The same types of bills are been trying to be stablshed on my country. These may actualy became a trend worldwide.
The effect of a bad nutrition has been more than proven to cause severe health problems that cause a high economical pressure on a goverment health service. The costs of the complications associated with obesity are huge. No contry will be prepared to solve such problem by provinding direct health care alone. The only solution is prevention.
Here is where the subject becomes tricky. Most of us live on societies that no longer teach kids to eat healthy. Mostly because we weren´t teached to eat healthy. The only solution i see besides impositive charges, taxes, and more strict food regulations would be be huge social change of attitude. That our communities as a hole start changing the way we eat, and how we teach kids how to eat.
This would be very difficult. Many bad nutrition habits are closely related to very old cultural structures on communities. And is difficult to make some people belive that their habits are bad.
Even us, if we don´t prevent diseases, in 30 years our chindren taxes will be paying our dialisis machines, our hearth surgeries, our hip replacement protesis. Just because we refused to walk 30 minutes daily and avoid high fructose containing foods.
Theres no easy answer for this situation. I see you take the freedom banner. I take the medical banner. I work for my country´s health goverment service. I understand why our countries are doing this. There are not enough resources avilable to treat everyone of the consecuences of their own bad behavior.
I been trying to change the bad habits of many diabetic patients for 3 years in a row with poor results. Even in my own family i had failed miserabily. Targeting the marketing is a good way to start. It is true, kids don´t spend money, but how many times have you seen a spoiled brat crying and nagging his mom to buy him some sweet treat. This is not uncommon.
I don´t see that it completely limits our freedom, basically it is trying to make the new generation to reduce their calorie intake. This is a realy big problem every one should be worrying about. If you have a mother or a father or a spouse with obesity. Sooner or later you will start to notice the huge trouble those bad desicions taken on their youth are causing on their health.