Nothing in that one, fishin', but a bunch in this one:
TROA Legislative Initiatives
The White House has riled up the enemy. But is the enemy Iraq's Saddam Hussein or the hundreds of thousands of U.S. career military veterans who have become disabled fighting to protect America for all these years?
Many disabled veterans and their families may wonder. They are frustrated by years of political double-talk, and they are particularly angry that President George W. Bush, who campaigned two years ago as a friend of veterans, would now hide from them and have House Speaker Dennis Hastert maneuver more delays on so-called concurrent receipt legislation.
It all comes down to money and priorities, and apparently disabled vets who are hurting are not a Bush priority. Tax cuts certainly are, though, for a president who in his first year in office rammed through Congress $1.35 trillion in tax cuts that will kick in over a decade. Yet the Bush administration can't find $58 billion for those Americans who sacrificed their lives and suffer all sorts of maladies.
And in this one:
Frustarted Veterans Accuse Bush of Breaking Promise