My name is Abbey
I am from a poor family
Everyday though, I get to learn things
Everyday, I have food in my stomach and water to drink
My brother laughs all the time and we play after school
I watch my mother who eats less than me be smiles all the time
I know not what a mobile phone is, or the internet though I've heard of it
My Father made a paper flower for my Mother it made her smile, he couldn't buy her a rose but she said this was perfect, it was forever and she put it on display
My brother gave me a huge hug the other day, because I found a stone and wrote his name on it, he put it proudly on his window sill
I looked up at the stars last night, gosh they were beautiful
Yesterday my toes touched the sand and sea, gosh that was beautiful
I don't have many clothes and I help my Mum wash daily we laugh as we do it.
We get seeds every year and we plant them, corn, potatoes, beans, gosh they taste good.
I feel blessed for my life and my family, we are always smiling, running, doing things together, walking and we sit at a table and eat together every breakfast/lunch and dinner . We don't eat much but enough.
We're so happy...................
Sometimes I wish I was born 100 or so years ago where people grew their food, played outside, left doors open, little gifts meant the world, people smiled.
They say the simple things in life are free. And, they are.