Carl Rove is a cranky old lady posing as a man

Reply Thu 15 May, 2014 09:49 pm
So, he tells us Hillary wore special glasses that are ONLY given to people with traumatic brain injury, but corrects people saying 'hang on, hang on, I never said brain damage'.
Reply Thu 15 May, 2014 10:09 pm
I'm tired of Carl Rove assuming the American public is stupid. We have soldiers coming home from Bush's two wars who actually have brain damage, or traumatic brain injury. I understand he doesn't like Hillary, a bunch of folks don't. I don't like Rove, but I don't suggest he's suffering from late stage carnel flu dementia. I don't watch politicians health issues like some people follow Lady Gaga, but I remember when she had that fall, suffered a brain injury that manifested as a blood clot. She spent 3-4 days in the hospital, not 30, but what the hell, if you support someone else and like Carls dirty tactics, keep throwing mud against the wall and hope it sticks.

You don't have to be keen on Hillary, but you should demand the truth instead of gossipy falsehoods.
Reply Fri 16 May, 2014 04:35 am
Carl Rove assuming the American public is stupid

A large percent of the American public is indeed stupid see the craziness of the so call tea party and the numbers of people willing to give credit to Obama not being born in this country and so on.

Hell I just read that one in four adults think that the sun revolves around the earth instead of the other way around.
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 16 May, 2014 04:36 am
Carl Rove is probably personally responsible for more damage to the United States...than any politician ever.

The fact that the Republican Party still pays him any mind at all...says everything that has to be said about that pathetic, unAmerican organization.
Reply Fri 16 May, 2014 08:27 am
carnel flu dementia
How didn't he get infected to not get this horrible disease??
bobsal u1553115
Reply Fri 16 May, 2014 09:26 am
You notice that Karl Rove has NEVER denied being a child molester? What's up with that? What is Karl Rove hiding? I never said he was a child molester, but it is interesting he doesn't deny he is a child molester.
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Reply Fri 16 May, 2014 01:30 pm
BillRM wrote:

Carl Rove assuming the American public is stupid

A large percent of the American public is indeed stupid see the craziness of the so call tea party and the numbers of people willing to give credit to Obama not being born in this country and so on.

Hell I just read that one in four adults think that the sun revolves around the earth instead of the other way around.

No one here really believes you can read. Crawl back into the sewer you mini mind.
Reply Fri 16 May, 2014 01:33 pm
farmerman wrote:

carnel flu dementia
How didn't he get infected to not get this horrible disease??

Spell check kept changing the form of STD I was trying to use. I'm guessing a constant IV penicillin drip would prevent most from contracting it.
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Reply Fri 16 May, 2014 03:54 pm
So, he tells us Hillary wore special glasses that are ONLY given to people with traumatic brain injury, but corrects people saying 'hang on, hang on, I never said brain damage'.

Carl Rove is the dark sinister side of the GOP. He is much deserving of contempt from the Dems. I recall earlier in Rove's career when running against a Democratic opponent, he quietly instigated the rumor the man was a pedophile. The Dem candidate narrowly won the election, when he should have won handily; he served only one term because he believed the politics with Rove in it was just too vile.

Dirty politics is Carl Rove's highly developed forte! He's a walking as*s*hole with no redeemable qualities whatsoever!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 16 May, 2014 04:08 pm

You don't have to be keen on Hillary, but you should demand the truth instead of gossipy falsehoods.

How true. But we must not discount the elevated partisan political climate we're in that allow creeps like Carl Rove to flourish. Rove's style of raising subjects that would not be repeated in politically correct society, is needed now more than ever, to spread his pernicious filth about the Dems....Thus, now, there will be a great deal of pressure for Hillary to disclose her medical records. Not only are the Tea Party and Establishment Republicans running scared, they desperately believe Hillary Clinton will be their worse nightmare in 2016.
Reply Fri 16 May, 2014 05:16 pm
If she declares, she will have to provide a status of her fitness, via health records. Everybody has to do that. But until she declares, all of that speculation is futile. Crap, I take that back, the no nothing's will be dining on this imaginary feast for at least a decade.

What I really don't understand is why people are so eager to believe the bullshit Rove peddles. I totally get that some folks wouldn't want Hillary if she promised and delivered the sun, the stars, the moon. If that idiot Sarah Palin was running, I would still think she's a low life, but I would need a huge pile of confirmed info before I would believe she was a brothel owner. You know what, I'd have to be there personally while she was briefing her stable and even then I would wonder if it wasn't just a big farce.

But Rove is like those mean girls who torment people they think they can. He's a cherubic faced pile of poisonous pus and the Republicans used to be above this kind of barnyard politics. Actually the real republicans still don't like this crap, but the newest group of clowns do, because they don't care how they get into office and lying is a price they are willing to pay.

All this birther nonsense is beyond belief
Reply Fri 16 May, 2014 06:34 pm
What I really don't understand is why people are so eager to believe the bullshit Rove peddles.

It's quite easy to understand, really. *Anxiety and fear are the motivating factors. Political dirty tricks thrive among the militant conservative partisans and they will resort to anything low to paint their opponent in a bad light.

Actually the real republicans still don't like this crap, but the newest group of clowns do, because they don't care how they get into office and lying is a price they are willing to pay.

The establishment Republicans are leaning more and more right; many are afraid of being primaried (used as a verb). Look how close we came to a debt default?! The Tea Party influence is contagious and so deleterious that many good Republicans along with Democrats are leaving Congress....the climate is too putrid.

All this birther nonsense is beyond belief

Initially, I believed the "birther" talk was a mere joke, after all, Obama had ran against Hillary and if he had been born in Kenya, the Clinton machinery would have uncovered this! Now I see the birther faction has grown into a significant movement. This is partially what I meant regarding the level of low filth the Tea Party and some Republicans will stoop. I suspect there will be mass suicide when and if Hillary becomes president, and if she doesn't run we should draft Senator Elizabeth Warren.....anything to keep Ted CRuz, Paul Rand, etc from ever getting the presidency.
Reply Fri 16 May, 2014 06:58 pm
If it not too much trouble, would you mind referring to that cretin from Texas by something other than his given name. In my house it's considered a profanity as well as a slur. Take your pick, drooling moron, clown, dirty diaper head, anything. Or pick something else if you like. Or not, I can actually deal with his name, I just can't look at him.
Reply Fri 16 May, 2014 07:24 pm
I suspect there will be mass suicide when and if Hillary becomes president,
If you really think there is a chance I'll vote twice for Hillery or Warren. Wink
Reply Sat 17 May, 2014 09:51 am
glitterbag wrote:

If it not too much trouble, would you mind referring to that cretin from Texas by something other than his given name. In my house it's considered a profanity as well as a slur. Take your pick, drooling moron, clown, dirty diaper head, anything. Or pick something else if you like. Or not, I can actually deal with his name, I just can't look at him.

Ah, Glitter, I understand you far more than you'll ever know. I have exceptionally strong feelings especially so towards the bold extremist like the "nameless" Texan who hailed from Canada. I've read about the McCarthyism era, but I am living through the Texan As*s-hole cycle from Canada, and I honestly don't think this worm has an equal. He is so abominably repulsive that I'm unable to grab the remote fast enough to turn away from this creature when he pops up on TV. A colleague of mine suggested I should have an open mind and listen to what the "Texan" has to say before dismissing him so quickly, and I respond there is nothing good that can come from excrement.

So sorry. Did not mean to let loose so, but the "Texan" does that to me!
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Reply Sat 17 May, 2014 09:58 am
Moment-in-Time wrote:

I suspect there will be mass suicide when and if Hillary becomes president,

Rabel222 wrote:
If you really think there is a chance I'll vote twice for Hillery or Warren.

Ah, Rabel222, my dear fellow poster, you are hilarious! The way voter repression is springing up all over the place, minorities should wonder if they'll be one of the lucky ones able to vote at all.
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Reply Sat 17 May, 2014 10:10 am
@Frank Apisa,
Carl Rove is probably personally responsible for more damage to the United States...than any politician ever.

The fact that the Republican Party still pays him any mind at all...says everything that has to be said about that pathetic, unAmerican organization.

Could not agree more, Frank Apisa. Yet, dirty tricks is very much a part of the political process and growing more repugnant as we speak. I recall vaguely a political firestorm over the death of Vince Foster. His death was ruled a suicide by multiple investigations, but the conspiracy theory remains that the Clintons had a hand in causing his death. No one accusing the Clintons of this were an eyewitness to said event....still the stink persists, just like it is with Benghazi! Ah, what I wouldn't give to have a congress free of extremists and evil GOP congressmen/women!
Reply Sat 17 May, 2014 10:26 am
yeh but you shoulda been there when Jefferson did a number on John Adams (the guy Jefferson wanted outta there). He called Adams a "flaming Thespian"
Reply Sat 17 May, 2014 10:40 am
yeh but you shoulda been there when Jefferson did a number on John Adams (the guy Jefferson wanted outta there). He called Adams a "flaming Thespian"

a "flaming Thespian"? Very Happy Wow! That was extremely mild when compared to today's political hostility.
Reply Sat 17 May, 2014 10:50 am
Oy, maybe we should look up what Jefferson was actually saying or having said in his name.

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