Well, I would rather be a mystery than something dull and commonplace...
(And I'm really inquisitive, too; yet, I don't think that there is such a thing as 'too inquisitive.'
My life would be easier if I asked less questions. Trust me.
Ah, I'm the opposite. My life would be much more boring; and I would rather a difficult life than a mundane one, wouldn't you?
cavfancier wrote:onyxelle ... You are the ultimate combination of sass and class, and for that, you should be proud.
My god - this man is a GEE-KNEE-US
Mundanity embraces a lack of creativity.
Sometimes my questions overwhelm others. It's a good thing I have a nice 'bedside manner' to smooth things along.
Onyxelle is a beautiful name.
Well, I've got the fan blowing on this beast, and the blinds closed, let's see how long it lasts...
I think Eva was first in line...
Eva, your future most likely holds all those things in store for you, some pleasant, some unpleasant. Your new clients may possibly be annoying, but your consummate grace will see you through, and you will include hidden costs in their fees that they will never notice.
patiodog has the 'cold impersonal' (to use your words) intellect of a true medical practitioner. He also has a slick and sometimes off-colour sense of humour. While he may never say it out loud, I see him as the vet who would approach a client and say: "Well, I have good news and bad news."
"What's the bad news?"
"We had to put your dog to sleep."
"Oh my god! What's the good news?"
"He was delicious."
drom, my partner in crime, er, real insight into people, and all that....well, you are clearly a sensualist, drawn to beauty in every form, both light and dark. A balanced soul who should pop into Spontaneous Poems again and check out my Byron parody.
Sam is a gentle soul completely in touch with nature. Don't be fooled by her well-written, releveant and coherent posts however. Underneath that sheer skin of politeness, a powerful animal spirit guides her and amuses her.
timber has the soul of a guardian. Ever watchful, ever concentrated on duty, wherever it may lie, he flits A2K and the world with a watchful eye, and has the knowledge and intellect to back up anything he chooses to debate or take issue about. I predict he may be the only man capable of capturing Osama, should he have a damn good reason to do it.
kitchenpete, like Gautam, you are a banker with the creative soul of a chef. I'm sure this makes you an asset to your clients, but I'll bet that while poring over facts and figures, all you really think about is a great meal. You also have more shoes than Gautam, which raises questions.
fbaezer is much like an onion. It's not that he smells like one, it's really all about the layers. fbaezer is multi-faceted, and always a challenge. While we know he is madly smart, and a family man, there are areas of his personality he prefers to keep private, which is entirely his perogative. We love him just the way he is.
Cinnesthesia....I do not often engage in guessing signs, because it's kinda wonky, results-wise, but I will throw caution to the wind and say you are......Scorpio. Remember, this is free, so accuracy is not guarenteed.
Close--- same element. Pisces.
Is your computer in the kitchen, cav?
Nah, but the whole apartment has west facing windows.
Hmm....as long as the money flows, drom, I'm with ya.
Oh, it will; it will. Think about all these 'trendy' and clueless people looking for the answers; they will flock to you as though you were the new Scientology. Once you're set up, you'll get the proceeds from all those Cav bibles, as well as the money offered around the world from congregants. (We won't have to pay for priests; we can just put video links into buildings.) And they can never say that it's a con; as, if you and your congregants believe your religion to be 'the truth,' it's never invalid.
Jer wrote:This guy must be good - look at all the people!)[/i]
Cheap, jer, cheap he is! (Actually, he is reading from the noodles in the alphabet soup - thus the breaks, when some is served and the kettle is empty.)
hufff....hufffff.... ok, caught my breath: thank you for your wishes and good fortunes. And if good fortune never comes, here's to whatever comes! L'chaim!
Sounds,good to me but how did you know about mato? Is Wiyaka talking behind my back from across the desk, again?
I just called LCO Development to start on the addition to house my newly expanded ego. :wink:
Quote:I just called LCO Development to start on the addition to house my newly expanded ego. :wink:
Uh Oh! There goes the neighborhood.

Wait!! Did I say that?
That's what the neighbors said and some still say!
he's good, this Cav fellow~
Worth every penny!
Really Margo has anyone received their bill yet? I'm thinking this 45 minute hour might cost us more than most.
Or we could be forced to eat one of those beautiful cav food displays posted inthe gallery.