Sorry, been busy. Lots of discussion, I see. Don't really have time right now for much but...
Quote:I believe that progressives too often fail to acknowledge the degree to which autonomy and local rule must be sacrificed to apply their “solutions” , and fail as well to foresee or deal with the side effects they bring with the human nature they cannot change.
Jon Chait recently wrote a very good piece on how Ferguson demonstrates that the worst governments are commonly local
http://nym.ag/1oY5JiU Or at the state level, we know by polling that 46% of Mississippi Republicans desire that interracial marriage be made illegal
http://bit.ly/1cQUbrz (This surprised me as I thought it would be 44% tops).
As to "side effects", that's a benign or irrelevant point here as side effects (or unintended consequences) attend any decision or action. You might argue that a "conservative" approach - using "tried and true" schemes - is more likely to avoid such effects. Yet on the other hand, it will obviously be the more resilient or unfixed schemes that are going to be more likely to recognize and admit when things have gone awry. Again, we'd have to look to specifics.
You bring up Russia again. You need to stop doing that or I'll start hitting you over the head with Guatemala and Pinochet/Friedman in Chile and Noriega in Panama and Marcos and all the other instances where "free enterprise" and murderous state terror have been happy companions (including ethnic cleansing as in Guatemala) or those instances where Ayn Rand's statements can be over-layed on Hilter's statements with little divergence.
Quote:Many (not all) religions recognize these elementary traits of human nature – they’re about influencing human behavior, not controlling it
This distinction is semantic more than real. Punishment where your body is burning forever isn't some hint as to preferred behaviors and values. Closing down womens' options re birth control or termination of a pregnancy - presently the goal of legislation in almost every state where Republicans wield power - is a blatant attempt to control. etc