If she declares, she will have to provide a status of her fitness, via health records. Everybody has to do that. But until she declares, all of that speculation is futile. Crap, I take that back, the no nothing's will be dining on this imaginary feast for at least a decade.
What I really don't understand is why people are so eager to believe the bullshit Rove peddles. I totally get that some folks wouldn't want Hillary if she promised and delivered the sun, the stars, the moon. If that idiot Sarah Palin was running, I would still think she's a low life, but I would need a huge pile of confirmed info before I would believe she was a brothel owner. You know what, I'd have to be there personally while she was briefing her stable and even then I would wonder if it wasn't just a big farce.
But Rove is like those mean girls who torment people they think they can. He's a cherubic faced pile of poisonous pus and the Republicans used to be above this kind of barnyard politics. Actually the real republicans still don't like this crap, but the newest group of clowns do, because they don't care how they get into office and lying is a price they are willing to pay.
All this birther nonsense is beyond belief