Hello, cheese-eating scumbags. Their are way more of us
Christians than you losers. Their is NO separation of
church and state and you heathens will lose . . .
Hello, cheese-eating scumbags. Their are way more of us
Christians than you losers. Their is NO separation of
church and state and you heathens will lose . . .
Should read:
Hello, cheese-eating scumbags. There are way more of us
Christians than you losers. There is NO separation of
church and state and you heathens will lose . . .
0 Replies
Wed 14 May, 2014 11:24 am
There, their and they're are homophones and are often confused by less careful writers.
Even before I went to school my mother taught me that "there" had "here" in it and to think of "here and there". She showed me the word "their" had the word "heir" in it, and if you're an heir, something belongs to you.
She did the same for hear and here, saying "hear" had the word "ear" in it.
Even before I went to school my mother taught me that "there" had "here" in it and to think of "here and there". She showed me the word "their" had the word "heir" in it, and if you're an heir, something belongs to you.
She did the same for hear and here, saying "hear" had the word "ear" in it.
A vintage mother knows how to bring up her kids.
0 Replies
Mon 27 Apr, 2015 11:49 pm
Hi OristarA,
You should use "there" at the place of "their".
Hello, cheese-eating scum bags. There are way more of us
Christians than you losers. There is NO separation of
Church and state and you heathens will lose . . .
This is also a thread that has been inactive for more than a year. Likewise, this has been appropriately answered already. in the future, you might want to read the responses first and look at the datestamp before replying to avoid duplication.