Fluoride is a posion!

Reply Mon 16 Jun, 2014 11:43 am
hmmmmmmmmmm not a good sign!
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Reply Mon 16 Jun, 2014 11:44 am
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Reply Mon 16 Jun, 2014 11:45 am
Here is something to ponder about!
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Reply Mon 16 Jun, 2014 11:58 am
In other words, you have not read the report in Lancet that you are insisting everyone must read.

It is even funnier that someone insists others read a report they themselves have not read and can't provide a readable link to while citing it as their authority.

You say you have other scientific sources of authority? Kindly provide a link to any of these published scientific reports so we can do as you insist and read them. I'd like to see them.

Reply Mon 16 Jun, 2014 12:29 pm
In other words, you have not read the report in Lancet that you are insisting everyone must read.

How did you make this conclusion?????
I told you I live near an asylum, called the "University Library"

Reply Mon 16 Jun, 2014 12:35 pm
Sorry I will take the word of the CDC over some nuts any old day.

I am old enough to remember when the nuts climbed out of the woodwork in the 50s and 60s over this issue with the idea that it was a communist plot and it went downhill from there.

By the time of the released of the movie Dr. Strangelove in 1964 the stand of the anti fluoridation nuts was so disrespected it was used as a joke in the movie.

Mandrake discovers that no order for war has been received, and tries to stop Ripper, who locks them both in his office. Ripper tells Mandrake that he believes the Soviets have been using fluoridation of United States' water supplies to pollute the "precious bodily fluids" of Americans.

I find it amusing that you are trying to bring back a concern over fluoridation 60 years of so after it was shown to be nonsense.

By the way how do you feel about the moon landings, 911 and the Kennedy assassination?
Reply Mon 16 Jun, 2014 12:49 pm
Sorry I will take the word of the CDC over some nuts any old day.

Ok, so it is a mather of faith now! That is for sure!

good luck brushing your teeth! Smile
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Reply Mon 16 Jun, 2014 12:50 pm
Just because you live near a library doesn't mean you've read the report. If you've read it, why would you not say so rather than using the library obfuscation?

Again, you say you have other authoritative resources. Please link to them. They would go a long way toward providing foundation for your assertions about fluoride and you wouldn't have to resort to use of the inane graphics that do nothing to bolster your claims.
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Reply Mon 16 Jun, 2014 12:52 pm
I find it amusing that you are trying to bring back a concern over fluoridation 60 years of so after it was shown to be nonsense.

Really looks like things changed!

Isn't it a bit strange to listen to old news instead of new news?

It is sooo funy.

If there is a new invention you won't use it, because according to the physics 100 years ago it can't work!?

Keep going, you'r very funny!
Reply Mon 16 Jun, 2014 12:57 pm
Sorry but we now have over a half century of follow up proof that 2-ppm of fluoridation is both safe and of great benefits.

Once more how do you feel about the moon landings?
Reply Mon 16 Jun, 2014 01:54 pm
Sorry but we now have over a half century of follow up proof that 2-ppm of fluoridation is both safe and of great benefits.

Once more how do you feel about the moon landings?

I wonder what the moon landings have to do with fluoride?
And well, if you are really really convinced that Fluoride is any good, against the latest and newest finding, go ahead, use it! In my book that is called stupid if you do. Why is it so difficult for you to see that some things change?
It really is very funny to see how you cling to the past.
Reply Mon 16 Jun, 2014 02:19 pm
I wonder what the moon landings have to do with fluoride?

I am just wondering if you are a super nut or not as your irrational stand on fluoridation 60 years after it been proven safe is likely not to be your only irrational believes.

Here how you started this thread.........

It was put in the water by Hitler to make people docile.
It is also put in the water in eg. the U.S. A (which isn't a real counrty btw)
for the same reasons, to dumb down people and to make them docile so they will be very good slaves.

Oh my lord you are a super super nut......by your own postings here you had gone far beyond just questioning the moon landings.


es, the moon is an artificial object.

There are so many anomalies, it is unbelievable.

It has been established beyond all reasonable doubt that the Moon is not what it appears; that it is not just another satellite orbiting a planet, Earth, but an entity which has thrown the minds of some of the greatest thinkers and scientific brains into a quandary and bewilderment unprecedented in the history of astronomy. Why haven't you heard about this? Another government cover-up? How could Moon mysteries have anything to do with government secrecy, and moreover could it relate to the suppression of the space programme?
Reply Mon 16 Jun, 2014 02:30 pm
Footnote David Weber wrote a wonderful science fiction series that revolved around the moon being a hidden warship by the name of Dahak.
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Reply Mon 16 Jun, 2014 03:03 pm
I believe my post belongs here...I take it you dont care about this substance?
Reply Mon 16 Jun, 2014 05:31 pm
Studies done in several cities where fluoridation occurs have shown the expected 60% reduction in tooth decay. A comparison of 13-year-old students in British Columbia, exclusive of those in Victoria and Vancouver areas, showed a significant decrease in the dental caries index of up to 19% in students living in communities with fluoridated water as opposed to those in communities which did not practice fluoridation. This difference showed up in spite of the complexities, described in the next paragraph, which were not accounted for in a study designed for other purposes. If a study was designed specifically to determine the effects of water fluoridation and these variables were controlled, one would expect to see a better percentage improvement.

Much of the population uses fluoride toothpastes, fluoride rinses, fluoride supplements and topical fluoride applications. Few students were born and remained in either a fluoridated or non-fluoridated community; mobility is quite high, estimated at around 50% for 13-year-old students. Thus 13-year-old students may well have been brought up in a different community than that in which they were tested. Even communities classified as fluoridated had children in their schools who came from outlying areas not under fluoridation. The differences are smaller in younger children and become more pronounced with age as cumulative effects begin to appear (Gunther and Gray, 1988; and Gray and Gunther, 1987).

Source Environment Canada (which is not a wackadoo DOT COM site)

Vancouver and REgina and Montreal do not fluoridate . Regina and Montreal have existing naturally occurring F in their water and adding more would exceed the MAC( max allowable concentration). Vancouver adds no F and is not even a unified water system. SO, many enclaves hve made political pressure decide the subject. AS it can be seen, even without making the data field even for the stats involved. THE communities round Vncouver, that DO have fluoridation, have a better dental record than those without. Quahog is not being honest.
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Reply Wed 18 Jun, 2014 12:24 am
Fluoride Toxicity No Longer a ‘Conspiracy Theory


It’s often amazing how many people still view the dangers posed to health from fluoride in the water supply as nothing more than a “conspiracy theory” – dismissed as a notion unsupported by any solid evidence, they demand peer reviewed studies before even contemplating the veracity of the claim. Anything else, they say, is unsupported pseudoscience. It probably doesn’t help matters that Wikipedia – that hugely flawed yet oft cited source of information on the internet which so many tend to appeal to – peddles misinformation which clearly creates a misconception as to the adverse effects. Its page discussing fluoride toxicity is revealing, stating that “the only generally accepted adverse effect of fluoride at levels used for water fluoridation is dental fluorosis, which can alter the appearance of children’s teeth during tooth development; this is mostly mild and usually only an aesthetic concern.”

With a sizable number of people satisfied with this unfounded reassurance, little further research is conducted, reflecting the lazy manner in which some people are willing to take things at face value, regardless of the high stakes. After all, if they were to take the issue seriously enough to thoroughly check the evidence for themselves they would find themselves dragged kicking and screaming from their comfort zones, forced to question the veracity of widely held “truths” built on lies and deceptions.

More here:
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Reply Wed 18 Jun, 2014 11:07 am
Sorry I will take the word of the CDC over some nuts any old day.

Really??? How stupid!

Study Finds Evidence for CDC Cover-Up of Link Between Autism and Mercury In Vaccines.


And you know, They Lie all of the time!

Hence, also about Fluroide!

CDC’s Vaccine Safety Research is Exposed as Flawed and Falsified

More prominent evidence continues to arise on the falsification of peer-review studies, ghostwriting pharmaceutical studies by academics; especially related to vaccines, thimerosal and autism. The close coupling of commerce and academia is largely to blame, but what is clear is that the scientific enterprise is no longer built on a foundation of trust.

Just months after U.S. Congressman Bill Posey compared the Center for Disease Control (CDC)’s vaccine safety studies to the SEC’s Bernie Madoff scandal, malfeasance in the CDC’s studies of thimerosal-containing vaccines has, for the first time, been documented in peer-reviewed scientific literature


Do you get it? Those psychopaths (CDC) can't be trusted!

It is all coming out now!
Reply Wed 18 Jun, 2014 12:10 pm
Do you get it? Those psychopaths (CDC) can't be trusted!

It is all coming out now!

Nor can we trust the scientists who are claiming the earth moon is a natural satellite of the earth as in another of your threads you had so kindly pointed out that it is some form of an artifact.

Sorry but you might need to go somewhere else that does not know you to build up some degree of credibility being careful not to claim that Hitler used Fluoridation as a mean of control or that it is a poison at 2 ppm and most of all do not try to claimed that the moon is not a natural satellite or other such crazy theories.
Reply Wed 18 Jun, 2014 12:28 pm
Nor can we trust the scientists who are claiming the earth moon is a natural satellite of the earth as in another of your threads you had so kindly pointed out that it is some form of an artifact.

Sorry but you might need to go somewhere else that does not know you to build up some degree of credibility being careful not to claim that Hitler used Fluoridation as a mean of control or that it is a poison at 2 ppm and most of all do not try to claimed that the moon is not a natural satellite or other such crazy theories.

That a theory sounds 'crazy' of course doesn't mean it isn't true.
Onlye evidence counts! Something most scientist don't comprehend.
History is FULL with examples of that.

I am just searching for truth and it seems to be the more one really does research, the more it seems that the world is in reality more stranger than you even can imagine.

We have been lied to for thousand of years.

Your reactiosn are just a reflection of this:


and this:
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Reply Wed 18 Jun, 2014 03:26 pm
All that seismic data in the deep web from the lunar seismology stations that were started with the Apollo program must be disposed according to Quahhog . Also, all the samples that show good old basalt must, of course, be spat on.
http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1981JGR....86.5061G <br />

Im revising my opinion of Quahog, I no longer think hes a colleague having some fun. Im more leaning to the opinion that he is totally bat ****.

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