Leonard Cohen's title "Beautiful Losers" came to mind when I read this headline at Politico...
Quote:GOP campaigns seek out McCain
By BURGESS EVERETT | 9/10/14 7:05 PM EDT
It’s general election season — and John McCain is back in demand.
McCain, Romney and Cheney are who these people turn to in their time of need, the cupboards being bare.
Across the GOP/conservative horizon there's no one who appears as a winner or as a hero or even as original. And that's interesting. The decades-long and desperate search for a new Reagan is continually yearned for and continually disappointed (not least because "Reagan" has been crafted into a myth which is unobtainable - the real guy wouldn't get through a modern primary).
The culling out of moderates in the party and movement (and the evisceration of any body which might produce youthful and bright moderates for the movement) has severely limited any sort of up and coming farm team contingent. If you are going to run for significant office in the modern GOP, you cannot be a moderate. The word is now a profanity.
And because the movement is built upon a range of unique (if often cooperative) extremisms, nobody comes up without their own and other's blood all over them. Look at Boehner and Cruz. Or Rubio and Jindal. Each battered by their own fellows. Rand Paul has a target on his back as big as the Pentagon.
There are, of course, healthy disagreements. The above stuff isn't healthy.