The Day Ferguson Cops Were Caught in a Bloody Lie

Reply Fri 21 Aug, 2015 07:37 pm
This part is just theory, but BLM gives an excellent excuse to shove government everywhere it doesn't belong. Body cams on cops is a big brother move, for starters.
Reply Fri 21 Aug, 2015 07:44 pm
tony5732 wrote:

This part is just theory, but BLM gives an excellent excuse to shove government everywhere it doesn't belong. Body cams on cops is a big brother move, for starters.

They want Washington to take over national policing much more than they already have, which Hillary would go for if the goal was not to make sure that the police have less power. These people could try to get state laws changed, but it is presidential candidates that they are harassing, which tells me that they are too lazy to go through the states. We shall see, it has taken all this time to get them to even rough draft what they want, and they have till now been more interested in rioting than exercising their democratic rights to advocate for reform.
Reply Fri 21 Aug, 2015 07:58 pm
Till now nobody gave them the time of day. I am kinda surprised Hillary did. It's not like BLM will swing right.
Reply Fri 21 Aug, 2015 08:08 pm
tony5732 wrote:

Till now nobody gave them the time of day. I am kinda surprised Hillary did. It's not like BLM will swing right.

She needs the blacks to show up to vote , and given how badly they have been fucked over the last 8 years that is by no means a sure thing. Time for a good stage show.

That is a lot of what drives BLM btw, anger that their situation has overall degraded a lot, and that no one is talking about big new government programs to hand out more candy to blacks. GOtta throw a temper tantrum. The police are a problem, but so is all of thee "justice" system, so is all of the abuse we suffer at the hands of the state. This diversion into race rather than talking about justice and the failed justice system and the abusive government is all about the wanna be victims not feeling the victim love.
bobsal u1553115
Reply Fri 21 Aug, 2015 08:16 pm
They want Washington to take over national policing much more than they already have

Where do you get that ****? All we want from Washington DC is what its supposed to do: guarantee that local police forces enforce the law according to the Constitution. And protect those abused by non Constitutional enforcement of law.
Reply Fri 21 Aug, 2015 08:23 pm
Makes sense. I'm hoping for Trump.
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Fri 21 Aug, 2015 08:40 pm
Police: Video shows officer pressuring driver for donation


PHILADELPHIA (AP) -- A patrolman who appears in a video pressuring a driver to support a police fundraiser or have his car towed has been placed on desk duty, police said.

Officer Matthew Zagursky embarrassed the police department and may have committed a crime, Commissioner Charles Ramsey said.

On the video, the officer asks: "You and your friend got any money to buy these thrill show tickets? Either you buy these or I take your car. `Cause it's unregistered. Ten bucks each, man."

The uniformed officer balks at the driver's plan to buy just two tickets, and the driver ultimately agrees to give the officer $30 for three tickets.

The officer also is heard making a homophobic remark while discussing pink windshield wipers on the unregistered car. The driver says they honor a grandmother who had breast cancer.

Ramsey said he learned of the video on Friday morning and plans to refer it to local prosecutors.

"That's totally inappropriate, and it could very well be illegal," Ramsey said. "He tainted a cause that I think is certainly one that I think we should all be proud of."

Zagursky couldn't be reached for comment because he doesn't have a listed phone number. The police union said it couldn't comment because its president was on vacation.

The fall fundraiser collects money for the families of police officers and firefighters killed on duty. Ramsey said the police department distributes tickets at district offices but does not pressure officers to sell a certain number.

The video appears to have been taken from within the car. Ramsey said he does not know when the traffic stop occurred, but he said the tickets displayed by the officer have been available for only about a month.

Police learned of the video after it was posted on Facebook. They hope to learn the names of the driver and a male passenger.

The Philadelphia Inquirer first reported Friday on an Internal Affairs investigation into the video.

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bobsal u1553115
Reply Fri 21 Aug, 2015 08:41 pm
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Fri 21 Aug, 2015 08:45 pm
Official Police Story About Shooting Of 14-Year-Old Begins To Unravel

by Carimah Townes Aug 17, 2015 2:35pm

CREDIT: Associated Press/Geoff Mulvihill

Acting Attorney General John Hoffman in Trenton, New Jersey
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When Radazz Hearns was shot seven times by police in Trenton, New Jersey earlier this month, police claimed the 14-year-old pulled out a gun and attempted to shoot them while running. Now, the attorney general’s office says those allegations are unsupported, and an eyewitness says Hearns was actually unarmed and trying to pull up his pants as he ran.

According to the attorney general’s office, Hearns was one of three teenage boys questioned by three Targeted Integrated Deployment Effort (TIDE) officers near an apartment complex, after a shooting was reported nearby. An anonymous police source alleged Hearns ran away from the cops and reached for what the officers thought was a gun. At one point, they say, Hearns turned around while running and attempted to shoot at them. The three officers opened fire, hitting Hearns seven times in the legs and butt.

Eyewitness Rhonda Tirado, who watched the chase and shooting from her home, paints a different picture of what happened. Tirado alleges the boys were laughing and joking for 15 minutes before the cops arrived near her house, and agrees that the three males were confronted by the officers. She also contends Hearns tried to flee. But Tirado says the teenager looked like he was trying to pull his pants up — not grabbing a weapon.

“Those police were amped and they didn’t give that little boy a chance,” she explained to NJ.com. “There was no room for no chase. They just shot that little boy right there.”

The attorney general’s office has since conducted a preliminary investigation and concluded that the anonymous police source’s claims are inconsistent with its findings. The family attorney representing the 14-year-old’s family, Samuel Anyan Jr, maintains Hearns was unarmed. A .22-caliber handgun was discovered at the scene later, but investigators have not connected the weapon to the boy.

“I don’t think those little boys had no clue what was going on,” Tirado continued. “I think they was at the wrong place at the wrong time.”

All three officers are on administrative leave, and Hearns was released from the hospital on Monday.
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Reply Fri 21 Aug, 2015 09:09 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
bobsal u1553115 wrote:

They want Washington to take over national policing much more than they already have

Where do you get that ****? All we want from Washington DC is what its supposed to do: guarantee that local police forces enforce the law according to the Constitution. And protect those abused by non Constitutional enforcement of law.

Where does BLM expect all of these new laws limiting police to come from? If it were not from Washington they would not be spending so much time harassing presidential candidates. They want to go back to the well of having the "Justice" department blackmailing the states to write the laws that the elite want, regardless of what the people want.
bobsal u1553115
Reply Fri 21 Aug, 2015 09:13 pm
NJ admits police killed Jerame Reid with his hands up, but he moved a bit, so, you know, no charges

Shaun King

This is ugly.

Pulled over for not completely stopping at a stop sign, Jerame Reid, who wasn't even the driver, was unarmed, non-violent, had his hands up, and his murder was filmed. In the car with a friend, sitting on the passenger side, you can clearly see Jerame slowly getting out of the car, communicating that he's doing nothing wrong, and see him putting his hands on his in the air above his head.

Standing nearly 10 feet away, on the driver's side of the car, deathly afraid of a peaceful Jerame Reid, Officer Roger Worley fired the first shot at Jerame, but missed. Upon hearing this shot, the other officer, Braheme Days, fired seven rapid shots directly at Jerame and killed him right there on the spot.

After seeing the video and learning all of the facts, a New Jersey grand jury decided the officers didn't even need to go to trial. If you let them tell it, all is well is in the Garden State.

When we say black lives matter, we say it for Jerame Reid because this grand jury just decided that his life wasn't even worth a basic criminal charge of something like reckless homicide.

And here's what's altogether flagrant ...

The officer who fired seven shots at Jerame Reid is being sued for raping a woman.

Not only that, but Jerame Reid's family won a lawsuit against the state for a 2009 instance where he was severely beaten by law enforcement.

In conclusion, what we see here is that the system will bend over backwards to protect violent police at all costs. It's despicable and reveals that even in some instances where a brutal police murder is filmed, it still takes a prosecutor who wants a conviction to get behind it.
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Fri 21 Aug, 2015 09:24 pm
bobsal u1553115
Reply Fri 21 Aug, 2015 09:33 pm

The members of the Daily Kos community crowdsourced the Michael Brown Over-Policed Rights Act to reform modern policing and protect Black lives. This proposed bill aims to:

Prevent racial prejudice in policing.
Identify problem areas like Ferguson, Missouri before they blow up.
Reduce violence in policing.
End mass incarceration.
Address unfairness in policing (such as extraordinary numbers of alleged offenses per population)
Ensure police are held accountable for dishonesty and malfeasance.
Propose solutions to the current lack of reporting on policing statistics (especially regarding race and force, both lethal and non-lethal).
Provision body cameras to police officers.
Eliminate weaponized police equipment in problem jurisdictions.

Where's the National Police demand at, besides your feverish imagination?

Since January 1, 2015, 727 people have been killed by police.

Since August 1, 2015 - 13 days - 43 people have been killed by police. (125 for the month of July.)

Since #BLM protested at Netroots Nation on July 18, 2015, 92 people have been killed by police. Yes, while you were frothing at the mouth about #BLM interrupting a politician's speech, police killed 92 people!

Police killed 19 people since Bernie was interrupted last Saturday.

In fact, six people were killed that same Saturday, and five the following day.
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Fri 21 Aug, 2015 09:51 pm
Chicago Police Officer Opens Fire At The Car Full Of Unarmed Teenagers

Posted on: July 1st, 2015 No Comments
Tagged with:chicago police, excessive force by police, law enforcement misconduct, police brutality on teenagers, police misconduct, police shoots, usa police

A video of Chicago police officer shooting towards unarmed black teenagers was released few days ago. This incident occurred in 2013, but the video wasn’t released until the civil complaint was filed against the city of Chicago and several officers.

The retired Cook County Judge, Andrew Berman was deeply disturbed by this video, so he handed it over to the media.

This video footage shows police officer Marco Proano shooting at the moving car full of six minors. None of these teens had a weapon on them nor did they acted aggressively toward the officers.

Before the accident, two other Chicago police officers had stopped the vehicle full of black teenagers. This happened near 95th and LaSalle Street in Chicago. One of the teenager went out of the car and run away. The rest of them stayed in the car, at the time Proano approached.

Video shows Proano exiting his service vehicle and approaching the car with his gun in his hands. Car started moving in reverse, and Proano started shooting more than dozen rounds at them.

Officer hit one passenger in the shoulder and another in both hips.

The federal lawsuit filed against Chicago and three other police officers is pending approval from City Council. This lawsuit could end with $360,000 payout for the victims.

In the past four years, Proano has been cleared of many complains against him, and today he is still on the force.
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Fri 21 Aug, 2015 09:56 pm

Three Connecticut police officers were put on administrative leave after an incriminating video of them beating up a suspect was released online by an anonymous user. Veterans of the Bridgeport Police Department – Elson Morales, Joseph Lawlor and Clive Higgins were caught on tape kicking and stomping on a man previously incapacitated with a stun gun.

A shaky video that goes in and out of focus captures the moment the suspect is shot with the stun gun and knocked to the ground paralyzed. One of the officers exclaims “Nice shot!” and walks over to the fallen man, kicking him as the other cop is standing by.

He quickly joins in and they go on kicking and stomping on the helpless suspect. Sirens can be heard in the background as another patrol car is arriving to the scene, and the third officer uses the chance to join his coworkers and land a couple of kicks himself just before the backup arrives.

There were a couple of witnesses observing the brutal beating, but that didn’t keep the cops from acting the way they did. President of the Greater Bridgeport branch of the NAACP, Carolyn Vermont, described the cops’ behavior as “totally unacceptable”.

“No person should be treated as an animal, no matter what they are charged with”, she said.

Police Chief Joseph Gaudett Jr. refused to reveal the name of the suspect or the charges against him, but it was confirmed that he is currently serving prison time.

The victim didn’t file a charge against the three cops but Chief Gaudett assures the public they’re currently on leave and under investigation.
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Fri 21 Aug, 2015 09:58 pm
$3.5 Million Settlement For Deadly Police Raid

Posted on: March 2nd, 2013 2 Comments
Tagged with:connecticut police, law abuse, law enforcement misconduct, police murder, swat team, usa police

Five Connecticut towns are to pay $3.5 million to the family of a man killed by mistake in a SWAT team raid. This is believed to be the largest amount of money ever paid in a lawsuit settlement for police shooting.

On May 18th, 2008, a SWAT team formed from police officers of Easton and four nearby towns had stormed in Ronald Terebesi’s home looking for drugs.

Terebesi had a bad reputation among the neighbors for his eccentric lifestyle that included wild parties, prostitutes and drug use, but there was no ground for police to react until they got a call from a woman who identified herself as Chandra Parker. She claimed that Terebesi had been using cocaine, which was enough for the Easton Police Chief John Solomon to get a search warrant and gather a SWAT team.

No one bothered to check the woman’s allegations, and it was after the tragedy they learned she was a prostitute who gave them a false name. She was at Terebesi’s house the morning of the raid and left after a dispute with him.

She had a criminal record which included drug related charges and was on a two-year probation at the time. It’s most likely she wanted to take revenge on Terebesi after the quarrel.

Gonzalo Guizan was a man with no criminal record who was visiting his friend Terebesi to discuss a new business. At the time of the raid, he was sitting in the living room talking to Terebesi. As the raid began, officer Sweeney entered the house exploding several flash grenades to lighten up the area.

The debris from one of the explosions hit him and he mistakenly though he was being shot at. He yelled “I’m hit, I’m hit!” and shot at Guizan, killing him with 6 bullets. Terebesi was cuffed and taken out of the house. After the house search, no weapons were found, and the only thing the police found were two crack pipes and a small amount of cocaine. Officer Sweeney was even declared “Officer of the Year” for his actions during the raid.

Five years later, it looks like Guizan’s family will finally get justice for the loss of their son.
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Reply Sat 22 Aug, 2015 01:02 am
Baldimo wrote:

Fascist values? You are going to have to expand on that one.

Your condemnation of all Moslems for a start. That's what you wrote, and no amount of weasel words will change that.

Why don't you be specific about how I'm intolerant? Or is it just something else you've made up, like when you accused me of going on anti Vietnam rallies when I was a little kid? Then when proven wrong you accused me of hacking into A2K and changing posts. That's how divorced from reality you are.
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Reply Sat 22 Aug, 2015 04:30 am
@bobsal u1553115,
359 thugs. Personally, and I know this might be just my opinion, I would rather see a thug die than a woman get raped, or someone get murdered, or a child be forced to do porno, or any of the other nasty stuff thugs do. It's just a thug. This is not the next Martin Luther King we are talking about here. We are talking about bubba who just beat a woman and stuck a dick in her ass or Joe Smo who just got done selling candy to the kids. The law is protecting the police right now so lets just actually look at the situation for a second, without the law. What would YOU do if a 13 year old you knew in your neighborhood got raped by a 35 year old, and that 35 year old was charging you with a knife? Real question, lets see how people think.
Reply Sat 22 Aug, 2015 04:53 am
@bobsal u1553115,

It is interesting how poorly Cali does, and how well NY does.
bobsal u1553115
Reply Sat 22 Aug, 2015 06:09 am
You keep talking in maybes, what ifs and hypotheticals and discuss actions not in evidence.

You ignore what is in evidence: cops killing people on video and completely ignore basic rights like due process, presumption of innocence: the facts that are in evidence.

Cops are beginning to gun down more whites. You may be next. When will you start to pay attention? When you, your wife or child meets up with cops with weapons drawn?
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