Well hello there
A couple of yet more pedantic corrections:
Moon = tsuki (not tsukino)
No = Iie (not ie; the long 'i' sound is important, otherwise the word means "house")
Uniform= seifuku (not fuku; fuku just means regular everyday clothes; "seifuku" can be used for school uniform, company uniform, etc., while military uniform would be "gunpuku"; notice all of them contain "fuku" within them, including "gunpuku", where the 'f' turns into 'p')
Sorry = Gomen (nasai) (not (gomen) nasai; you can drop the "nasai" but not the "gomen")
One final thing. "Okashii" can actually be used to mean "funny", and even as a compliment (I just confirmed this with my wife, because I thought I'd heard it used as such.). If you just say it out of the blue, then like Monger said, it will sound like it means something like "strange", but you don't need too much context to get it to mean "funny". It's usage probably also varies from place to place.
If you have any other questions, let us know! Japanese is a fun and wonderful language