@Lustig Andrei,
I don't know who is right or wrong on this but safety rules point to wrong re guidelines, et al. As I said, I liked it.
I have a memory of being on the metro in Rome, both tired out of my mind, maybe our first day, sans a lot of sleep, and just sitting stolid while the train moved but still looked around, and a kid came on and did a small show.
I'm from Venice, Ca, home of the homeless, so I'm then already inured, and failed to donate. (I did in Venice sometimes, especially to one lady.)
Let's say I was grumpy puss. Same with my husband.
Most people in the subway car gave, I presume a little.
I learned a lesson.
I was the brat.
There are famously scalyway kids in Italy, but that day, that population wasn't cold to them.