police harassment, police misconduct, police sex crime, police sex crimes, usa police

A Florida cop Jonathan Bleiweiss (34) is sentenced for five years in prison for forcing undocumented male immigrants into having sex with him. More than twenty males confirmed Bleiweiss assaulted them sexually.

Bleiweiss, a former Broward County Sehriff’s deputy, faced more than 70 charges, including armed false imprisonments, counts of battery and stalking.

The corupt cop was a deputy since 2002, and in 2008 got the biggest honor of his police district, the “Employee of the year”. This homosexual cop had the reputation of a hero, since he was fighting against discrimination.

Right after he was named “Employee of the year”, rummors started. In 2009 he got busted after several men, all undocumented immigrants, reported that Bleiweiss manipulated them into sexual act. They said he asked for their phone numbers during regular traffic stops, and if they refused, he threatened with deportation or imprisonment.

After he was arrest, there were more and more men saying Bleiweiss assaulted them, but prosecutors had hard time calling victims to the court since many of them were deported, or were too scared.

Only one victim attended on the court in this case, so many charges against him were dropped.

He got five years behind the bars, but he won’t have to register as sex offender.
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Reply Sat 5 Sep, 2015 11:24 pm
That can either mean the cops were racist or black people were actually speeding more than whites, depends on how you look at it. Maybe there are more black people in the town than white people, meaning more black ticket collectors than white ticket collectors. Why did that not go on bobsal's off topic radar? Police fines are hardly "brutality". Anyway fines very obviously rob the poor because they are usually for stuff you can't afford like insurance, or city stickers, or state stickers, or emissions tests that make it so you can't get the sticker because you can't afford to fix your 15 year old car. Than they double up when they can't be paid. Hawkeye is right on this, it's not a race issue it's a class issue. Black people are mot the only people in middle and low class, and white people are not the only ones on top. The BRUTALITY issue though is just a flat out exaggeration and misinterpretation of the situation. "institutionalized" racism is going to get a LOT worse. There will be an entire generation of cop haters looking up at Mike Brown and Sandra Bland, and parents are not going to be teaching kids to respect police. With Black Lives Matter and Black Panthers and NAACP leading the cop hating revolution, who's kids do you think are going to be smack talking officers when getting pulled over, or charging at officers and trying to fight? It's going to be Black kids following their Mike Brown role models. Then, when black kids end up dead or bruised because they don't know how to act around cops, it's going to be RACIST. Gotta look at the big picture. There are a few asshole cops out of a lot. Cops are all colors. Almost none of the deaths in this country come from cops. Most importantly, cops are the main protection against really bad people. People who don't need to wait for you to rob someone before they mess your life up.
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Reply Sat 5 Sep, 2015 11:33 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
This is bull shyt but I had my daughter in law pulled over by a cop because she had a rosary hanging from her rear view mirror. She is white.
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Reply Sun 6 Sep, 2015 09:50 am
Fox News Ignored A Trump-Inspired Assault, Then Devotes Days To Baselessly Blaming Democrats For Violence Against Police

Fox News has spent days manufacturing a connection between the Black Lives Matter movement and the murder of a sheriff's deputy in Houston, scrambling to blame the Obama administration and Democrats for violence against police officers. Yet last month, when two Boston men explicitly told police that Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump inspired their brutal assault on a homeless Hispanic man, Fox completely ignored the story.

Men Brutally Assault Hispanic Homeless Man, Say They Were Inspired In Part By Donald Trump. Boston police arrested two brothers on August 19 for allegedly attacking a Hispanic homeless man as he slept outside of a train station. The Boston Globe reported that "his face was soaked, apparently with urine, his nose broken, his chest and arms battered." One of the suspects told the police that "it was OK to assault the man because he was Hispanic and homeless," claiming that "Donald Trump was right, all these illegals need to be deported" (emphasis added):

Police said two brothers from South Boston ambushed the 58-year-old as he slept outside of a Dorchester MBTA stop, and targeted him because he is Hispanic. One of the brothers said he was inspired in part by GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump.


He told police he was awakened by two men urinating on his face. He said they ripped away his blankets and sleeping bag, and started rummaging through his things.

"Next thing . . . he was getting hit in the face and head," according to the State Police report. "He remembers being punched several times and hit with the metal pole."


The brothers walked away from the scene laughing, a witness told State Police.


Police said Scott Leader, 38, told them it was OK to assault the man because he was Hispanic and homeless.

"Donald Trump was right, all these illegals need to be deported," he allegedly told the police. [The Boston Globe, 8/19/15]

Fox News Entirely Ignored Trump-Inspired Attack On Hispanic Man. Fox News has not mentioned the attack of the Hispanic man on-air, according to a Media Matters review of Fox's programming. Media Matters searched IQ Media and Lexis Nexis transcripts for mentions of "Boston OR Trump OR Homeless" on Fox News Channel over the last month.

Trump Responded To Attack By Saying His Supporters Are "Very Passionate." Trump initially responded to news of the attack that his rhetoric partially inspired by telling The Boston Globe, "'It would be a shame ... I will say that people who are following me are very passionate. They love this country and they want this country to be great again. They are passionate.'" He later tweeted that the "Boston incident is terrible ... I would never condone violence." [Time, 8/21/15]

Yet Fox Has Repeatedly Blamed Democrats For Houston Sheriff's Murder, Inventing Connection To Black Lives Matter

Sheriff: Deputy Killed "Because He Wore A Uniform." Harris County Sheriff's Deputy Darren Goforth was assassinated on August 28 while pumping gas in Houston:

A 30-year-old Houston man was arrested Saturday in the fatal shooting the night before of a sheriff's deputy who was filling the gas tank of his patrol car.


As Deputy Goforth pumped the gas, the gunman approached from behind and began firing, continuing to shoot after the officer fell to the ground, the authorities said. Investigators have not found any provocation that might have set off the attack.

"We have not been able to extract any details regarding a motive at this point," Sheriff Hickman said. "As far as we know, Deputy Goforth had no previous contact with the suspect. It appears at the outset to be completely unprovoked."

Deputy Goforth "was a target because he wore a uniform," the sheriff said. [The New York Times, 8/29/15]

Fox Contributor Keith Ablow: Obama "Started This" When He "Put A Target On The Backs Of American Police Officers." On the September 1 edition of Fox News' Outnumbered, Andrea Tantaros discussed the deputy sheriff's murder and said that despite Obama offering his condolences to sheriff's widow, previously Obama has had "an anti-cop tone." Contributor Keith Ablow went on to say the widow shouldn't have answered the phone call:

ABLOW: Who takes that call form the president? Instead of saying, 'I'm sorry, aren't you the guy who started this?' This is the president who enflamed racial discord in this country, who put a target on the backs of American police officers. [Fox News, Outnumbered, 9/1/15]

Kimberly Guilfoyle: Idea That Obama Started A War Against Police Is "Backed Up" By Black Lives Matter Protests. On the August 31 edition of Fox News' The Five, co-host Kimberly Guilfoyle talked about the Houston sheriff deputy's murder and agreed with accusations that the Obama administration is to blame for "starting this war against police."

GUILFOYLE: The suspected killer of a sheriff's deputy in Texas appeared in court today for the first time. Shannon Miles has been charged with capital murder and is being held without bond. Prosecutors say Miles shot Darren Goforth in the back of the head Friday night outside of Houston while the deputy was pumping gas. He allegedly fired a total of 15 times. Investigators have not determined the motive, but the sheriff of Harris county is partially blaming the dangerous rhetoric being spewed by anti-police protesters across the country.


Sheriff David Clarke of Milwaukee is irate. He accuses the Obama administration of starting this war against police.


Strong words, but the rhetoric can be backed up by these recent protests, the very divisive and dangerous rhetoric that we're hearing from theses protesters.[Fox News, The Five, 8/31/15]

Sean Hannity: Democrats "Endorsed" The Movement That Inspired Deputy Sheriff's Murder. On the August 31 edition of Fox News' Hannity, Sean Hannity blamed the Black Lives Matter movement for the Houston sheriff deputy's murder and added, "The Democratic party, on Friday, endorsed this movement."[Fox News, Hannity, 8/31/15]

Hannity: Democrats "Have Aligned Themselves With A Radical Group With A Racist Agenda." On September 1, Sean Hannity accused the Black Lives Matter movement of having a "racist agenda" and attempted to attack the DNC by stating it had "aligned themselves" with the group:

HANNITY: On Friday, the Democratic National Committee threw their full support behind the Black Lives Matter movement by passing a resolution that stated in part, quote, 'The DNC joins with Americans across the country in affirming 'Black Lives Matters' and the 'say her name' efforts to make visible the pain of our fellow and sister Americans as they condemn extrajudicial killings of unarmed African American men, women, and children.'


They have aligned themselves with a radical group with a racist agenda. [Fox News, Hannity, 9/1/15]

Megyn Kelly And Contributor Katie Pavlich: Democrats Are "Trying To Tie Themselves" To A "Group That Promotes The Execution Of Police Officers." On the September 1 edition of Fox News' The Kelly File, contributor Katie Pavlich claimed that Democrats like Obama and DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz are "promoting" the Black Lives Matter movement, a group Pavlich accused of "promot[ing] the execution of police officers." Megyn Kelly added that Democrats are "trying to tie themselves to the movement":

PAVLICH: This is a movement that promotes the execution of police officers. And not only are [Democrats] not condemning it, they're promoting it.


KELLY: They're trying to tie themselves to the movement. The same movement that's chanting "pigs in a blanket, fry em like bacon." And these same people are denouncing, not like ago, the lack of civility in America. [Fox News, The Kelly File, 9/1/15]

Outnumbered Host: With Murder Of Police Officers, "Democrats Have Created A Monster In This Black Lives Matter Situation." On the September 3 edition of Fox News' Outnumbered, co-host and O'Reilly Factor producer Jesse Watters pinned the death of three police officers on the Black Lives Matter movement that "Democrats have created":

JESSE WATTERS: There is a war on cops in this country. It's funny, the liberals care more when a lion is killed as opposed to a cop. Three cops shot dead in just one week. I haven't heard anything publicly from the president. Haven't heard anything publicly from Hillary Clinton. Maybe I missed it. Imagine if Freddie Gray, and Mike Brown, and Trayvon were all killed within one week. You wouldn't hear the end of it. I think Democrats have created a monster in this Black Lives Matter situation. [Fox News, Outnumbered, 9/3/15]

Despite There Being No Evidence Linking Black Lives Matter To The Deputy's Murder

Vox: Fox News Blames "Black Lives Matter For Inciting Violence Against Both Police And Civilians -- Despite The Lack Of Evidence For The Claims." In a September 2 article, Vox blasted Fox personalities such as Bill O'Reilly and Pavlich for pinning violence against police officers on the Black Lives Matter movement without any evidence backing up their claims:

On Tuesday, conservative pundit Katie Pavlich told Fox News's Megyn Kelly that Black Lives Matter is now "a movement that promotes the execution of police officers." The day before, Bill O'Reilly and a Fox & Friends segment suggested Black Lives Matter is "a hate group." And last weekend, a Texas sheriff linked a deputy's death to "out of control" rhetoric from Black Lives Matter.

This criticism of Black Lives Matter, which aims to squash racial disparities in the criminal justice system, and its protests is becoming increasingly standard, with pundits on Fox News and elsewhere blaming Black Lives Matter for inciting violence against both police and civilians -- despite the lack of evidence for the claims.


Currently, there is also absolutely no established connection between the Black Lives Matter movement and the Harris County deputy's death.


It's just blind speculation at this point.


By the sheriff's own admission, there's nothing establishing a motive or linking Black Lives Matter to the shooting. [Vox, 9/2/15]

bobsal u1553115
Reply Sun 6 Sep, 2015 02:35 pm
Doesn't it just get your goat that fatheads like tRump can spin a soundbite out and be able to walk away from its effect on the weak minded and brutal?
Reply Sun 6 Sep, 2015 02:47 pm
What this video? THIS ISN'T EVEN FOX!!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 6 Sep, 2015 02:51 pm
No maybe it's this one.....

Damnit that's not fox either that's just a Black Lives Matter guy.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 6 Sep, 2015 03:04 pm
Maybe this one
0 Replies
Reply Sun 6 Sep, 2015 05:09 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
So, when a protester screams a chant like "oink oink bang bang" or "pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon" what are these protesters REALLY trying to say?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Sep, 2015 03:55 pm
What we all go quite now? I really want to know how you guys are thinking Black lives matter doesn't support cop violence, isn't racist, doesn't incite riots, and doesn't support thugs. It's all right there in front of you.
Reply Tue 8 Sep, 2015 06:49 pm
What we all go quite now?

Makes sense, BLM was a bad idea that seems to be played out. What do you think we need to talk about?
Reply Tue 8 Sep, 2015 08:57 pm
Lol l. I dunno... Hooters chicken wings are amazing.
Reply Wed 9 Sep, 2015 03:56 am
Tony, you are a treasure.

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