I did not accept the premise that two-state fraud is primarily Republican, or that it is a greater problem than Democrats using fake names to vote over and over and over in a single election.
Multi state voting is clearly a larger problem than multi registration voting with fake names. There are more convictions for multi state voting and not a single one for fake names.
The problem with registering a fake name is you also have to give a fake address. Fake addresses show up when voting cards are sent to the address. Either the person doesn't live there or the address isn't real. We know this because fake registrations are quite common. Usually a scheme where someone is paid to register voters and pads their total by submitting fake registrants to increase their pay. We see no evidence of anyone ever using those fake registrations to vote.
This is from the 2007 effort to stop voter fraud.
Four cases of voting across state lines and zero cases of multiple names used to vote. Most cases are misunderstandings by felons or immigrants about their eligibility. The immigrants charged under the case didn't even vote. They mistakenly registered when handed cards but never voted.