I think it is important to state the fact of Berg's captivity.
The US forces weren't holding him--the Iraqi police were.
He was never in our custody. When Berg's father discovered this--he dropped the suit.
Berg was there, trying to make money helping get the phone lines and telecommunications back up. He took a risk, as many others are doing. It was a bold move by a young man. What happened to him was the fault of those who cut his head off.
The Iraqis were detaining him to make sure he had no connections with AQ--so their statement said.
I'm sure the famous 7 guards at Abu Gharib are planted Democrats also.
Then again, shouldn't one admire the Democrats for sacrificing their sons and daughters in the name of the cause
D'artagnan wrote:What "absurd lengths" are the Democrats going to as evidenced in this story? The parents were put up to saying what they did by the Democrats?
No, the author of this thread purposely highlighted sections of the article in a feeble attempt to lend credence to the Parent's irrational response.
Attributing this brutal civilian murder to Bush is absurd.
Quote:"Berg's family and the coalition force in Iraq disputed the circumstances of the independent businessman's final days in Iraq, with coalition spokesman Dan Senor denying the family's claim that he had been held by U.S. forces.
"To the best of my knowledge, he was at no time under the jurisdiction or detention of coalition forces," Senor said Wednesday at a news conference in Baghdad.
This is simply military speak for finding a spokesman with deniable plausibility the opportunity to say "To the best of my knowledge" - which gives them months (maybe even after Nov 2nd) to come out with the truth.
If we are handing the reins over to the Iraqis, surely it isn't hard to believe that we left the decision of Berg's release up to the Iraqis.
The father's opinion on who made the final call, at this point, is just one man's opinion.
The article shows who detained him. Wonder how long after the FBI interviews, was Berg released?
He wasn't detained by the US.
Attributing this brutal civilian murder to Bush is absurd.
As Colin said - this is the Bush War!
The Democratic party, and their adherents, so want to reclaim power that they will go to absurd lengths to attempt to achieve their goals. Reason and logic has nothing to do with it! phoenix
Phoenix is right about one thing: reason and logic has nothing to do with it. But the "it" is her post.
This may actually best Rush Limbaugh for offensive and ridiculous remarks of late.
So now, the Democrats are responsible (by implication, honey) for Berg's beheading?
Phoenix sweetie, you've really hit a new low.
Sofia wrote:
He wasn't detained by the US.
Please back this direct statement up with a source - thanks! If it is what we have noted above - please do not make it a direct statement, it is not a fact when someone says, "To the best of my knowledge"
The father says the son told him directly that he was - that is the only fact we know and therefore the only truth
In my previous post I gave six options for who to blame. I like all of the above. Now it's time to make political hay out of brutality and murder. What a country.
Sam, how about a seventh - It was meant to be.....
Oh, excuse me, that absolves blame.
What a country........
I heard it somewhere recently that Americas are bound by blame; ie, a blame based society. Arabs are bound by shame; therefore, why what they were doing to the prisoners was so effective (BTW, a action that shows the decision came from above).
Seems this action by them has become pretty effective -
The Whiteman called the Indian barbarians, the Whiteman called the Japanese barbarians, the Whiteman called the Blackman barbarians, the Whiteman is calling the Arabs barbarian - <sigh>
Just who are these Democrats who are doing these awful things? Seems as though Sen. McCain is one of the more outspoken politicians right now.
Phoenix32890 wrote:Quote:But it is ridiculous to quote him as if his loss somehow makes his absurd rationalization correct.
Bill- We have an internal war going on right here in the United States. The Democratic party, and their adherents, so want to reclaim power that they will go to absurd lengths to attempt to achieve their goals. Reason and logic has nothing to do with it!
Speaks for itself........
Democrats, Republicans as far as I"m concerned there is not much difference. Changing administrations is like rearranging the deck furniture on the Titanic. Use a sad, tragic death for political profit, the protosimian pond scum.
There I said it.
BillW wrote:Sofia wrote:
He wasn't detained by the US.
Please back this direct statement up with a source - thanks! If it is what we have noted above - please do not make it a direct statement, it is not a fact when someone says, "To the best of my knowledge"
The father says the son told him directly that he was - that is the only fact we know and therefore the only truth
My mistake. I meant he wasn't 'arrested' or 'taken prisoner' by the US. I mistakenly thought "Detained" was the act of 'taking prisoner', but I see it can just be 'held'. I still don't know if he was relocated under US detention, but I wanted to clarify.
He wasn't detained by the US. sofia
The article says,
"He (Berg) was later passed to the US military, who finally freed him after his parents sued the federal government for his release on April 5.
Mr Berg said his son had been held without a lawyer and was not allowed to make telephone calls."
I guess you didn't bother reading it. Held, detained -- call it what you will, but it's all the same.
13 days without a lawyer, without a phone call and being released alone in a hostile setting (during his detention the atmosphere in Iraq had gone from bad to worst) is criminal. He was an American and detained beyond his Civil Rights. I think it is even criminal - this was the cause of his death. He was detained by the Americans and I believe this will be proved - This is the Bush War and he is responsible for every death................