He's insane, but in an entertaining way.
Of course, reading through the last few pages, we are obviously all co-starring in a postmodern meta-production of Lord of the Flies, and I will hang my hat here, too. I was waxing nostalgic for former days. It *was* true, and my appreciation for the benefit is deep and sincere.
Also true: I saw treatment of a woman I considered to be impeccably behaved - who had conservative opinions - that was so bad, I kept reading back to see what crime she'd committed. She was ripped at by a mob for over a year, ruthlessly - I was on a bit of a hiatus, very busy with classes. I had no time to be here, but I'd occasionally just peek in. Even though she hadn't been a personal friend, and I hadn't agreed with her more than about 30% of the time, I was sickened to see her treatment. I never could find a good reason for it, and imagined they were doing a Lord of the Flies purge of conservatives - as they had already rid the place of most with that political leaning. I remember wishing she'd leave just to spare herself of further horror. Thinking about it now, I have most likely been the similar object of that sentiment at different times.
It is disheartening to see some say that "right-leaning" is a reason to want members gone, though I understand for some here, that term may be synonymous (unfairly so) with illogical, Bible-quoting, etc.
Anyway. Property values have decreased.