The Teaparty Terrorists kill two policeman in Las Vegas

Reply Wed 11 Jun, 2014 06:32 am
@bobsal u1553115,
i find PR reprehensible in her agenda pushing, you not so much

your headline is inflammatory in an effort to push your agenda, and PR does the same thing

"The Teaparty Terrorists" make sit sound like the teaparty has a terrorist division, as opposed to what are the actual facts, the story is about two mental cases who happen to support the teaparty

now any negative press that can be heaped on the teaparty (or any political party for that matter) is fair game, but one must give what one expects to get
Reply Wed 11 Jun, 2014 06:42 am
Labeling the terrorists "Teaparty" is a bit misleading, as there is a whole can of worms of these kinds of people and not all are ready to shoot it out. But they are usually in co-sympathy. - edit - at least until the actual murders take place.
bobsal u1553115
Reply Wed 11 Jun, 2014 07:45 am
Now parse "Islamic terrorist" for me.
Reply Wed 11 Jun, 2014 08:02 am
@bobsal u1553115,
why can't they just be terrorists

in the end, i'm no "PC" nutjob, i don't really care what folks say about me or others, let the individual decide how he feels about what's by or about them

in the end if folks are perceived racists because they believe certain things about some folks, or they deny the holocaust, what does it really matter, intelligent people know otherwise, the dummies will always be there, banning or censoring won't make it go away
Reply Wed 11 Jun, 2014 08:49 am
@bobsal u1553115,
The Teaparty Terrorists kill two policeman in Las Vegas
The defamatory name that u applied
to this thread only shows that u DESPISE liberty.
The purpose of the Boston Tea Party,
after which the modern movement is named,
was to fight for liberty.

That is inconsistent with the oppression of nazism;
your post indicated that the offenders had SWASTIKAS in their car.

U are very confused between oppression and liberty; thay are not the same thing.

bobsal u1553115
Reply Wed 11 Jun, 2014 09:14 am
I get it. These were just a couple of Nihilists with no history of Tea Party cant. Rewriting history is fun! Facts only spoil a narrative.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 Jun, 2014 09:26 am
I agree with you, djjd.

It is one of the longtime common faults here at this site to paint a group as a whole with a broad brush. A lot of us do it re different groups. Sometimes we do it knowing that everyone in the group is not a (fill in the blank) but saying so fits our anger.

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bobsal u1553115
Reply Wed 11 Jun, 2014 09:40 am
And I represent Pamela Rosa in no way whatsoever, except in the most important way, we're both human.

"Just terrorists"? And a bit more.

Look. There's no need to cut the Tea Party any slack. They act like hooligans in Town Halls, they use all sorts of extreme speech and attract all sorts of misfits. They are responsible for what they turn loose.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 Jun, 2014 09:55 am
I am not labelling all people who are self proclaimed tea partiers would be killers, nor even a majority of them. Just like I do not say that all Muslims are would be killers.

However, the two who committed this crime in Las Vegas align themselves with every single issue and organization of the tea party, you only have to look at their facebook page for the proof . So, they were tea party members who took the message literally. But also they had other extreme views which set outside of the tea party message and into the white power supremacy realm.
bobsal u1553115
Reply Wed 11 Jun, 2014 10:07 am
I despise those who would take my liberty. I don't arm up and shoot cops covering them with Nazi flags and the official Tea Party flag.



by Julianne Hing | Print | Comment

Wednesday, April 20 2011, 2:41 PM EST Tags: Arizona

As Arizona’s legislative season wraps up and folks survey this year’s damage, it wasn’t all relief and the return of common sense.

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer signed into law a bill that welcomed the Gadsden flag, the unofficial tea partiers’ flag with the angry coiled snake sitting atop the phrase “Don’t Tread on Me,” among other flags that homeowners associations may not restrict the display of in residential areas. With this new law, the Gadsden flag will join the same protections that the American and Arizona state flags, the flags of any branch of the military and the flags of any Indian nation currently have.

“Many people in this state live under the rule of homeowners’ associations,” Alessandra Soler Meetze, executive director of the ACLU of Arizona told Fox News last year, after Arizona resident Andy McDonel was told to take his Gadsden flag down off his house. “But HOAs don’t have the power to hijack Arizonans’ free speech rights. The Arizona Legislature recognized the importance of protecting the right to free expression, which is why they passed the law allowing individuals to fly American flags and those of the armed forces.”

The ACLU defended McDonel’s right to fly his Gadsden flag. And McDonel insisted that the flag is simply an expression of his American patriotism.

“This falls under a military service flag,” McDonel told Fox. “I think they’re associating it with a political movement going on right now. The history and the significance of the flag far supersedes any political movement that’s going on.”

This week, he won the right to fly his Gadsden flag freely.

bobsal u1553115
Reply Wed 11 Jun, 2014 10:10 am
InfoBarrel > Lifestyle
The Most Popular Tea Party Flags
By YellowFlags Mar 9, 2010 Edited Nov 13, 2013 1 1

If you have attended any of the thousands of tea parties held across the country over the last year, or have seen them TV, you might notice that historical US flags are widely displayed at these events. In fact, these flags are the most prominent feature at tea party rallies; even more so than the hundreds of hand-made poster-board signs which highlight an individual's political stance.It may be the first time you have seen some these flags and you may wonder about the history behind them.This article lists the five most popular tea party flags and their historical significance.

Without question, the most popular tea party flag is the Gadsden Flag.This flag has a yellow field, along with an image of a coiled-up rattlesnake, ready to strike its prey.Below the snake reads the warning: "Don't Tread On Me."The use of the rattlesnake as a symbol of defiance dates back to the period before the American Revolutionary War.Benjamin Franklin believed the rattlesnake best represented the character of the American people; because it is slow to anger and only strikes after giving a fair warning, similar to the rattlesnake.Franklin had long used the rattlesnake image as a warning to the British authorities that they should not trample or "tread" upon our God-given rights.

Colonel Christopher Gadsden of South Carolina was in charge of outfitting America's new navy.He noticed that many young recruits often painted their drums yellow with the image of a rattlesnake and the words "Don't Tread On Me" painted on the drums.He took this pattern and had flags made up to look the same; and the Gadsden Flag was born.

Gadsden Flag

Another prominent tea party flag is the First Navy Jack Flag.This flag is compromised of red and white horizontal stripes and an uncoiled rattlesnake with the phrase "Don't Tread On Me" beneath it.This was America's first official maritime flag.It flew aboard ships of America's first naval armada led by Commodore Esek Hopkins.

First Navy Jack

The final tea party flag with the "Don't Tread On Me" warning is the Culpeper Flag.This flag has a white background, coiled rattlesnake and the aforementioned phrase; however, it also adds the words "Culpeper Minutemen" and Patrick Henry's rallying call "Liberty or Death."The flag was flown by the Minutemen of Culpeper, Virginia.

Culpeper Flag

Other popular tea party flags include the original Betsy Ross Flag and the Bennington Flag.The Betsy Ross flag was of course America's first national flag. This flag has red and white stripes and a blue field in the upper-left portion of the flag.In this blue area, referred to as the "canton" in flag lingo, 13 white stars are displayed in a circular pattern, each one representing one of the Original 13 Colonies.

Betsy Ross FlagBennington Flag

The Bennington Flag looks similar to the Betsy Ross flag with a few deviations; the biggest being the inclusion of the number "76" on the Bennington to represent the year the Declaration of the Independence was signed.The stars on Bennington flag are scattered across the blue field and not in the circular pattern of the Ross Flag.Also, the Bennington stars are seven-pointed to the Ross's five-pointed stars.The Bennington Flag was first flown during the Battle of Bennington, NY in 1777.With a little hint of irony, these two flags are often altered by way of tea-staining to give them an antique, weathered appearance.

The five flags listed above are by far the most popular flags on display at tea parties across the nation.
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Real Music
Reply Wed 11 Jun, 2014 10:14 am
It would be wrong to blame the Tea Party for the recent senseless killing in Las Vegas. In some ways I do blame the NRA, but not entirely. The NRA are only PAWNS of the Gun manufacturers. The ones I blame for this as well as many other senseless killings are the Gun manufacturers. Not, because they manufacture guns. That's not the real problem. I blame the gun manufacturers because they fool American citizens into believing that they fight for the 2nd amendment right to bear arms. When in actuality they could care less about the 2nd amendment. They just want to sell as many firearms to as many people as they possibly can. They want to sell as many types of firearms as they possibly can. The more guns they sell, the more money they make. They will fight tooth and nail against ANY AND ALL gun restrictions. Reason is PURE GREED. Don't kid yourself. Gun manufacturers care about one thing and one thing only. And you can be assured that it ain't the 2nd amendment. That one thing is MONEY. By the way, gun manufacturers use the NRA to carry their water for them. With the massive amount of money the NRA receives from the gun manufacturers, the NRA are more than happy to push the gun manufacturers agenda.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 Jun, 2014 10:14 am
banning or censoring won't make it go away

That is the progressive technique. It solves 0 problems.
bobsal u1553115
Reply Wed 11 Jun, 2014 10:15 am

Oklahoma Tea Party Candidate Calls For Homosexuals To Be Stoned To Death! (Video)

Posted by: Dan Simpson in Featured Stories, Grab Bag O' Wing Nuts, LGBTQ June 10, 2014 , 8:17 pm

In what may be a new low for either a current or aspiring politician, a candidate for Oklahoma House of Representatives made some rather disturbing revelations on Facebook and in an interview with the Moore, Oklahoma newspaper.

Meet Scott Esk, Tea Party candidate for Oklahoma State House District 91. Esk, on his political website, believes that our rights come from God, and not from government, and is a big proponent of state rights. And he offers the usual Tea Party Republican platform, being 100% pro-gun, pro-family, pro-life and desiring lower taxes.

Sounds fairly normal so far, right? Well, normal for Republicans these days.

Did we mention yet what his views are about homosexuals?

To say that his views about homosexuals are extreme doesn’t do it justice. This is barbaric, Third World stuff, folks. Brace yourselves…

It all started with a Facebook conversation Esk was involved in along with someone named Alan Bates, presumably a friend of Esk’s. Bates posted a link to an article about Pope Francis, headlined “Pope: Who am I to judge gay people?” This led to a discussion between Bates, Esk, and a few others, of which the screen shot is posted below:


As you can see, Esk started throwing out Bible verses. The same ones that supposed Christians looking to justify their hatred for homosexuals always do. When Esk quoted Leviticus 20:13 from the Old Testament of the Bible, one can see where he might be headed…


We’re sure you caught it, but Esk first claims that Leviticus 20:13 gives people the right to judge others, and goes on to claim that it is man’s role to put others to death for atrocities such as homosexuality. Then he goes on to claim that if we don’t start killing off homosexuals that God may send a series of “calamities” to nations who do not. So, in other words, every time there is a natural disaster, Esk has given himself the right to claim that it’s because we don’t follow an Old Testament Bible verse and stone gays and lesbians to death.

Jerry Falwell would be SO proud of this man.

And then it gets worse. Bates asks Esk if he indeed believes that homosexuals should be put to death, and he responds, “I think we would totally be in the right to do it.”

And there it is, folks. The hateful, bigoted, and barbaric belief system of a so-called Christian. A man who actually could win public office in the state of Oklahoma.

But, this is Facebook, right? Every day, people say stupid things on social media that they end up apologizing for, Surely, Esk doesn’t really mean it when he says that the entire LGBT community should be lined up and stoned to death by loving Christians so as to save our entire nation from God’s wrath. Right?

Well, apparently Esk meant every word of what he said, according to a video report from the Moore, Oklahoma newspaper, which you can listen to here.

When asked if he really believed that homosexuals should be stoned to death, Esk responded that because it was done in the Old Testament, and it “came from God,” that it must be A-OK.

He also said that while he has no plans to introduce a law making it legal to stone homosexuals to death in Oklahoma (whew!), he has serious “moral misgivings” about that particular sin.

Wonder how he feels about people eating pork?

And when pressed further, Esk admitted that he would not have a problem with a law that would make it legal to stone homosexuals to death.


If the above revelations aren’t enough reason to despise Scott Eck, here’s another one… In a post on his Facebook page made on November 26th, 2013, Esk described the time he called 911 because he saw a large group of Hispanics gathered outside of a shopping mall. No crime was being committed, except that Esk merely believed that many of them were illegal aliens because, you know, they are Hispanic and all.

Thankfully, he was taken to the woodshed in the comments below his post, but this incident further solidified his credentials as a grade A douchebag.

Watch a local news report from KFOR.

He'd use rocks, but ONLY on gays, right?

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bobsal u1553115
Reply Wed 11 Jun, 2014 10:29 am
Maybe a 'bit' in the sense that most Tea Partiers probably wouldn't get off their taxpayer bought Hoverounds to shoot anybody, but in their heart of hearts are gleeful and encourage further gun violence by their inflammatory rhetoric.
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Wed 11 Jun, 2014 10:33 am
I know. Its much better to shout down those you disagree with like the way the Tea Party shut down Town Hall meetings in the 2010 off year elections and during the 2012 Presidential election cycle. That's not censorship, is it?
Reply Wed 11 Jun, 2014 10:37 am
@bobsal u1553115,
like the way the Tea Party shut down Town Hall meetings in the 2010

I'd like to see an example of that. And the Left has that procedure down to a science. Conservatives can't speak at any of our universities because of progressive obstructions and protests. And shouting and whining is all they do. Nothing of substance is never confronted because they can't debate, they just cry.

Also you are forgetting Markeys bill to determine what speech should be censored on the internet decided by the government. And the Democrats in the Senate to silence political opinions by amending the 1st amendment to suit their needs.
bobsal u1553115
Reply Wed 11 Jun, 2014 10:57 am
I was hoping you'd say that. What's the matter - you in jail with no TV privileges? How many would you like?

Want more? I got a million of them. Teabillies are nothing if not prolific and eternally angry and rude.
Reply Wed 11 Jun, 2014 11:01 am
@bobsal u1553115,
Now deal with the second part of the post.
Reply Wed 11 Jun, 2014 11:40 am
revelette2 wrote:
I am not labelling all people who are self proclaimed tea partiers would be killers,
nor even a majority of them. Just like I do not say that all Muslims
are would be killers.
I agree that not all Moslems r killers.
(For that matter, not all Germen, not all Japs, & not all Russians were killers, either.)

revelette2 wrote:
However, the two who committed this crime in Las Vegas align
themselves with every single issue and organization of the tea party,
you only have to look at their facebook page for the proof.
No. The Tea Party is a LIBERTY-LOVING, anti-authoritarian movement.
The swastikas in their car belie and disprove the notion that thay loved freedom.
Nazism is the radical OPPOSITE of liberty, almost as totalitarian as communism.

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