Fri 25 Jul, 2014 06:57 pm
I have had a crush on this guy for over two years. He's been in several classes in uni but I always thought he was straight so I didn't get talking to him much. The other day I signed up and there it was, he had a grindr account. I'm now hesitating whether I should put my profile up. I kind of wanted to get a shot at him. Would it be weird if he sees my account online? Is it too awkward to talk to someone you know on grindr. We don't have school for another month and a half so I won't be seeing him anytime soon. I sort of wanted him to see I was out because I'm pretty discreet at school. If he doesn't message me (or me to him), would that be awkward when we are together in class?
It's like you just have 6 canned responses and you cycle through them. Did you even read what was written by the OP?
And to the OP - as it is for every social networking site out there - your Grindr profile is going to be checked out by anyone who puts it together with you (e. g. if you use your real name or you use the same userid on both sites). Only you are responsible for what goes on it, so decide whether it's worthwhile to do so. I would suggest, if you think you're going to start a relationship, then maybe hold off, as I think it would give forth the impression that you're not serious (and if that's the impression you wish to give forth, then have at it). You can always create a profile there later if things don't work out.
As for this guy you like, it's hard to say what his specific reaction will be. You don't know (or do you?) how active he is on the site. Creating a profile might attract his attention or he might not notice at all (there are lots of people who make social media profiles on various sites and then never visit them again). I don't see anything wrong with, if you want to make the account, messaging him through it. But it would probably be easier to just send him an email through your school; I have to assume you both have school .edu addresses, right? So why not just do that?