Btw I got 48/48 -- the red on yellow score thing says so -- but it still says "You've failed Third Grade, the short bus is coming to pick you up." So yeah, they're assuming that you'll fail.
I thought it was pretty easy. But it is true, you need to do the most obvious states first. I also had a state puzzle when I was a kid and my brothers and I would hold up each state shape to try and guess which state it was a great way to learn the states - bought a similiar puzzle for my daughter.
I can't imagine that some one from outside the US would be able to do it.
no way it would be like me trying to put together a puzxzle of african countries... it just wouldn't happen
you are right linkat
I got 17/48 but only with some pure luck - I knew few like California, Florida, Rhode Island, Texas, New York....I supposed where are Georgia and Alabama...and I actually luckily guess some like North and South Dakota
Really, wild guess
I know I got one other guess like this - Nebraska I think...
48/48--I had a magnificent wooden jigsaw puzzle as a child and used to race against an egg timer.
Africa...South America...Middle Europe...the new Asia....I'd be navigating uncharted territory.
35, 48... I didn't see the timer the first time. I think it helps to have driven through 1/3 of them, plus I've done marketing throughout the Country.
35/48, timed out - I didn't see the timer, was sort of daydreaming along, thinking about when I'd been in various states... I think I was right as far as I got.
I am sure I'd mess up royally on some other parts of the globe though.
47 ut of 48 but I was dragging to Alabama for the win and the you failed sign came up...what the hell
48/48 with about a billionth of a second to spare. lol Dropping some of those on the small states (RI and DE) is tough!
fishin' wrote:48/48 with about a billionth of a second to spare. lol Dropping some of those on the small states (RI and DE) is tough!
That's exactly what held me up.....
48/48 does than mean I can get a job as a traveling salesman?
It's easier for 3rd graders. They have smaller fingers.
48/48. They make the kids memorize this in fourth grade here. I had to help my son with it a few months ago. I grew up in a family that took cross-country driving trips in summers, and I was in charge of maps. I've been to all but 8 of the lower 48 states (missed Oregon, Utah, North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, New Jersey, North Carolina, and South Carolina.)
Didn't even notice a timer, btw. And yes, soz, it told me I flunked, too. RIGGED.
I do notice that Florida seems rather proud of their achievements seems a little more engorged on that map then what I remember.
34/48 but ran out of time.
There's a lot of the Pensacola Naval base Cav
It is also rigged. I've played it about a half dozen times and periodically it claim that an id is wrong. It you keep playing and try the state again it accepts the id but your score does not change.
41/48 when the time ran out. i didn't know I was being timed until I was more than half way through it.... and 2 wrong answers where because I badly placed the cursor..... and and and...