I think as well as chai2 that you are acting a immature. And that will not take you anywhere. You have to focous and be reallistic.
First something to boost a little bit your confidence if he is really handsome as you say maybe you are not as average as you may think. There must be something he liked of you. But beenig realistic theres no such thing as handsome or ugly because every opinion is completelly relative to the likes of an individual. There can be a girl who belives he is not handsome at all.
So then lets go to the real issues. Why start a relationship if he knew that her former gf was on a trip for only a year.
There are to options, the optimistic is that he likes you (note: i didnt say love you, don´t mix this up, we men go a little bit slower than women in that aspect of feelings). The pesimist he was bored and he needed a distraction and it happened that you where available.
So to be very clear you have to be realistic, you FEEL he is the one. But theres is no FACT. Real love expresses itself with commitment and dedication. Giving without expecting something in return, and RECIVING without asking. If you tell him that he is the love of your life and he answers the same YOU ARE FORCING THE ANSWERS SO ITS NOT A FACT. It will only count if he says it without expecting you to answer. The same works for trust for gifts for dedication for compromise.
So the only way to know if he is really yours is act maturely. In love neither prestige nor the looks nor money are relevant. If he feels something for you her ex would not affect you relationship, it can even came out of this situation stronger. If he leaves you... then my dear he was just being an a**hole looking for something to sooth his current lonelyness, you will be better without him.
Take life slowly as Chai2 said. Nothing is ASAP