maxdancona wrote:No one has yet explained the difference between prepubescent boys
and girls that makes it OK for adults to seduce 11 year old boys, but not 11 year old girls.
Is there a reason that one is OK and the other is not OK?
I thought that was obvious and unless my memory is incorrect,
when statutory rape laws were
first enacted by legislatures,
thay only addressed protecting girls, not boys. Since then, there've been changes.
Indeed, for quite a great long time, it was a legal
IMPOSSIBILITY for a husband
to rape his own wife, and that concept was explicitly integrated
into the statutory definition of rape.
I must say, in all candor that as a boy, I felt adequate to the task
of defending
myself. Traditionally, girls have not been deemed
to have the same defensive strength as boys.
Of course, there is and long has been the consideration of pregnancy.
As I remember, at the common law,
there were 4 trespasses, of which 1 is here relevant, to wit:
tresspass per quod servitium amisit, which included luring away a servant
or incapacitating her with pregnancy; female only. Within that concept,
daughters were included in the definition of servants.
Additionally, note that your question conflates the genders.
My argument is limited to prohibiting MALE adults, leaving females legally un-affected.
When I was having my jollies with the ladies,
I 'd have deemed it most abhorrent indeed,
if anyone had interfered. I'd have been very angry.
I hope that if boys of generations yet un-born
are as lucky with the ladies as I was since age 11,
that no one shud sabotage their good fortune
and certainly not their representatives in government.