I do go to albany at least once a month but usually go to dance clubs you don't meet nice guys there... I had the fortunate experience of going to college with a guy, 27 of us went out to dinner (a lot I know, he's a popular guy), and I didn't really know any one there accept for the guy and his brother... at dinner a really cute guy was flirting with me I didn't think anything of it, but he asked me for my # he is the manager of a resturant two towns away, we have been "seeing" each other, not exclusively but we have been on quite a few dates... it's been about a month now. I like him but I haven't gotten to the point where I want to talk about being exclusive and getting serious because we are still getting to know each other.
also last week a guy I have been friends for 4 years with called me up. we are graduating together on the 29th. he took me out fo cinco de mayo, I didn't know it was a date until he insisted on paying. then he tried to give me a good night kiss... I wasn't to shure how I felt about that.
any way my life is confusing.
Aimeemarie; perhaps you could find a job or hobby where you'll encounter "snowbirds", ply your charms on a young handsome one, and perhaps you will become one! Or, if that's you in your Avatar: Take the last train to Clarksburg, and I'll meet you at the station...
OCCOM BILL... that's jennifer Lopez in the avatar... and how do you know where clarksburg is? I live right near there. like Right near there.
Bummer about the Avatar
... but welcome to A2K!
A friend of mine once worked for a place in Pittsfield and the WWW makes the world a pretty small place. Want to learn more about your community?
Click here!.
well bill, ilive in north adams... the smallest dump hole of a town on the planet.
Perhaps you'll find Mr. Right at MassMOCA? I can't imagine there are too many heavy-handed men touring Art museums. :wink:
perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.
been trying to meet guys online but all I am meeting on there are strange prople from different countries they all say.
"I need american wife!"
online dating is not a good idea either.
Personally, I love meeting strange people from different countries, but that's just me. It does sound like you need a change of venue... or to get pretty lucky. Good Luck!
I really don't mind. I am seeing a nice guy not exclusively... but he is motivated, job, car, appartment, Long term goals... I guess we will see how it turns out. for right now we see each other 2 times a week and that is good enought for now. I am way too busy to be stuck up someone's butt. I am in to casual right now...
aimeemarie123 wrote:well bill, ilive in north adams... the smallest dump hole of a town on the planet.
Heh, I was in North Adams last summer. Spent a week hiding out at Mohawk Trail State Park with the girl and we went into North Adams a few times. It seemed like a nice little town.
very small, very boring. only churches, bars, banks, and chinese food places.
then ther is the mexican resturant that has a mock hip hop club in the back and kereoke in the front... way cool! Sarcasm, sarcasm.