The Day Ferguson Cops Were Caught in a Bloody Lie

Reply Tue 20 Jan, 2015 02:38 am
tony5732 wrote:

Yes I keep repeating myself because its a mute point that you continue to make.

No it's not, the word you're looking for is moot not mute. Please try to get 4 letter words right, it's not asking much.
Reply Tue 20 Jan, 2015 03:22 am
A well trained cop with a nightstick can subdue any without hitting them in the face or the head

LOL so the police hitting them with a club of one kind or another will not generate outcries from people like you!!!!!!!!

A broken kneecap or a ruptured kidney and so on.

In any case, for me the safety of our law enforcement people is far more important then the safety of someone who had decided of their own free will to engage in combat with them.
Reply Tue 20 Jan, 2015 04:32 am
@bobsal u1553115,
bobsal u1553115
Reply Tue 20 Jan, 2015 06:40 am
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Tue 20 Jan, 2015 06:42 am
You must have hit someone in their conscience. Good work!
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Tue 20 Jan, 2015 06:44 am

This Country Is All Too Ready to See Black Children as Criminals

Black children are disproportionately tried as adults when they commit crimes. Deeply internalized racism is to blame.

By Terrell Jermaine Starr / AlterNet
January 19, 2015

There was clear evidence that a family member had been sexually abusing 13-year-old Catherine Jones and her 12-year-old brother, Curtis, for years. But no one helped them, and the two children were left to figure it out themselves. In 1999, Catherine and Curtis plotted to kill the abuser, as well as their father and his girlfriend, Nicole Speights, because the kids had come to believe the two were responsible for allowing the abuse to continue, according to USA Today. Curtis shot Speights with his father's handgun. Then the kids panicked, tried to cover up the killing, and ran off.

It was a tragic incident that should have been handled by mental health professionals, not a criminal court. But instead of being treated as victims of sexual abuse, a Florida prosecutor charged the children with first-degree murder. The two became the youngest children in U.S. history to be charged as adults. Without any good legal help to present their side of the story, they ended up pleading guilty to second-degree murder and were sentenced to 18 years in prison and probation for life to avoid life sentences.

Catherine Jones may be released a few years ahead of schedule this summer because of good behavior, but she will have spent a good portion of her young life in prison. She missed thumbing out a tweet, mulling a date for her high school prom, enjoying the butterflies of having a teenage crush, and doing the other things teenagers do.

The family member who sexually abused Catherine robbed her of her innocence, and the state of Florida robbed her of her youth. Officials from the Department of Children and Families failed them after multiple investigations found proof the children were being sexually abused, yet the department did nothing. When their defense attorney argued all of these points in a plea for leniency, the prosecutors didn’t see two scared, isolated kids who were being victimized; they saw cold-blooded killers.

Such is the life of a black child in America’s criminal justice system.

Of the 2,500 kids serving life without parole for crimes committed under the age of 18 in America, 60 percent of them are black. Florida, Curtis and Catherine Jones' home state, leads the nation in charging children as adults. It has a “direct file” statute that allows prosecutors to transfer juvenile cases straight to criminal courts without input from a judge. More than 50 percent of children transferred are black; 24 percent are white.

A 2014 study titled, “The Essence of Innocence: The Consequences of Dehumanizing Black Children,” might explain what’s behind the impulse to push young black offenders into adulthood. According to the study, white people consistently view black children as less innocent than white children.

Here is a breakdown of the study, according to the American Psychological Association:

"The study also involved 264 mostly white, female undergraduate students from large public U.S. universities. In one experiment, students rated the innocence of people ranging from infants to 25-year-olds who were black, white or an unidentified race. The students judged children up to 9 years old as equally innocent regardless of race, but considered black children significantly less innocent than other children in every age group beginning at age 10, the researchers found.

"The students were also shown photographs alongside descriptions of various crimes and asked to assess the age and innocence of white, black or Latino boys ages 10 to 17. The students overestimated the age of blacks by an average of 4.5 years and found them more culpable than whites or Latinos, particularly when the boys were matched with serious crimes, the study found. Researchers used questionnaires to assess the participants’ prejudice and dehumanization of blacks. They found that participants who implicitly associated blacks with apes thought the black children were older and less innocent."

“Children in most societies are considered to be in a distinct group with characteristics such as innocence and the need for protection,” Phillip Atiba Goff, the author of the study wrote. “Our research found that black boys can be seen as responsible for their actions at an age when white boys still benefit from the assumption that children are essentially innocent.”

There’s a harsher reality behind Goff’s comments; in American society, black children aren’t seen as children to begin with. No conversation about criminal justice reform can be had without an honest inspection of white people’s internalized racism. A recent Stanford University study conducted by researchers Rebecca Hetey and Jennifer Eberhardt found that when white people are aware of the disproportionate incarceration of African Americans, they actually support harsher penalties that perpetuate inequity.

The Stanford News Service reported on the results of the study:

Their first experiment unfolded at a train station near San Francisco. A white female researcher asked 62 white voters to watch a video containing mug shots of male inmates. Some of the participants saw a video in which 25 percent of the mug shots were of black men, while others saw a video in which the percentage of black men among the mug shots rose to 45 percent.

The participants then had an opportunity to sign a real petition aimed at easing the severity of California's three-strikes law. "It seemed like a great opportunity—a real-life political issue—to test this question of whether blacker prison populations lead people to accept these more punitive policies," Eberhardt said.

The results were clear. Over half of the participants who'd seen the mug shots with fewer black men signed the petition, whereas only 27 percent of people who viewed the mug shots containing a higher percentage of black inmates agreed to sign. This was the case regardless of how harsh participants thought the law was.

“Many legal advocates and social activists seem to assume that bombarding the public with images, statistics and other evidence of racial disparities will motivate people to join the cause and fight inequality,” Rebecca Hetey, co-author of the study, said. “But we found that, ironically, exposure to extreme racial disparities may make the public less, not more, responsive to attempts to lessen the severity of policies that help maintain those disparities.”

If you’re shocked by Hetey’s comment, you shouldn’t be. An NBC News/Marist College poll released in December found that 52 percent of white people have a “great deal” of confidence that police are treating black people in their communities fairly.

The reason for this is simple: white people trust the cops. They believe that if police are arresting all of these black people who end up in prison, there must be a justifiable reason for that. One has to wonder if the men and women prosecuting these cases share such thinking.

The good news is that some positive changes have been made in how juveniles are sentenced during Catherine Jones’ incarceration.

In 2005, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the death penalty could not be applied to defendants under the age of 18. In 2012, the Court ruled that juveniles couldn’t be sentenced to life in prison for murder convictions.

“Mandatory life without parole for a juvenile precludes consideration of his chronological age and its hallmark features — among them, immaturity, impetuosity, and failure to appreciate risks and consequences,” Justice Elena Kagan wrote in the 2012 decision. “It prevents taking into account the family and home environment that surrounds him — and from which he cannot usually extricate himself — no matter how brutal or dysfunctional.”

Catherine was robbed of this consideration back in 1999. Being a black child, her humanity was ignored, because the criminal justice system didn’t see her as a little girl to begin with.

Changing juvenile laws so that children in Catherine's situation aren't treated as adults is a great start. True reform, however, will come only when we put an end to the racist thinking that labels kids criminals in the first place.
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Tue 20 Jan, 2015 06:52 am
At least I cite and quote sources like the FBI/CDC and legitimate news organizations including Fox, Bloomberg, NYT. All you do is insult and smear feces like the little monkey you are.

You never, ever cite a ******* thing. Is it a reading comprehension issue or just plain illiteracy on your part, goooey?
bobsal u1553115
Reply Tue 20 Jan, 2015 06:56 am
Unfortunately, the cops did the beating.

NYPD detective, lieutenant in alleged rape victim sex scandal put on modified duty
The accuser says Officer Lukasz Skorzewski, a married dad, aggressively tried to have sex with her after she had contacted police as a rape victim. She says Skorzewski and Lt. Adam Lamboy invited her out for drinks and that Lamboy promised she’d be ‘safe with us.’ Sources say both cops were placed on modified duty Friday and could be fired.
BY Tina Moore , Rocco Parascandola
Published: Friday, January 16, 2015, 2:16 PM
Updated: Friday, January 16, 2015, 10:59 PM





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Lukasz Skorzewski 'should have been fired,' says a police source familiar with the case of the detective allegedly trying to have sex with a purported rape victim. Lukasz Skorzewski 'should have been fired,' says a police source familiar with the case of the detective allegedly trying to have sex with a purported rape victim.
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Lieutenant Adam Lamboy was returning home from his Times Square assignment on New Year’s Day 2006 when his car skidded on ice and hit a utility pole. Doctors gave him a 50 percent chance of surviving two punctured lungs, a crushed pelvis, separated sternum, broken scapula and arm, and 18 cracked ribs. He returned to limited duty after three weeks of intense rehabilitation and was back to full duty that August. Lt. Lamboy is the Commanding Officer of the Manhattan Special Victims Squad with 17 years of service.

New York Daily News

A disgraced city cop accused of trying to have sex with an alleged rape victim in a hotel room near Seattle has been stripped of his shield and gun — and now he and his former boss could be fired.

The accuser says she reported the Seattle sleaze to the Internal Affairs Bureau back in April, but it wasn’t until Friday — the day the Daily News broke the story — that Officer Lukasz Skorzewski and Lt. Adam Lamboy were placed on modified duty, sources said.

Deputy Chief Kim Royster, an NYPD spokeswoman, also said Friday that Lamboy and Skorzewski were slapped with department charges in recent weeks.

The accuser, who has had mixed feelings over what should happen to Skorzewski, told The News on Friday that he should be sent packing.

“I think what he did was bad enough that he shouldn’t be a cop,” the 24-year-old college student said.

The cops have the option of pleading guilty and accepting a penalty — or fighting the charges at a department trial. If they went that route, a trial commissioner would determine whether they’re guilty and recommend a penalty. Police Commissioner Bill Bratton would then have the final say on whether they keep their jobs.
The accuser says Skorzewski was refused service at this Irish pub in Seattle after they'd been drinking all night. Sara Sokolowski for New York Daily News The accuser says Skorzewski was refused service at this Irish pub in Seattle after they'd been drinking all night.

“I am surprised that he is still working,” the woman said of Skorzewski, who is married with two children. “I never really blamed the lieutenant, but he’s partially responsible because he took us out drinking. They paid for everything.”

Skorzewski and Lamboy were assigned to investigate the woman’s claim of an alleged Manhattan rape in 2013. Members of the elite Manhattan Special Victims Division flew to Seattle to interview the woman in July of that year. The cops conducted the interview in an office, but she called them back the next day to ask followup questions. She alleges that Skorzewski eventually kissed her and tried to rip her clothes off in a hotel room.

The woman said the disturbing morning encounter followed a daylong drinking binge where Skorzewski was so drunk that he was refused service at Paddy Coyne’s, an Irish pub in downtown Seattle.

“We actually got kicked out of that one,” she told The News. “Luke’s wife also called him around that time. She was really upset that they were out drinking.”

At one point during the alcohol marathon, she says Skorzewski delivered what has to be one of the creepiest cop lines of all time.
They also allegedly hung out in downtown Seattle near the waterfront. Sara Sokolowski for New York Daily News They also allegedly hung out in downtown Seattle near the waterfront.

“You’re my favorite victim,” she says he told her.

Neither Skorzewski, 31, nor Lamboy, 44, have commented.

They first crossed paths with the accuser on June 11, 2013, when the woman, who attends college in New York City, reported a rape to Skorzewski. She claimed she was assaulted by a man at his Union Square apartment after a night of drinking. In a bizarre twist, the man she accused is a former writer for “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.”

Skorzewski and Lamboy flew to Seattle and interviewed her July 5. When they met with her again the next day at 3 p.m., she said both cops were in street clothes and Lamboy had a woman on his arm. The accuser said they invited her to join them for a drink and at first she declined. But the cops insisted and Lamboy even assured her that she would be “safe with us.”

Nine hours later, they were a trio after Lamboy got into a fight with his lady friend. And when the accuser said she could not remember where she parked her car, she says they headed to the officers’ rooms at the Embassy Suites hotel in nearby Bellevue, Wash.
NYC PAPERS OUT. Social media use restricted to low res file max 184 x 128 pixels and 72 dpi Anthony DelMundo/New York Daily News Skorzewski was removed from the elite SVU unit and busted down to beat cop at the 114th Precinct, pictured, in Astoria, Queens. Now he's been put on modified duty.

Skorzewski, she said, gallantly let her have the bed while he slept on a couch all night. But in the morning, she said, things got weird. The cop asked if he could kiss her, she says. She recalled being outraged that he wanted to take it further.

The cop clearly wasn’t thinking about his wife or his father-in-law, who sources say is an NYPD captain in Brooklyn.

Skorzewski was aggressive, she said. “He really felt me up, tried to get his hands down my pants,” she told The News.

Three months later, she returned to New York City so she could make a controlled phone call to her alleged Union Square rapist — an attempt to get him to confess that ended in failure, she said on Friday.

The woman said she finally sent a letter to the NYPD in April 2014 and poured out her story. She said the Internal Affairs Bureau wrote her back that December and said her claims had been “substantiated.”

“I was surprised that it took so long for anything to happen,” she said.

Sources said Lamboy was transferred from the special victims unit in May. Skorzewski, who was dropped from detective to officer, was bounced from the unit last week, the sources said.

With Nancy Dillon

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bobsal u1553115
Reply Tue 20 Jan, 2015 07:17 am

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Austin Police Department Apologizes For Officers' Rape Joke, Launches Investigation
The Huffington Post | By Ryan Grenoble

Posted: 11/01/2014 2:21 pm EDT Updated: 11/01/2014 2:59 pm EDT

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The Austin Police Department confirmed on Friday that a video made public this week, in which two of its officers joke about rape, is authentic, and that it is currently conducting an investigation.

The video was posted to YouTube on Thursday by Austin attorney Drew Gibbs, who told local station KXAN that he acquired the video via an open records request as part of a "standard investigation" into a motor vehicle collision.

The video features the audio of officers Mark Lyttle and Michael Castillo as they talk in a squad car. "Look at that girl over there," one of the officers says around a minute into the tape, shortly after saying something about a rape whistle. A whistle then sounds, and one of them says, "Go ahead, call the cops. They can't unrape you."

"Ha, yeah exactly," replies his colleague, laughing. He then asks, "You didn't turn your camera off, did you?"

The first officer replies by repeating the punchline.

In a statement released to KEYE TV Friday, the Austin Police Department pledged to investigate the officers and apologized to sexual assault victims:

The Austin Police Department has validated the video/audio publicly released pursuant to the Texas Open Records Act. The officers in the video/audio have been identified as Austin Police officers. Upon learning of the video's contents, the Department immediately launched an internal investigation. The investigation will include a comprehensive audit of the involved officers' contacts with victims of sexual assault to ensure the actions taken during the contacts meet the expectations of the Department, the public and most importantly, the victims. Upon conclusion of the investigation, the Department will take appropriate corrective action.

APD extends a heartfelt apology to all victims of sexual assault. The comments made by the officers are contrary to the long-standing commitment of the Department to bring compassionate justice to sexual assault victims.

Local website Culturemap Austin also notes that City Manager Marc Ott requested that the Department of Justice conduct a formal investigation into the police department last year, after its officers shot two unarmed black men in separate incidents. The DOJ declined to investigate, citing a report it filed six years prior.

The Austin Police Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The Huffington Post on Saturday.

H/T Gawker

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bobsal u1553115
Reply Tue 20 Jan, 2015 07:20 am
Another cartoon from carpfart. Explain what facts your propaganda represents. Dr Goebbels would be so proud of you.
Reply Tue 20 Jan, 2015 10:32 am
@bobsal u1553115,
Explain what facts your propaganda represents.

You mean that Sharpton is a race baiter lining his pockets? No need to explain the obvious.
Reply Tue 20 Jan, 2015 12:34 pm
Ok its a moot point, bobsal is just attacking cops to make Wilson look bad because he is a cop. The same can be done with black people to make brown look bad, easily. It doesn't prove anything and its an ignorant argument.
Reply Tue 20 Jan, 2015 02:13 pm
Better than having your brains blown out. Of course in some on this site it would be an improvement. I have never claimed a cop dosent have a right to defend himself only that SOME of them have a god complex which tells them that no matter how wrong they are its ok cause their a cop.
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Reply Tue 20 Jan, 2015 04:31 pm
You don't understand what Bobsal is doing, it's not just about Wilson. Wilson's just a symbol of a much wider malaise.
Reply Tue 20 Jan, 2015 05:20 pm
Ok, same deal. The same thing can still be done to lawyers, doctors blacks, Mexicans, Indians, or any other group of people. It is a ignorant attack on people doing a job, because other individuals doing a job mess up. PEOPLE mess up. The person responsible for committing crime should do time period. No argument. Right now he is just bashing cops who are innocent OR guilty and putting them all in the same category with little or no backing from actual facts.
Reply Tue 20 Jan, 2015 07:06 pm
A well trained cop with a nightstick can subdue any without hitting them in the face or the head

You watch way too much ******* TV.

Pass the tests (that includes psych tests too dumb ass) and the training then pin that target to your chest and you can talk. Until then you are just a lot of hot air.
Reply Tue 20 Jan, 2015 07:11 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
At least I cite and quote sources like the FBI/CDC

Well I did asshole, so either you're the illiterate dumb ass or just an asshole...or both

..."according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics."
Reply Tue 20 Jan, 2015 08:39 pm
just a symbol of a much wider malaise.

Like Islam in the UK?
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Reply Tue 20 Jan, 2015 08:49 pm
I can talk as much as I want to. Especially When some one like you tries to tell me not to. Suck it up phony cop. Now if you were a cop and pulled me over on a dark road I would do just as you said rather than take a bullet in the brain. Hey every body note this responce if you find I have been shot by a cop.
Reply Tue 20 Jan, 2015 09:14 pm
Hey every body note this responce if you find I have been shot by a cop.

Post your real name and location so we can be sure.http://www.alien-earth.org/images/smileys/rofl.gif
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