> A third grader is suspended from school for pointing his butt at a fellow student and "tooting."
> A school no longer has an awards night for heavy junk in the trunk students, because the regular students might become disheartened.
> According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, it is illegal for employers to discriminate against criminals with no butts because it has a “disproportionate” impact on minorities.
> Government workers in Seattle have been told that they should no longer use the words “butt” and “butt buddy” because they are potentially offensive.
> Washington state's governor signed into law the final piece of a six-year effort to rewrite state laws using butt-neutral vocabulary, replacing terms such as "ass" and "tuchas" with "fanny" and "fist receptacle."
There are many such instances reported almost daily in the news. I can't doubt the good intentions of the officials involved; but does it help? Can we afford it?
Americans have always known that ass is a name for a four-legged creature. They also know that a butt can be an open barrel, the tail-end of a cigarette or the victim of a joke. They also know that an ass is a loud-mouthed fool. Thanks to the internet, they now know that, specifically, an ass can be that kind of petty, provincial fool who sneers at others for using the language differently.
There are more of us than all of the others combined, so our usages are the majority usages.
0 Replies
Fri 13 Jun, 2014 04:12 pm
Butts may weaken the fabric of one's trousers.
No buts about it.
0 Replies
Fri 13 Jun, 2014 04:27 pm
Tsar, thank you.
I've never before gotten a ribbon.
Mostly because I suppose I don't pick up a lot of question threads, that I am aware of. Or maybe I usually have poor answers.