So I drop my little one for basketball practice - I tell I am going to run a couple of errands and then come back. I do not get a mile away and I see all these police cars, news reporters, etc. What the heck - another person in trouble in regard to the Boston Marathon Bombers. This is so close to near where we used to live! Crazy - that in your own back yard that these potential terrorist liv1e
All I went to do was to go to the bank and get coffee - as I drive by half the street is blocked off and I see all these TV vans and police cars - as I am listening to the radio I realize what the heck is going on - and I hear helicopters - strange we used to live near here.
Did you see who's getting out of jail in Florida? The former Boston FBI agent, who worked with Bulger ( supposedly!)
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Sat 31 May, 2014 12:31 am
If you think that's crazy, when I lived in NYCity, the FBI burst into our apartment building, breaking down our doors and started looking for several couples engaged, supposedly in crime.