I need *help* to define my sexuality!!!!

Reply Sun 29 Jun, 2014 02:06 am
I am 22 year old male. 5'5 and Latino.
My question here is I am not sure what I am for my sexuality. I have dated women all my life so far and have had sex with women with no problem. My relationships go to down hill cause I get bored easily and I'm hard to keep intrigued. I had a experience with a male once in middle school and I did everything but had a-sex ( I pitched only). I liked it all and we had a few more times. Then he told people but it was supposed to be our secret. Then in High school (freshmen year & sophmore year) l I flirted with a Gay guy in my math class and he'd rub my leg and it really turned me on and we use to text and talk all the time. we almost dated till I told him I was scared cause I wanted to be with him without people knowing cause I was afraid of what people thought and I didn't want people knowing. I guess I was kinda of ashamed of it. We never did. To this day I find a sexual attraction to males (only the fem/pretty boy kind) but I am not sure on an emotional level if I could. I see gay couples and I'm thinking aww that's cute. I feel straight majority of the time and have sex with only women. I sometimes get female tendencies such as: walking sometimes, sitting, some words I use. I'm not sure what it means, but I am a typical guy though. I am in the US Army as an Infantryman, but attracted to no one in my unit except for a Medic but he's in a different Platoon. I act and talk like a straight guy at least cause that's how I am, but it doesn't explain the female tendencies or actions that pop up sometimes and when I see cute guys out and about I just get all slightly girly ( in my head). I think I'm bi-sexual but I also read about that straight guys can have sexual attractions to men sometimes and it's normal. I don't know what is right or what ever. I'm not sure what I want or if i'm covering something up or if am more leaning towards women or towards men. There is a lot of confusion and I'm just not sure about anything anymore honestly or what's real. Today I saw a male on a public train and he was a few years younger than me by the looks of it but he had fitted pants and a nice shirt and he looked really good and had a nice rear and I couldn't help but stare when we got off the train and I was behind him. Part of me wanted him to notice me and smile or do something to get my attention (btw I dress in a regular t-**** and jeans -casual dress). On the other hand, when I see fine ass chicks, I sometimes think the same thing in hopes that one will notice and I know I am a decent looking guy ( I'm not ugly I know that much) but girls are the same way I think F%&K I would totally Bang that chick especially red heads ( emma stone, I'd marry that chick lol). So I'm going to stop there I think that is enough info. Please help me I really don't know.. Also sorry that this so long =/
View best answer, chosen by iggy176
  Selected Answer
Reply Sun 29 Jun, 2014 08:20 am
Your behaviors are your own. They aren't necessarily gay or straight. So get it out of your head that saying, I dunno, "tuna casserole" means you're effeminate or anything like that. Seriously.

Same with how you walk or whatever.

It's more about how you feel, who turns you on, who interests you.

I suspect you're bi, if you really need a definition and a name for things. Sexuality is a spectrum, and most people live in the gray-shaded area. But I also suspect that you feel shame and don't want to come out (yet, or maybe never).

Now, are you any different than you were yesterday? Probably not.

What to do differently?

Uh, nothing?

Seriously. You now have a title.

So go and be happy. Don't use people. Don't be nasty. Use protection, from STDs and from pregnancy. Be a good guy, whether your partner or your date is male or female.

Go and be happy. Labels are for clothes. Titles are for books.

You're a person. You're gonna be fine.
bobsal u1553115
Reply Sun 29 Jun, 2014 09:07 am
I really don't get a sense there's any problem here. Are you sure that because of your own desire to keep a certain aspect of your sexual life hidden or compartmentized, this really isn't a sort of away to brag anonymously?
Reply Sun 29 Jun, 2014 12:29 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
No, there is no sort of bragging involved. What would I be bragging about? Do you mean seeking attention cause that's not the case either.
Reply Sun 29 Jun, 2014 12:32 pm
This is going to sound rediculas (sp) but I am not sure how to be happy really.. That's also another thing that frustrates me a bit as well however that's a whole different story haha. Thank you as well
bobsal u1553115
Reply Sun 29 Jun, 2014 12:33 pm
Iggy- you have no problems. Enjoy your life!
Reply Sun 29 Jun, 2014 12:34 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
It feels like it though..
0 Replies
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Sun 29 Jun, 2014 12:44 pm
Iggy said: I think I'm bi-sexual but I also read about that straight guys can have sexual attractions to men sometimes and it's normal

Nah mate, you're bi.
Real men don't like other men..Smile
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Jun, 2014 01:19 pm
It's not ridiculous. It can sometimes take a while before you really know what you want out of life (and that's not just sexuality I'm talking about). It's a part of the maturing process.

Oh, and thanks for the red ribbon! Smile
Reply Sun 29 Jun, 2014 03:15 pm
I kinda wish I'd hurry cause I'd like to find out what does that why I don't have to sit here and waste my time trying to figure it out when I could be productive and get things rolling and be where I want to be ya know?

You're very welcome =]
Reply Sun 29 Jun, 2014 07:27 pm
I think this is one of those things were you are going to have to commit in order to make a decision.

You said you are attracted to males but are hesitant to act on that. You need to get into an environment where that lifestyle is accepted. Then see if it is really the right fit.

I'd also say that you may be hyper-sexual. You notice both males and females only in a sexual way. That may be because of your age, or that you are extra sexually stimulated all the time.

Reply Mon 30 Jun, 2014 12:33 am
That may be something as well. I just recently found out today that I am highly attracted to femininity. Fem boys, TG (MTF) ETC. . How would I find people like that where I am highly introverted and there are hardly any sites to meet people. are there like designated places or something?
bobsal u1553115
Reply Mon 30 Jun, 2014 06:14 am
You're twenty two. What's the hurry? Let things take the time they need.
Reply Mon 30 Jun, 2014 09:07 am
@bobsal u1553115,
I'm not sure..I'll try
0 Replies
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Mon 30 Jun, 2014 09:35 am
Iggy asked: I am highly attracted to femininity. Fem boys, TG (MTF) ETC. . How would I find people like that

Some people become catholic priests so they can get their hands on choirboys
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Jun, 2014 09:40 am
There's no need to rush.

Enjoy yourself - date men and women - find out who you really like to be with.

Really. You are young and have time.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Jun, 2014 11:47 am
iggy176 wrote:

That may be something as well. I just recently found out today that I am highly attracted to femininity. Fem boys, TG (MTF) ETC. . How would I find people like that where I am highly introverted and there are hardly any sites to meet people. are there like designated places or something?

Well, there's this place called the internet. I understand it's very popular.
0 Replies

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