Hey, Cav, I would like to offer my sincere apologies for temporarily disrupting your fine thread.
I'll buy you a cup of coffee sometime down the road.
Well, I prefer espresso, but coffee will do. No need for apologies, it was a damn funny digression.
Cav, I've been thinking it over and I guess I'm ready for a character analysis. I only ask you to be gentle. I'm teetering on the edge and one misplaced cruel word may cause me to plummet to bottom of the abyss.
(I hate using that word abyss. It is perhaps the most overused word in the English language, but because of time constraints and neurotransmitter shutdown I had to run with it)
gustav, I will be as gentle as I can. You hide your true feelings with humour, but you are so good at it you hardly notice your talent. 'Abyss' is indeed an overused word, and you have no need for it, unless it involves a barrel of monkeys. You are probably the greatest comedian on A2K, and you should take much pride in that. Making people laugh is (in the Jewish faith) the highest Mitzvah before donating a kidney to an orphan.
Nothing about my good looks?
No need, gustav, your avatar tells it all.
Thank you, my A2K brother, for your kind words. I am going to print your analysis and take it up to the diner so I can show my friends.
I...I.... I don't know what else to say, Cav.
I think I may cry.
If you print the analysis with Ofoto, you will save 20% just like I did with those flyers. I wonder what their return policy is, seeing as the gustav-heeven fight may not happen.
The wuzzy old man is crying - boo hoo. Listen Cav, Gus has been using that word all wrong. I've heard him tell his 'sheepish' friends at back of the diner how he is off to take abyss. Now tell me if that makes any sense to you!
Oh, it makes perfect sense heeven. A man has to pee once in a while. Now, about those classes...
Cav, I was thrilled with my analysis. There is nothing like family.
(I'm away this weekend, could you water the garden?)
Thanks, eh?
I hope I don't have to role-play. I'm not a good actor.
Joeblow, I'll happily water the garden as long as there are no orchids involved ('cept it's mrs. cav's birthday tomorrow, so I am not free).
cavfancier wrote:msolga, your strength lies in your ability to accept your inner child, to live in that place that most uptight adults cannot find. You are in touch with the Tao. Don't let go.
Oh, that's lovely, cav! You put a smile on my face.
Are the runes in my favor?
colorbook, the runes tell me that you are at heart an introspective, observant child of nature. The sight of a flower in perfect bloom delights you as much as the horrors of destruction disgust you. You are keenly aware of your natural surroundings, and use this talent to create fine poetry. I predict that you will adopt several stray cats in the future.
Such a thoughtful and precise reading CavÂ…you are truly a gifted reader of the Runes.
I hope you can excuse my payment, cav, until the erm, contract comes in

Portal Star, I shall defer my free reading of you until you can afford it.
cavfancier wrote:
George, I predict that your love of soccer will lead you to firmer thighs. No, not your own, but you will start frequenting higher-end strip clubs. The ones you go to now are just plain nasty.
Just as well. The shows at Chez Cellulite aren't what they used to be. The cries of "put it back on!" are getting more frequent.